Hamjamiyat xavfsizligi/Hisobotlari
Hamjamiyat xavfsizligi boʻyicha 3-marta oʻtkazilgan soʻrov natijalari
2022-yil sentyabr va oktyabr oylarida biz 3-hamjamiyat xavfsizligi soʻrovini 4 tildagi Vikipediyalarda: ingliz, fransuz, portugal va ispan tillarida oʻrnatdik. Forscha Vikipediya maʼlumotlarini yigʻish sentyabr oyida toʻxtatilgan va 2023-yilning yanvarida davom ettirilgan.
Foydalanuvchilarga beriladigan savol:
"Oxirgi 30 kun ichida Vikipediyaga (xx.wikipedia.org) hissa qoʻshish davomida oʻzingizni noqulay his qildingizmi?"
Javob variantlari: „Ha“, „Yoʻq“ va „Bilmayman“.
Ushbu maʼlumotlar haqida bir necha eslatma
- „Muvozanatsiz“ deb xabar berilgan foizlar soʻrovga berilgan haqiqiy javoblarni aks ettiradi.
- Vaznli deb koʻrsatilgan foizlar soʻrovnomaga berilgan javoblarni aks ettiradi. Bunda maʼlumotlarni vikidagi tahrirchilarning „tahrirlash guruhi“ boʻyicha taqsimotiga moslashtirish uchun vaznlar qoʻllanilgan. Tahrirlash guruhlari quyidagicha: foydalanuvchi 5 tadan 99 tagacha, 100 tadan 999 tagacha yoki 1000 va undan ortiq tahrir qilgan boʻlishi mumkin.
- Foydalanuvchilar javoblarining statistik farqini koʻrganimizda, biz maʼlumotlar haqida xabar beramiz. Bu maʼlumotlarni vikining haqiqiy ahvolini aks ettirishga yordam beradi.
- Agar siz ushbu maʼlumotlarni vikining kengroq ommasiga taqdim etmoqchi boʻlsangiz, xatolik chegarasini belgilang! Masalan, maʼnodagi farqqa eʼtibor bering:
- „Soʻrovda qatnashganlarning 77 foizi soʻrov tugashidan bir oy oldin inglizcha Vikipediyaga hissa qoʻshishda oʻzlarini noqulay his qilmaganliklarini aytishdi“
- „Bizning hisobimizcha, inglizcha vikipediyachilarning 76-79 foizi soʻrovdan bir oy oldin inglizcha Vikipediyaga hissa qoʻshishda oʻzlarini xavfsiz his qilishgan“
- Birinchi misol soʻrov natijalarini, ikkinchi misol esa soʻrov natijalariga koʻra, foydalanuvchilar oʻzini qanday his qilishini aks ettiradi.
Shu bilan birga, har bir viki uchun 3-soʻrov tahlilimiz natijalari:
English Wikipedia

For the English Wikipedia Wave 3 data, a chi-squared test found no differences in how users from different “edit buckets” (5 to 99 edits, 100 to 999 edits, and 1000 or more edits) responded to the survey. We thus report unweighted data.
Based on the responses to the survey, we estimate that users on English Wikipedia overall:
- 14 to 18% felt unsafe or uncomfortable contributing to English Wikipedia in the 30 days before the survey.
- 74 to 78% did not feel unsafe or uncomfortable contributing to English Wikipedia in the 30 days before the survey.
- 7 to 11% were unsure about whether they had felt unsafe or uncomfortable contributing to English Wikipedia in the 30 days before the survey.
In the last 30 days, have you felt unsafe or uncomfortable contributing to Wikipedia (en.wikipedia.org)? | Survey Results for En.WP (Unweighted) | Estimates for En.WP population (Margin of Error = ±1.99, Confidence Interval = 95%) |
No | 75,7% | 73.7 to 77.7% |
I'm not sure | 8,7% | 6.7 to 10.7% |
Yes | 15,6% | 13.6 to 17.6% |
Spanish Wikipedia

For the Spanish Wikipedia Wave 3 data, a chi-squared test found no differences in how users from different edit buckets (5 to 99 edits, 100 to 999 edits, or 1000 or more edits) responded to the survey. We thus report unweighted data.
Based on the responses to the survey, we estimate that users on Spanish Wikipedia overall:
- 18 to 26% felt unsafe or uncomfortable contributing to Spanish Wikipedia in the 30 days before the survey.
- 66 to 74% did not feel unsafe or uncomfortable contributing to Spanish Wikipedia in the 30 days before the survey.
- 5 to 13% were unsure about whether they had felt unsafe or uncomfortable contributing to Spanish Wikipedia in the 30 days before the survey.
In the last 30 days, have you felt unsafe or uncomfortable contributing to Wikipedia (es.wikipedia.org)? | Survey Results for Es.WP (Unweighted) | Estimates for Es.WP population (Margin of Error = ±3.94%, Confidence Interval = 95%) |
No | 69,6% | 65.7 to 73.5% |
I'm not sure | 8,7% | 4.8 to 12.6% |
Yes | 21,7% | 17.8 to 25.6% |
Persian Wikipedia
2022-yil sentyabr-oktyabr oylari uchun mavjud emas.
French Wikipedia

For the French Wikipedia Wave 3 data, a chi-squared test found differences in how users from different edit buckets (5 to 99 edits, 100 to 999 edits, or 1000 or more edits) responded to the survey[1]. We thus report weighted data.
Based on the responses to the survey, we estimate that users on French Wikipedia overall:
- 10 to 17% felt unsafe or uncomfortable contributing to French Wikipedia in the 30 days before the survey.
- 79 to 86% did not feel unsafe or uncomfortable contributing to French Wikipedia in the 30 days before the survey.
- 1 to 8% were unsure about whether they had felt unsafe or uncomfortable contributing to French Wikipedia in the 30 days before the survey.
In the last 30 days, have you felt unsafe or uncomfortable contributing to Wikipedia (fr.wikipedia.org)? | Survey Results for Fr.WP (Unweighted) | Survey Results for Fr.WP (Weighted) | Estimates for Fr.WP population (Margin of Error = ±3.58%, Confidence Interval = 95%) |
No | 81,7% | 82,3% | 78.7 to 85.9% |
I'm not sure | 4,7% | 4,6% | 1.0 to 8.2% |
Yes | 13,6% | 13,1% | 9.5 to 16.7% |
Portuguese Wikipedia

For the Portuguese Wikipedia Wave 3 data, a chi-squared test found no differences in how users from different “edit buckets” (5 to 99 edits, 100 to 999 edits, and 1000 or more edits) responded to the survey. We thus report unweighted data.
Based on the responses to the survey, we estimate that users on Portuguese Wikipedia overall:
- 21 to 29% felt unsafe or uncomfortable contributing to Portuguese Wikipedia in the 30 days before the survey.
- 60 to 68% did not feel unsafe or uncomfortable contributing to Portuguese Wikipedia in the 30 days before the survey.
- 7 to 15% were unsure about whether they had felt unsafe or uncomfortable contributing to Portuguese Wikipedia in the 30 days before the survey.
In the last 30 days, have you felt unsafe or uncomfortable contributing to Wikipedia (pt.wikipedia.org)? | Survey Results for Pt.WP (Unweighted) | Estimates for Pt.WP population (Margin of Error = ±3.89%, Confidence Interval = 95%) |
No | 64,2% | 60.3 to 68.1% |
I'm not sure | 10,8% | 6.9 to 14.7% |
Yes | 25,0% | 21.1 to 28.9% |
Qoʻshimcha eslatmalar
Viki | Javob darajasi[2] | Javoblar soni | % foydalanuvchi savolni koʻrsatdi |
English Wikipedia | ~22% | 2 436 | 3% |
Spanish Wikipedia | ~17% | 618 | 10% |
Persian Wikipedia | NA | NA | NA |
French Wikipedia | ~15% | 750 | 10% |
Portuguese Wikipedia | ~18% | 636 | 20% |
Oxirgi natijalar
Eʼtibor bering, agar siz joriy natijalarni oldingi natijalar bilan taqqoslasangiz, xato chegaralariga eʼtibor bering. Toʻlqinlar orasidagi xato chegaralarining bir-biriga mos kelishi koʻrilgan oʻzgarish statistik ahamiyatga ega boʻlmasligi mumkinligini anglatadi.
- ↑ X2 (4, N = 749) = 10.193, p = .037
- ↑ Javob darajalarini maʼlumotlar tozalangandan keyin unikal javoblar sonini namoyishlardan unikal soʻrov seansi tokenlari soniga boʻlish orqali hisoblaymiz. Bu haqiqiyga qaraganda biroz kamroq javob berish darajasini beradi, chunki brauzer cookie-fayllarini tozalagan yoki qurilmalarini almashtirgan foydalanuvchilar soʻrovnomani yana koʻrishi mumkin va WMF xodimlari ham sifatni tekshirish uchun soʻrovnomani koʻrsatishga majbur qilishadi.