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CentralNotice/Request/Wikimania 2025 Program Proposals Application

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Wikimania 2025 Program Proposals Application

Central Notice Settings
What is the campaign duration?
  • 27th February, 2025 → 31st March, 2025
Which projects will you be targeting?
  • All
What languages will you be targeting?
  • All
Do you wish to show banners to Logged In users, Anonymous Users or Both? Do you want to target users with a specific number of edits or average monthly?
  • Logged In users

What countries will your campaign target?

  • Global

Banner/Campaign Diet:

  • To be determined by Central Notice admin

What is the purpose of the campaign? How will you measure the success of the campaign?

Description - This campaign is for the Wikimania 2025 program proposals application and we are looking forward in reaching a wider audience during the application stage for the call for program proposals.

Metrics -

What banner(s) will you use? What will be your landing page?

Banners -

Wikimania 2025 Program Proposals are now open!

Click here to Apply Now
This application is open until Monday 31 st March, 2025 end of day

Landing Page - Wikimania 2025 Program
Type of grant -

Link to grant -



Hello Central Notice Admins. The landing page has now been created. The central notice can now be created.

Central Notice admin comments

  • @Joris Darlington Quarshie: Unfortunately, we cannot process this request so easily.
    • At first, I'm a little bit confused by the target languages. Do you mean that you will only accept proposals in these languages? Then this should be noted elsewhere. In your current proposal, there would no invitation to any other wiki community besides the ones mentioned. E.g., why shouldn't users from German Wikipedia be allowed to also submit program proposals?
    • The banner message and landing page seem to be English-only. With targeting more languages (with the before-mentioned point even a global audience), more translations would be helpful and the landing page marked for translation. However, with the submission tool being English-only as well, it might make sense to the banner message that the entire process will be English only. Nonetheless, the banner text itself could (and should!) still be multilingual.
    • For that reason I was considering to reuse an earlier banner. I have found the 2024 and 2023 banners but I also remember a design similar to your proposal. Did you use another campaign as an example? In any case, it will be needed to change the year to 2025 and maybe update months so that we can save some time of our translators for the banner text.
    • The landing page leads to another English-only page, eventyay. It is Wikimedia-hosted so that this is okay, but the login link via MediaWiki takes you to an OAuth call that reads “Access private data about you. Access private information.”. I know what OAuth is and what it is asking for. But I also know that there lots of community members who doesn't know it and will be very afraid of sharing any private information to somebody unknown (the link to the privacy policy isn't very helpful here). I know from the OAuth of The Wikipedia Library that some confirmations can even happen without a confirmation but can take place in the background. Maybe it's possible to implement that one here too.
  • That's everything that comes to my mind right now. Best, —DerHexer (Talk) 15:35, 22 February 2025 (UTC)[reply]
    @DerHexer, I have changed the target language to all. I am reach out to the developer and Elena for eventyay about the OAuth issue. Once I resolve this issue. I will tag you here. Joris Darlington Quarshie (talk) 15:50, 22 February 2025 (UTC)[reply]
    • For that reason I was considering to reuse an earlier banner. I have found the 2024 and 2023 banners but I also remember a design similar to your proposal. Did you use another campaign as an example? In any case, it will be needed to change the year to 2025 and maybe update months so that we can save some time of our translators for the banner text.
    @DerHexer, I think we can go with this to save time too. Joris Darlington Quarshie (talk) 15:51, 22 February 2025 (UTC)[reply]
    Hello @DerHexer, With regards to the OAuth call, after a short discussion this was the outcome;
    So I know it’s a bit strange but this OAuth login as far as I’m aware has this text no matter what! If you use it to log in to Diff for example, it shows the same text about private info. I remember when we set it up with Wikimedia Space it was the same thing and I thought it was strange then but there we are with the same text 6 years later. Unfortunately this text is stored in the OAuth side of things and as far as I know can’t be changed, though if you know how I’m happy to follow your instructions!
    In this case it’s accessing your email, which we’ve detailed in the landing page
    In terms of the Wikimania Wiki landing page, I will update that link to be https://wikimedia.eventyay.com/talk/wikimania2025/cfp when the call opens. Joris Darlington Quarshie (talk) 21:14, 22 February 2025 (UTC)[reply]

Global banner coordination
Please notice that there are three other global campaigns proposed for partly the same period: CentralNotice/Request/Wiki Loves Ramadan 2025, CentralNotice/Request/IWD 2025, CentralNotice/Request/Wiki Loves Africa 2025. Usually, it's on your end to find a good solution to avoid banner overkill. Certainly, Wikimania is a long-established global project and gets some kind of preference. Best, —DerHexer (Talk) 16:00, 22 February 2025 (UTC)[reply]

Hello @DerHexer, Can any of these suggestions be put in place to help resolve this issue: Campaigns Prioritizing, Geotargeting,User Group Targeting,Time Scheduling,Frequency Capping or Banner Rotation. Joris Darlington Quarshie (talk) 16:14, 22 February 2025 (UTC)[reply]
Hya @Joris Darlington Quarshie
Chiming in here (so it's not DerHexer that needs to take this decision about our banners without our input :-): International Women's Day campaign (leading up to this global day on March 8) have coordinated banners with the Wiki Loves Africa photo competition (which runs in March-April) before. IWD for most countries is only ~6 days, except for USA, UK and Australia where it continuous on a low diet because of Woman's History Month there. WLA banners starts earlier than IWD, IWD banners get more weight for the 6 days they are up.
If we coordinate together, I am sure we can also coordinate with your banner. Do you think you landing page will be ready in time? I know from experience how time-tight these things for Wikimania can be.
(Ping for @Ogalihillary fyi) Ciell (talk) 17:16, 22 February 2025 (UTC)[reply]
The landing page is ready. The only thing which needs to be updated is the eventyay link and translations for the Wikimania wiki page. The call for proposals on eventyay has already been translated from English into 4 different languages: Arabic,French,Spanish and Swahili. Which we are looking forward in opening the call for proposals on Monday 24th Feb .2025 but we want the Central Notice to go out by 27th Feb .2025 - 31st March. 2025. Once the Central Notice is created we can share it with the translators to translate it before 27th Feb 2025. Joris Darlington Quarshie (talk) 20:45, 22 February 2025 (UTC)[reply]
@Joris Darlington Quarshie but 5 weeks is a very long campaign, and we need to balance out our requests. It would be great if you can think of alternatives, for instance 5 days from Feb 25th, and another run for 5 days from March 18th. Would that be an option? Ciell (talk) 10:04, 23 February 2025 (UTC)[reply]
Hello @Ciell, Well noted for your suggestions. I will take this into account and discuss this with the team tomorrow. After we come into conclusion, I will get back to you tomorrow. Joris Darlington Quarshie (talk) 10:23, 23 February 2025 (UTC)[reply]
Perhaps I suggest the other campaigns would be reconsidered to have alternative target such as reduced dates, specific projects (like commons only) and geotagging to specific countries especially the cultural & religion ones. Given that Wikimania encompassed all fields of editor/contributor thematic interest and geography, I hope this be given a preference. -- Exec8 (talk) 01:23, 24 February 2025 (UTC)[reply]
Hello @Ciell and @DerHexer, After series of discussions. We would prefer having the central notice banner up between 7-14 days at the beginning for the call for Program proposals and between 7-14 days at the ending for the call for program proposals. As other banners will also need some visibility as well. We understand these other campaigns will also use other platforms to promote their campaigns as well. So I assume this should fit for all.

We would love to have this start from March 6th, 2025 for the first duration and the second duration ends on March 31st,2025. Please feel free to work around the number of days within what has been provided in this message.
If any of you also have any suggestions or need any clarifications please feel free to share or ask us.

Thank you
Joris Darlington Quarshie (talk) 22:22, 27 February 2025 (UTC)[reply]

  • @Joris Darlington Quarshie, Exec8, and Ciell: I have created the campaign and banner (English preview).
    • Please provide here as many banner translations as possible (the same applies for the landing page). I have also added a translation link into the banner itself and will try to check the translations status as often as possible so that they can be marked as published.
    • The new eventyay link looks sufficient to me so that I'm not looking for WMF approval for this non-Wikimedia second-step landing page.
    • I've set the start date to Monday, 9 March noon so that the Women‘s Day Campaign can run without disturbances on its celebration day. If that affects your announcements which seem to be scheduled for 6 March, please let me know but I think that this should be the best solution. In compensation, I have increased the priority for the Wikimania program campaign so that it will be always shown ahead of the other campaigns (WLA, WLR, IWD) in its first week. — For the end of March, we have a bit of time for negotiations between the four campaigns, but I would likely go with the same prioritization as for the first term.
  • All in all, please check everything, approve it and ping me so that I can enable the campaign. Best, —DerHexer (Talk) 17:47, 28 February 2025 (UTC)[reply]
@Xavier Dengra: Please notice that we didn't include cawikis into this campaign, but your community might still be interested in participating in the global campaign. One of the community members could provide translations of banner and landing page into Catalan before it would be included in the campaign, of course. Best, —DerHexer (Talk) 17:53, 28 February 2025 (UTC)[reply]