Community Wishlist/Wishes/OEmbed for Commons
oEmbed for Commons Open
Currently it is impossible to share media from Wikimedia Commons directly at external sites (social media, Wordpress blogs...), partially because oEmbed is not working. If we want to be "the central repository of free knowledge" we must be able to share media directly, without need of third party sites.
Use cases:
- Sharing videos or audio from Commons in external sites and social media directly
- Adding videos at Wordpress blogs directly, without code (as we do with Vimeo or YouTube)
- Being the central repository of free knowledge
- Making Commons more prominent an a real site to share media
- Making our activities less dependant on YouTube (and their advertisements)
- Improving the process, as we only need to upload the media once if we want to share it
Assigned focus area
Improved discovery of media files
Type of wish
Feature request
Related projects
Wikimedia Commons
Affected users