Cynhadledd y Cwlwm Celtaidd, 2024/Mynychu
☘️ Croeso |
🗒️ Rhaglen |
⏯️ Lineup |
✅ Cynnal |
Bydd y Cwlwm Celtaidd yn digwydd yn Port Láirge (Ninas Waterford), Iwerddon, o Ddydd Mercher 25 i ddydd Gwener 27 Medi 2024. Er y bydd y digwyddiad yn cael ei gynnal ar y safle, bydd cyfranogwyr o bell yn gallu gwylio cynnwys y gynhadledd ar-lein.
Y lleoliad yw: Tower Hotel, Port Láirge (Dinas Waterford), y Mall ac ar draws y ffordd i Reginald's Tower.
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Student Discount Tickets
We are excited to announce that 50% student discount tickets are now available via Eventbrite for Celtic Knot 2024.
This conference offers a unique opportunity for students to delve into the role of Wikimedia and digital citizenship in the preservation and promotion of Celtic and minority languages.
To take advantage of this offer, students can register on Eventbrite and use the code CKStudent50 to receive their discount. When registering make sure to use your university email address to use the code.
Tower Hotel
Self-funded attendees who wish to book accommodation at the venue can do so by contacting the Tower Hotel directly (scholarship recipients have their accommodation confirmed by the organisers and will receive specific information.)
The hotel has reserved a block of special-rate rooms for conference attendees. Please note that these special rates are available until 2nd August, 2024.
Booking Information:
- Reference Number: #108974
- Booking Method: Call the Tower Hotel and quote the reference number to reserve a room.
- Confirmation: Guests must confirm their rooms with names and card details before August 2nd, 2024.
- Release of Rooms: Any unconfirmed rooms after 2nd August 2024 at 5pm IST will be released.
Other Accommodation Options:
Waterford City offers multiple other accommodation options within walking distance of the conference venue. These include hotels, bed and breakfasts, and guesthouses.
Travel to the venue
Waterford City is accessible via several transportation options.
By Air
- Nearest Airports:
- Dublin Airport (DUB)
- Cork Airport (ORK)
- Transportation from Airports to Waterford:
- Dublin Airport: Direct bus services available; estimated travel time: 2.5 hours.
- Cork Airport: Bus services available; estimated travel time: 2.5 hours.
By Train
- Nearest Train Station: Waterford Plunkett Station
- Travel Time:
- From Dublin: Approximately 2 hours
Please Note: if travelling to Dublin or Cork Airport it would be easier to travel by coach to Waterford rather than taking the train.
By Bus
- Bus Services: Direct services from major cities like Dublin, Cork, and Limerick.
- Bus Companies: Bus Éireann, JJ Kavanagh’s, Dublin Coach.
Best Options:
Bus Éireann Route 4 services direct from Dublin Airport to Waterford Bus Station (about 10 minutes walk to the conference venue)
JJ Kavanagh Route 736 running from Dublin Airport to Waterford (Parnell Street terminus - about 5 minutes walk to the conference venue)
By Car
- Driving Directions: Detailed directions from major cities linked below.
- From Dublin: Approximately 1.5 hours
- From Cork: Approximately 2 hours
- From Limerick: Approximately 2 hours
Parking: There is limited parking available at the Tower Hotel. For more information please see the FAQ on the Tower Hotel’s website.
Local Transportation
- Taxis: Available throughout Waterford City. Download the Rapid Cabs App or call +353 51 85 85 85
Public Transport: Bus services within the city; nearest bus stop to the venue is located on Parnell Street or on Merchant’s Quay.
We look forward to welcoming you to Waterford for the Celtic Knot Wikimedia Languages Conference 2024!
Scholarship applications are now closed. Unfold the box below to read more about the scholarship process.
Scholarships |
Bydd Cynhadledd y Cwlwm Celtaidd eleni'n cael ei chynnal yn y cnawd, yn Iwerddon. Gan fod y digwyddiad hwn yn canolbwyntio ar ieithoedd Celtaidd yn Ewrop, rydym yn canolbwyntio ar gefnogi pobl sy'n byw yng ngwledydd Ewrop, ond byddwn hefyd yn darparu cefnogaeth i bobl sydd am wylio cynnwys y gynhadledd o bell. Rydym yn cynnig dau fath o ysgoloriaeth:
Y dyddiad cau ar gyfer ceisiadau yw 30 Mehefin am 23:59 UTC a byddwn yn anelu at hysbysu'r ymgeiswyr o ganlyniad eu cais erbyn diwedd Gorffennaf.
Rhagor o wybodaethBydd prosesu'r ysgoloriaethau digidol yn cael eu gwneud gan Gymuned Wicimedia Iwerddon. Bydd y trefniadau teithio ar gyfer ysgoloriaethau Person-wrth-Berson yn cael eu gwneud gan dîm Teithio Sefydliad Wikimedia. Ein nod yw sicrhau bod Ysgoloriaethau Digidol ar gael trwy becynnau data eSIM a fydd yn hygyrch cyn y gynhadledd, am uchafswm o 80 EUR. Er mai hwn yw ein dewis cyntaf o ran darparu Ysgoloriaethau Digidol rydym yn cydnabod efallai na fydd hyn yn hygyrch i bob derbynnydd ysgoloriaeth a byddwn yn darparu ar gyfer anghenion cystal ag y gallwn ar gais. Os yw pecynnau data'n cael eu prynu gan dderbynwyr ysgoloriaethau, dim ond pan fydd derbynebau yn cael eu cytuno ymlaen llaw a'u derbyn gan WCI y gellir eu had-dalu. Os cewch unrhyw broblemau gyda'ch cais neu os oes gennych gwestiynau, mae croeso i chi gysylltu â Richard Nevell (WMUK) (richard.nevell
Meini prawfBydd tîm cynllunio'r gynhadledd yn asesu'r ceisiadau ar sail y meini prawf canlynol: Ysgoloriaethau yn y cnawd
Ysgoloriaethau digidol
Scholarship FAQQ: What types of scholarships are available? A: We offer both onsite scholarships, covering event tickets, travel, and accommodation, and digital scholarships, covering data packages for virtual attendance. Q: How do I apply for a scholarship? A: You can apply for a scholarship by filling out the application form available on the Attend page of our website. Please follow the instructions provided. Q: Who is eligible to apply for a scholarship? A: Scholarships are open to all individuals interested in attending the conference, with dedicated places set aside for members of underrepresented communities. Q: How do I apply for a scholarship? A: You can apply for a scholarship by filling out the application form available on the Attend page of our website. Please follow the instructions provided. Q: What is the deadline for scholarship applications? A: The deadline for scholarship applications is Sunday, June 30th. Q: When will I be notified if I receive a scholarship? A: Notifications will be sent out within two weeks after the application deadline. Q: What expenses do scholarships cover? A: Onsite scholarships cover event tickets, travel, and accommodation. Digital scholarships cover data packages for virtual attendance. Q: Can I apply for both onsite and digital scholarships? A: Yes, but you will need to apply for each scholarship type (in person or online). Q: Do I need to provide any documentation for my application? A: No, there is no requirement to provide documentation during the application process. If you’re successful in your application documents will be needed for travel arrangements. |