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Capacity Exchange/User Guide

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Welcome to the Capacity Exchange User Guide. Here, you'll find detailed instructions on how to log in, manage your profile, and make the most of your experience on the platform.

How to Log In

To login to Capacity Exchange platform, you must have a Wikimedia User Account. You will be asked to access the tool through the Unified Login.

On the landing page of capx.toolforge.org, click on the purple bottom, Log In or Join for the Exchange!.

You will see a pop-up window with the information that you will be redirected to the unified login on Meta-Wiki through the OAuth extension. Click on the Continue button.

If you are already logged in, you will see the following pop-up message. If not, you will be asked to log in with your Wikimedia account. The extension will ask your permission to interact with pages and send emails through your Wikimedia account. You can review the Privacy Policy by clicking on the blue link on the left side of the window. Click on the blue bottom Allow to continue the login process. Please note that your login data will not be stored at the CapX database.

If you don’t have a Wikimedia account, you can create on by clicking on the button Create account, at the end of CapX landing page, or on Join Meta at the OAuth page.

You will then be redirected to your Profile page at capx.toolforge.org/profile, where you can edit your user Profile.

How to Edit My Profile

[Coming Soon]

How to navigate the Capacity Directory

[Coming Soon]

How to Find Peers

[Coming Soon]

How to Connect with Peers

[Coming Soon]

How to Use the Report App

[Coming Soon]

Avoid Sharing Sensitive Information

When filling out your profile on the Capacity Exchange platform, it is crucial to be mindful of the information you share. This is especially important if you want to keep your user account and personal identities separated. In this case, be cautious while filling out your Mini bio in the User Profile.