DE Politics/Publications

we develop and send the Policy letter and three times in the year. They adress politicians and their representatives asas stakeholders in ministries, other Administrations and Associations. We comment on current legislation and others political projects from the perspective of free knowledge and with a view to protecting digital freedoms. Or we get involved in digital debates that are relevant to Wikimedia, but is missing the perspective about free knowledge. We put up justified claims and expresse releated offers for discussion.
- Politikpapier Sommer/Herbst 2023: Acht Anforderungen. So kommt das Gemeinwohl in die Digitalpolitik
- Handbuch 2023: Handreichung Parlamentsfotos für Wikimedia Commons

- Policy letter Fall/Winter 2022: Strengthen Digital Matrimonial! Demand for one contemporary engagement
- Policy letter Summer 2022: Public. Value. Standards. What the National Platform must now consider.
- Policy letter Early year 2022: Digital Services Act: Strengthen public benefit platforms!
- Policy letter Fall 2021: Public from colonial Patrimony as colonial contexts: Pay attention to societies of origin
- Politic letter summer 2021: Desinformation in election year: So could trust in secured Information
- Policy letter Fall 2020: Reform in the Tilt - Why the EU - Copyright amendment will shape tomorrow's Internet and what free knowledge needs now
- Summer 2020 policy brief: COVID-19 - How Wikipedia helps through uncertain times
- Policy Brief Fall 2019: Good together, Benefits AI - Regulating digital commons globally
- Policy letter 01/2019: Position Papers "Digital volunteering at eye level" and "Public Money? Public good!"
Free licenses

The guide explains the legally secure use of free licenses, especially Creative Commons licenses. Media lawyer Dr. Till Kreutzer wrote the practical guide, which is published by the German Commission for UNESCO, the University Library Center of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia and Wikimedia Deutschland.

Das Rechtsgutachten zur Nutzung von Open-Data-Lizenzen durch die öffentliche Hand von Dr. Gregor Schmid, LL.M. (Cambridge), Taylor Wessing, mit einordnendem Vorspann durch Wikimedia Deutschland
Special publications

- The ABCs of Free Knowledge. We asked more than 50 smart people from politics, culture, science, education and the net community about their ideas for the free exchange of knowledge on the net. A collection from A for Allmende to Z for Zukunft.
- Concept Study Values and Structures of the National Education Platform The study commissioned by Wikimedia Deutschland deals with the National Education Platform, a project of the German government to network the existing digital education landscape via a common digital infrastructure.
Statements and open letters
We enter into ad hoc collaborations and initiate or support open letters when we believe a policy proposal in its current form is not conducive to the proliferation and accessibility of free knowledge - or even a threat to digital freedoms. In such cases, we partner with civil society organizations that share our values and goals to alert policymakers and the public to risks or voids. WMDE statements and position papers can also be found collected here at Commons.
- Stellungnahme im Rahmen der Öffentlichen Anhörung im Ausschuss für Digitales des Deutschen Bundestages am 26. Juni 2024 zu “Innovative Datenpolitik: Potenziale und Herausforderungen”, vorgelegt von Aline Blankertz
- Stellungnahme zum Referentenentwurf des Mobilitätsdatengesetz vom 19. April 2024
- Stellungnahme zu E-Lending gemeinsam mit COMMUNIA, Gesellschaft für Freiheitsrechte, Open Knowledge Foundation Deutschland und AlgorithmWatch im Rahmen der Konsultation des Bundesministeriums der Justiz
- Replik zur Stellungnahme der Initiative Urheberrecht bezüglich der Verwendung von CC-Lizenzen im Öffentlich-Rechtlichen Rundfunk (ÖRR)
- Stellungnahme Digitale Dienste Gesetz Wikimedia Deutschland
- opinion of Wikimedia Deutschland on the 'use cases' of the planned data institute of the Federal Government with recommendations for a focus on Linked Data and Linked Open Data.
- Open letter: Protect freedom of expression in political communication - The alliance of scientific and civil society actors calls on the German government to continue to strongly advocate transparency in paid political communication. The background is concern that a draft European regulation on transparency and targeting of political advertising is too vague on this issue.
- The opinion of German Wikimedia of the Media State Contract. The Wikimedia Germany e. V. has sent this statement on the "Discussion Draft on the Mission and Structural Optimization of Public Broadcasting" to the Broadcasting Commission of the German States. Especially important: Education has no expiration date. The accessibility of knowledge content from public broadcasting should be guaranteed without restriction in principle and only limited to certain regions in justified exceptional cases.
- Opinion WMDE phoenix telemedia change concept. Central needs of the demand side - e.g., the online encyclopedia Wikipedia with its sister projects - have not yet been fully satisfied in the amendment concept. In our view, improvements should be made here: Open Content licensing (Commons by default). There should be no retention period limit for knowledge-relevant content.
- Opinion WMDE 3sat Telemedia Change Concept: Central needs of the demand side e.g. the online encyclopedia Wikipedia with its sister projects - are not fully satisfied. In our view, improvements should be made here: Open Content licensing (Commons by default). There should be no retention period for knowledge-relevant content.
- Opinion of Wikimedia Deutschland, Gesellschaft zur Förderung Freien Wissens e. V. on the draft bill First Ordinance Amending the Mobility Data Ordinance
- Open letter on EU measures against terrorist content on the net - Wikimedia demands more commitment from the German government for freedom rights
- Open letter on the publication of public service educational content - The education union GEW, the German Library Association e.V. and Wikimedia Deutschland e. V. call on the ZDF Television Council to guarantee the permanent publication of public service educational programs and content. So that schools, libraries and free knowledge resources such as Wikipedia have the possibility of long-term use.
- Open Letter on Encryption in Messengers - Wikimedia Deutschland and 100 associations and organizations warn the Federal Ministry of the Interior, for Construction and Homeland against obliging messenger service providers to modify existing encryption technologies.
- Open Letter on EU Copyright Reform - Civil society and digital associations warn EU parliamentarians against pushing through planned copyright reform and upload filters.
- Open Letter on Upload Filters - Representatives of civil society, business and Internet culture demand a clear commitment from the German government and MEPs to oppose the automated filtering systems for online platforms demanded by the EU Commission.
Interviews, Guest articles and Columns
The publications collected here have appeared exclusively in external media and not on our own channels. Blog posts on our website can be found here and our press releases can be read here.
Interview mit Aline Blankertz zum Thema “Was wird aus dem Dateninstitut? Wird es das Gemeinwohl als Maßstab für Datenteilen und Datennutzung priorisieren?” beim Breitband-Podcast vom Deutschlandfunk, ab Minute 35:00.
Veranstaltungsbericht über das Parlamentarische Frühstück zum Digitale-Dienste-Gesetz, organisiert vom Bündnis F5.
Podcastfolge mit Aline Blankertz zum Thema Datenwettbewerb von Euractiv.
Veranstaltungsbericht über das Parlamentarische Frühstück zur Überwachungsgesamtrechnung, organisiert vom Bündnis F5.
Gastbeitrag "Freie Lizenzen im öffentlich-rechtlichen Rundfunk und in der Schule" von Jan-David Franke auf ZUM.
Interview mit Aline Blankertz bei der Beschaffungskonferenz zum Thema Open Source und Vergaberecht.
Column "Public Money - Public Good!" Once a month, Wikimedia Deutschland publishes the column at In it, Wikimedia employees explore the question of which public content and data must be freely available in the future - and explain where things are still stuck and where things are moving.
"A state-organized lobbyfest" - Guest article by Wikimedia in the F5 alliance at on the Digital Summit.
Interview with Lilli Iliev on Space for Notes on ALEX Berlin about the gender gap in Wikipedia and Wikimedia community projects that promote diversity and participation.
"Open Data comes up short", - Guest article by Stefan Kaufmann on data strategy in the Tagesspiegel Background.
"Missed chance for visions" - Guest article by Justus Dreyling at about the Digital Services Act.
Blackbox Geneva - Multi-part series at Author Justus Dreyling (then International Rulemaking Officer at Wikimedia Germany) writes about Wikimedia Germany's advocacy for free knowledge at the international level.
"Blind Federal Government" - Column "To my annoyance" in the Day Mirror.
"Budget 2021: Twelve million euros for Open Educational Resources - a drop in the bucket?" - Guest article by Dominik Theiß (then project manager for education policy at Wikimedia Deutschland) from the Bündnis Free Construction initiated by Wikimedia at
"Reiss-Engelhorn Museums v. Wikipedia: Possible happy ending thanks to new EU copyright law" - Interview with John Hendrik Weitzmann (then head of the Politics and Society team, now legal counsel at Wikimedia Deutschland), published by