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CentralNotice/Request/Wiki Loves Earth 2017 winners

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Wiki Loves Earth 2017 winners

Central Notice Settings

What is the campaign duration?
  • 8 January 2018 → 12 January 2018
Which projects will you be targeting?
  • Wikipedia/Wikimedia Commons
What languages will you be targeting?
  • English
Do you wish to show banners to Logged In users, Anonymous Users or Both? Do you want to target users with a specific number of edits or average monthly?
  • Anonymous users

What countries will your campaign target?

Banner/Campaign Diet:

  • To be determined by Central Notice admin

What is the purpose of the campaign? How will you measure the success of the campaign?

Description - The Wiki Loves Earth photo competition has announced its 2017 winners. We should publicize the results.

Metrics -

What banner(s) will you use? What will be your landing page?



  • Yair, this would be a 10% low level engagement campaign. You'd hardly notice it. Seddon (WMF) (talk) 02:41, 11 January 2018 (UTC)[reply]
    (I'm assuming "you" is as the indefinite pronoun, given that this is targeted at anonymous users according to the settings box.) 10% doesn't help things that much. The reader still has to read the banner once, have it pull attention away from the actual content once, and have it yank away the page as many times as is necessary to sufficiently frustrate the reader into finally seeking out the close button. A banner is a serious downgrade to the user experience, and should be used only when really necessary. --Yair rand (talk) 08:05, 25 January 2018 (UTC)[reply]

Central Notice admin comments
