Esperanto kaj Libera Scio/Reports/2013/zh
This is a report about the activities of User Group Esperanto kaj Libera Scio in the year 2013.
User Group Esperanto kaj Libera Scio "ELiSo" (Esperanto and Free Knowledge) works as a non-incorporated group. Our work is partly connected to previous work in nonofficial Wikipedia work group of Education@Internet.
Our main activities in 2013 were presentations and training.
In April 2013, 2 of our representatives attended the Wikimedia Conference 2013 in Milan. We presented ELiSo as one of the first Wikimedia User Groups in State of the Movement (see our presentation). (Italy)
In May 2013 individuals from Esperanto kaj Libera Scio helped E@I and GrammarSoft to organise training about human-assisted machine translation from the English Wikipedia into the Esperanto one. We asked for a grant from WMF, which was not approved. (Slovakia)
In July 2013, 2 of our activists an hour-long Wikipedia training session during Summer Esperanto Study. (Slovakia)

In September 2013, KuboF presented Esperanto kaj Libera Scio during a cultural Esperanto meeting Arkones 2013. (Poland)
In December 2013, our Facebook page was created.
In December 2013, KuboF presented Esperanto kaj Libera Scio during a youth Esperanto meeting Junulara E-Semajno 2013/2014. An hour-long Wikipedia training was organized during this event by KuboF. (Poland)
Financial state
In 2013 we hadn't bank account, regular incomes or regular outcomes. We asked for grant from Wikimedia Foundation for training about the system WikiTrans (see above), which was rejected. The necessary fund was provided by grant requested by project's partner E@I from Esperanto movement source. Some of our activities was done during Wikimedia meetings (Wikimania, WikiCon) with no additional money needed. All another costs was covered from personal sources of particular volunteer.