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CEE Newsletter
Volume 1 • Issue 3 • December 2017
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From the team

By Spiritia

Another year is passing and it's time for recollections and analysis, and time for plans for the future. In recent years, we are living in "interesting times", with multiple simultaneous challenges facing Wikipedia, free knowledge and societies as a whole, related to the freedom of speech, right to access information, net neutrality, "alternative facts", critical comprehension of the information, especially online. We have many battles to choose from, and we have to choose wisely.

The passing year was full of difficulties, but also new beginnings and stories of inspiration and success. Let us take the best of it and build upon it in the year to come! Let us show the world that Wikipedia and the Wikimedia movement are one of the best role models for altruistic cooperation and adherence to highest standards of quality in the information age. And let us, the Wikimedians of the CEE region be an example for constructive dialogue and mutual enrichment.

Happy New 2018 Year!

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CEE in the news

Regional report: CEE photos among the international winners in WLE and WLM

By Spiritia

December is traditionally the month when the international winners in the two most popular photo contests in the wiki world are announced. On 11 December, the international organizers of Wiki Loves Earth, Wikimedia Ukraine, announced the list of 15 finest photographs of protected nature around the world. CEE is well covered in the final selection with images from Russia (1st and 13th places), Ukraine (3rd, 8th and 9th places) and Greece (14th place).

The full winners gallery is available on Commons: Wiki Loves Earth 2017/Winners.

One photo from CEE was distinguished in the Top 15 selection of the other global photo contest, Wiki Loves Monuments. In a severe competition with winning national photos from 53 countries around the world, a photo of the fortification towers in the highland townlet (daba) Mestia in northwest Georgia, made it to the list of international winners. Despite its small size, the townlet was an important centre of Georgian culture for centuries and contains a number of medieval monuments, such as churches and forts, included in a list of UNESCO World Heritage Sites.

Again, the full gallery of winning photos is available on Commons: Wiki Loves Monuments 2017 winners.

Mestia towers in Georgia by Dmytro Balkhovitin
Mestia towers in Georgia by Dmytro Balkhovitin

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Armenia report

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Austria report

Armenia report: Meetings, trainings and public campaigns


“I create a significant article” campaign

By Davit Saroyan, Dato Abuladze, Lilit Tarkhanyan (Wikimedia Armenia)
1000 most important articles logo
1000 most important articles logo

Wikimedia Armenia continues to support the creation of quality content on the Wikipedia, this time through the launching of the "I create a significant article" campaign on November 28th, 2017. The campaign aims at the improvement of the articles from "1000 articles every Wikipedia should have" list with the help of the best professionals. The campaign started on the 8th December, 2017 with a 2 day introductory workshop in Aghveran.

All the interested participants had one week to register in order to participate in the event. The announcement of the campaign was publicized using various media channels: WMAM official website, Facebook, Armenpress and Armacad. The latter became the information dissemination supporter of the initiative.

Wikimedia Armenia has received 196 applications out of which 80 applicants have been selected to participate in this campaign. Wikimedia Armenia staff has contacted all the participants in advance regarding the articles to be edited based on their individual professional background. This made the process much easier to manage as workshop participants came with their selected articles and started working on them without delay.

The campaign will be accompanied with different editathons and will end on May 14, 2018 with a 24h editathon.

To make this project happen the list of 1000 articles were refreshed and revised in order to provide it to the potential editors. The list was divided into more detailed sections taking into account the potential fields of interest. Also, the corresponding language articles were researched to find the best language to translate from. The project page was created to support the participants more effectively.

Media links

Meetings in Cairo and Aleppo

By Azniv Stepanian, Lilit Tarkhanyan (Wikimedia Armenia)

Azniv Stepanian, Wikimedia Armenia Western Armenia Program Coordinator has attended the WikiArabia/2017 conference during which she had an opportunity to talk about and present the Western Armenian Wikicamps organized in different countries (Lebanon, Portugal, France). She particularly stressed the importance of Wikicamps and their role in bringing ethnic and religious minorities together in terms of language preservation by the Diaspora communities from all over the world.

It was a wonderful opportunity to present Wikimedia Armenia programs to the Armenian community in Cairo as well since there was little or no awareness about the actual projects implemented by Wikimedia Armenia.

After Cairo Azniv Stepanian had a chance to have a meeting in Aleppo with Vahe Ghazarian and Hakob Kilejian, Principals of Kare Jeppe Armenian College (Syria), on November 29th, 2017. During the meeting a discussion was held on Wikimedia Armenia, its vision, purpose and projects, Wikipedia, role of volunteers (what they gain from volunteering for Wikimedia), Wikiediting, etc.

As a result of this discussion on December 1st, 2017, Kare Jeppe Armenian College invited Azniv to introduce Western Armenian programs to 10 and 11 grade students and to share her experience. The participants had an interesting talk on Wikipedia and Wikimedia Armenia projects, Western Armenian clubs and Wikicamps. College teachers, moderators and administrative assistants have also attended the meeting. After the meeting the participants expressed a great interest in joining the organization's programs.

Overall these two events were very exciting and informative events which laid foundation for further collaboration and cooperation between the Armenian communities of Cairo and Aleppo and the Wikimedia Armenia.

Wikipedia learning lab at TUMO Stepanakert

By Irina Safaryan, Lilit Tarkhanyan (Wikimedia Armenia)
Workshop at TUMO Stepanakert

TUMO Stepanakert and the Stepanakert WikiClub are playing a very important role in Artsakh’s school students life in terms of becoming a very talented, creative, smart generation and responsible citizens!

TUMO center in Stepanakert has proposed to the Stepanakert WikiClub Coordinator Irina Safaryan to manage the Wikipedia learning lab for 10 TUMO students. According to Irina it is a great idea and a step forward to improve Armenian Wikipedia especially with articles about Republic of Artsakh. Irina says: “I was excited for the invitation as I was the first person from Artsakh who would lead a learning lab at TUMO and share the knowledge and skills with younger generation”.

The students decided to write articles about 10 villages of Askeran Region which are closer to Stepanakert. So it was decided that 10 TUMO students will write 10 articles about Askeran region’s 10 villages in 10 days! What do we need for that? Of course students, information about above mentioned villages, a little group of photographers who would go through the villages and would bring photos for Wikimedia Commons which would then be added into the articles.

Preparations before the workshops.

Before the launch of Wikipedia learning lab at TUMO Stepanakert Irina started conducting her research to find more information about the above mentioned villages. She met with historians and linguists and had discussions on many topics concerning those villages. As a result she collected lots of books and materials which helped the students to write the Wikipedia articles. The students also drove through all 10 villages to gather photos which they used to illustrate the articles.

During the workshops students have learned Wikipedia editing tools, uploading media files to Wikimedia Commons, analyze facts, improve Armenian typing skills, and how to prepare a complete and final report on all the work done during the 10 days.

In the end the students who created in Armenian Wikipedia 10 articles about 10 villages of Askeran region, became Stepanakert WikiClub members.

Irina says: “Wikipedia learning lab at TUMO Stepanakert was a good chance and great opportunity both for me and for Artsakh team to discover the little but very majestic place where we live, to learn more about our history and our heroes, not only the ordinary people who every day create history. Discovering the world, the town, the place where you are living through the Wikipedia and let the others know, is a blessing for me and I try to make more people think that way”.


By Mher Bekaryan, Dato Abuladze, Lilit Tarkhanyan (Wikimedia Armenia)
Workshop at the American University of Armenia (AUA)

Wikimedia Armenia conducted a number of workshops in December.

Mher Bekaryan, Wikimedia Armenia staff member, attended the Engineering Faculty of the American University of Armenia (AUA) on December 6th, 2017. The purpose of his visit was to conduct a workshop to the students of the Engineering faculty (College of Science and Engineering, Introductory Level General Education Course, AUA) who are working on creation of articles in English Wikipedia focusing on Energy Sources and Distribution in Armenia. During the workshop Mher particularly stressed the importance of editing and creation of new articles in Wikipedia; uploading their own photographs in Wikimedia Commons as well as using photos from the open source; working correctly with articles without breaching the Intellectual Property and Copyright Law.

The AUA students were also given a task of translating and editing these articles in Armenian Wikipedia.

Wikimedia Armenia organized and hosted a workshop for the members of the media team of Yerevan State College of Informatics on December 21st, 2017. During the workshop moderators presented the Wikimedia Armenia as an organization and spoke about its mission, goals and objectives. The importance of the Wikimovement and the work of the Armenian Wikipedia was stressed. After the introduction the editing time came. The moderators have selected a medium size article titled “United States of Europe”, broke it down into individual sections and instructed students to translate various pieces. During the workshop the participants also learned wiki editing tools and Wikipedia editing guidelines and policies. Those who left the article unfinished will carry on working on them at home.

Every Saturday Wikimedia Armenia organizes open workshops, edit-a-thons at the WM AM office where new editors are taught how to edit different wiki projects and the experienced editors participate in edit-a-thons dedicated to different themes. Anyone interested in wiki projects, Wikipedia, wiki editing and needing assistance, as well as wiki editors, who want to edit in pleasant atmosphere participate in these workshops. We have about 15-20 participants in each workshop. Among them there are also active wiki editors of hywiki, hywiktionary, hywikisource, Wikidata who help to conduct the workshops.

One of the workshops - the one on the 23rd of December was not only a usual workshop day but also the day when wikieditors gathered together to decorate Wikimedia Armenia office and Xmas tree. Some of the editors brought ornaments which were given to WMAM office as presents!

It was a fun event that allowed people to mix, bond and feel part of the Wiki family!

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Bashkortostan report

Austria report: Christmas biscuits in a lightbox!

By Philip Kopetzky
Of course Vanillekipferl were part of the festive celebrations

The now almost traditional christmas party at the offices of Wikimedia Austria involved some christmas biscuits which some of our community members baked in the days prior to the party and a lightbox which enables photographers to take pictures of small objects in optimal lighting settings.

The results can be viewed on Commons at Weihnachtskekse WMAT 2017 and I'm pretty sure the community had a lot of fun taking pictures of and later eating the biscuits! The Austrian community hopes, that you, dear reader, have some very relaxing and refreshing holidays. See you in 2018!

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Croatia report

Bashkortostan report: Wiki conference, events, and publication of a freely licensed poetic book

By Рөстәм Нурыев and Borovi4ok
Illustration Date and content of the event Illustration
Centre Centre December 3, 2017. BashWikiСonf 2017 (conference). The 2nd conference of Bashkir Wikimedia volunteers' community took place in Ufa. It was organized by Wikimedia RU and Wikimedians of Bashkortostan User Group. More photos from the conference are available here. Centre Centre
December 4, 2017. The 4th Congress of the Society of Bashkir Women took place in Ufa. It hosted discussions of topical issues, including teaching the Bashkir language in schools, protection of environment, raising children, healthcare and discussion of changes into the organization's charter. Zaituna Nigamatyanova (З. ӘЙЛЕ) made a report on the activities of Bashkir women in the international community of Wikimedia volunteers.
Centre December 9, 2017. The third stage of "Bashkortostan 100" is over. «Bashkortostan 100» is a big intellectual wiki-contest for creating and improving Wikipedia articles about Bashkortostan, and also uploading images to Wikimedia. Details will be available in the January newsfeed. Centre
Centre December 11, 2017. Russian Wikinews published a large interview with Rustam Nuryev, a doyen of the Bashkir volunteers' community. As Rustam recounts his personal story, "It was my interest in reading and learning new things that brought me to Wikipedia, first as a reader. My passion for Wikipedia has been growing ever since, and by now has sidelined my other hobbies". To learn more, check out the Russian Wikinews Centre
Centre December 14, 2017, the book of a poem titled "Watching the Sky and Thinking a Thought" and its translations into world languages was presented in the Central State Archive-Museum of Literature and Art of Ukraine. The book was published under a free license, and commemorated the 200th anniversary of Mikhail Nikolaevich Petrenko, the author of the poem. The publication included three translations into Bashkir done by three authors from Bashkortostan: Marsel Salimov, Guzel Sitdikova and Liliya Haqmar. This was a fruit of successful cooperation between the Wikimedia volunteers in Ukraine and Bashkortostan. Find out more in the Russian Wikinews. Centre
Centre December 20, 2017. Zaituna Nigamatyanova (З. ӘЙЛЕ) became a member of the Council of the Bashkir Women's Society and will oversee the development of the Bashkir Wikipedia through this public organization. Find out more in the Russian Wikinews. Centre

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Czech Republic report

Croatia report: Wiki Loves Monuments, Wiki Loves Earth & 180 000 articles

By Fraxinus

Wiki Loves Monuments 2017 for the first time in Croatia


Croatia participated in Wiki Loves Monuments for the first time in 2017. We really enjoyed contributing in this special project and plan to be part of it again in the following years.

You can see the ten best pictures here. The competition was very successful and some of the photos became Featured pictures and will be Commons:Picture of the day in the near future. The winning photo shows Roof of St, Mark's Church in Zagreb. It is interesting that was the first photo of this author on Commons. We give special thanks to international users: Poco a poco and Thaler Tamas

Wiki Loves Earth 2017 for the first time in Croatia


Croatia also participated in Wiki Loves Earth for the first time in 2017. This was an opportunity to visit our national parks, nature parks and similar areas of protected nature and to pay more attention to it.

You can see the ten best pictures here. The winning photo shows Krka National Park.

180 000 Wikipedia articles


Our local Croatian Wikipedia reached 180 000 articles. Every time we write new 1000 articles, we organize voting for the best new article of the day we passed the milestone: Jubilarni članci/180 000 članaka. The winning article this time is the article about Finska nacionalna knjižnica (National Library of Finland).

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Hungary report

Czech Republic report: Annual wikiconference, GLAM projects and Wikidata workshop

By Aktron
  • 9th annual Wikiconference took place in Prague. The conference, hosted in the French Institute in Prague had as its major topic the birth of new Wikipedians. The speakers discussed mostly the issues related to how new Wikipedians are coming to life and how they do not. Aside of this, we have also concluded results of a research made by Wikimedia Foundation in both the Czech Republic and South Korea – related to this very issue. Wikimedia Czech Republic has a very strong Education program that helps to bring non-organic growth to the number of new Wikipedians.
  • Editathon in Slaný focused mostly on regional topic. Thanks to the local library, lots of new articles related to the second largest town in Kladno District were written in Czech Wikipedia. The projects was mutually appreciated by WMCZ and the library, and a second run of the editathon is expected in February 2018. This collaboration can become one of the success GLAM stories for Wikimedia Czech Republic.
  • Czech Science Photo Competition took place in November 2017. The results were announced during the 9th annual Wikiconference in early December. Thanks to the contest Wikimedia Commons got 113 unique photographs ranging from the microscopical world of seeds and eggs to light refraction and crystal growth.
  • Wikidata workshop took place on 1st December 2017. As of now, Wikidata is being filled with data related to streets from the national geographic database RÚIAN. We also successfully added coordinates to all 40 000 Czech monuments. A small but active Czech Wikidata community uses various tools in order to populate Wikidata with even more information that can be later used in various WMF projects.

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Macedonia report

Hungary report: Towards the future of libraries

By Samat
Group photo of the meetup
Slides of the presetation (in Hungarian)
  • Wikimedia Hungary hold its autumn general assembly on 25 November. Following some changes in the legislation and due to the move of the the chapter's seat, the general assembly made quite a lot of small corrections in the bylaws of the association. One of the major changes was, that it will be possible to participate in the official meetings (general assembly, meeting of the board and the supervisory committee) electronically. Another important topic was the next year's plan, and the board received several nice and interesting ideas and initiatives from the members.
  • Following the general assembly, the Hungarian Wikimedia community had a meetup, and celebrated the 20-millionth edit and the 420-thousandth article on the Hungarian Wikipedia with a large number of contributors and a good atmosphere.
  • On 8th December, the executive vice president of the chapter gave a presentation in the frame of a series of webinars, named Towards the future of libraries. The series are organized by Hungarian libraries, and they invite each month one presenter, expert, or researcher who presents his/her vision about the future of libraries and librarians, how a library will look like or work in the next decade, what will be the role of the libraries, which task should libraries and librarians learn and serve, etc. In December 2017, Wikimedia Hungary was the invited partner, and the title of the presentation was: „The common world of Wikimedia and libraries”. The two-hour presentation (followed by the one-hour discussion) showed a wide range of fields where the Wikimedia movement and libraries (and other GLAM institutions) can collaborate with each other, and provided a vision how these collaborations could work in the future, in line with the new strategic direction of the movement. Slides and edited recordings of the presentation are available under free license, and the librarians will spread and share with each other.

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Romania and Moldova report

Macedonia report: Wiki Camp Berovo 2017, Winners of DARM Challenge 3 and Wiki Loves Food award ceremony

By Violetova

Wiki Camp Berovo 2017

Participants at Wiki Camp Berovo 2017
Editing together
Free activities: Chinese lanterns for good wishes
The last day snow started

In the days 15 - 17 December 2017, GLAM Macedonia organized a Wiki Camp for underage students for editing articles on Macedonian Wikipedia. Overall, the camp was a huge success regarding the stated goals and expected outcomes. The level of engagement and interest of the students came up with more than 200 newly created articles on the mk.wiki. As a direct or indirect result of the Camp, two new Wiki Clubs were started. One of the new Clubs that was opened and started functioning was Wiki Club Ohrid. The idea of opening that was generated during the Conference for teachers held in October 2017 (see October report), but the realization of the idea took place during the Wiki Camp 2017. The students from WIki Club Ohrid who participated in WIki Camp Berovo were trained about the editing process and the coordinator of Wiki Club Ohird was more than happy to materialize the idea proposed in October.

Participants were 55 underage students, all coming from 10 different schools, from various different cities. The participants in the Wiki Camp were very happy and satisfied to take part in the project. Their feedback was extremely positive and their willingness to participate in another camp was obvious. The teachers who accompanied the students were eager to continue the collaboration with GLAM Macedonia in the future activities and projects.

DARM Challenge 3


The challenge run for one full month: from 00:01 (CET UTC+01:00) November 15, 2017 until 23:59 (CET UTC+01:00) December 15, 2017. Wikipedian in Residence at DARM (National Archive of the Republic of Macedonia) in the collaboration with the State Archive uploaded more than 2500 files. The aim of this challenge was to use these files in articles in any language. The winners (first five contributors with most points) are:

The five winners will get prizes: a set of books, 20 Euro each, with total amount of 100 Euro.

Statistic results (some according to GLAMorgan tool):

  • 16 participants
  • from 12 different language wikis
  • more than 50 new articles created at the time of DARM Challenge 3
  • 40.83% of all images of category are used in articles

We noticed that there were editors who used the files in their home wiki articles, but they didn't sign themselves as participants. This is something we also count as a success.

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Serbia report

Romania and Moldova report: Establishment of The Wikimedians of Romania and Moldova User Group

By Gikü
Draft logo of the proposed Wikimedians of Romania and Moldova user group

The success of latest projects ran at the Romanian Wikipedia, in particular Wikimedia 1914-18 Europeana Challenge, has inspired a group of experienced Wikimedians from Romania and Moldova to finally organize a user group. The initiative came from Macreanu Iulian, who led the aforementioned Europeana project. He shared his idea with Andrei Stroe — the most active administrator on Romanian Wikipedia —, and Strainu and Gikü — who have experience in organizing multiple online and offline projects, and are regular attendants of regional Wikimedia meetups. All these users are located in Bucharest, Romania, except Gikü who is from Chișinău, Moldova.

The four met in Bucharest in December to plan out their initial steps. One thing was going to happen for sure: the announcement of creating a new user group would be delivered as a Christmas present to the Romanian Wikipedia community. The Romanian Wiktionary, Wikibooks, Wikisource, Wikinews, Wikiquote, and Wikivoyage communities were also notified. After the user group gets approved, the plan is to reach out to the Romanian and Moldovan communities of English, Hungarian, and Russian Wikipedias as well.

A tricolor logo has been designed as the draft logo for the proposed user group. The three colors represent the colors on the flags of Romania and Moldova. As the legend goes, blue, yellow, and red represent the justice, the freedom, and the brotherhood, respectively.

The user group already listed its main objectives for the first one year or two. These include the much needed increase in the number of contributors and in the quality of content, as well as collaborations with various institutions and organizations and fighting the severe gender gap in users (there are currently zero super active users who are known to be women!). The user group initiators believe that a formal user group will greatly improve the credibility of its members, who so far had to rely only on their individual efforts of acquiring funds and partners.

The initiators of Romanian user group will publish news and important trivia in their Facebook page, WMROMD.

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Ukraine report

Serbia report: The Museum of Yugoslavia opened its doors for the Wiki community

By Ivana Guslarević and Miroslav Loci
Flag of the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia

Wikimedia Serbia and the Museum of Yugoslavia organized an article writing edit-a-thon on Serbian Wikipedia about the notable persons of SFRY era. The edit-a-thon was held on November 29th – symbolically the former Republic Day, at the Museum of Yugoslavia. The written articles were also illustrated with photos from the fundus of this institution of culture. The Jagodina Historical Archive also joined the event, by donating political posters from this period to the wiki projects.

During the event, sixteen participants wrote fifty new articles, which is currently the most successful edit-a-thon in this year. The list of written articles (in Serbian) can be found on the following page: Edit-a-thon results

This edit-a-thon is marking the official start of long-term cooperation between the Museum and Wikimedia Serbia, and will continue with a Wikipedian in Residence program that is being implemented at this institution during December 2017. The Wikipedian in Residence is digitizing encyclopedic materials, which will be found on Wikipedia and other wiki projects, but he is also providing training to Museum employees for their independent work in a wiki environment, as well as on improving articles on Serbian Wikipedia. You can track his progress on the following pages: sr.wp / commons

The GLAM program was also supported by the Ministry of Culture and Information of the Republic of Serbia, where initial workshops and presentations were held for representatives of museums, archives and libraries in Serbia on the possibilities of contributing to the wiki projects, and the presence of Serbian culture on the Internet.

As a result of this support, many cultural institutions are joining the GLAM program for the dissemination of free knowledge and culture, so at the moment Wikimedia Serbia is intensively establishing cooperation with museums, archives and libraries throughout Serbia. The historic archive of Jagodina has donated political posters as a beginning of the cooperation, another Wikipedian in Residence has started his work at the Museum in Leskovac, and a two-day seminar for representatives of museums in Vojvodina is to be held at the Museum of Vojvodina in December.

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From the team

Ukraine report: Lady in Red results, WLM, CEE Spring and WSC awards


Wiki Loves Monuments 2017 in Ukraine awards ceremony

By antanana

On December 9, the Wiki Loves Monuments 2017 in Ukraine awards ceremony took place in Zabolotnoho State Scientific Architecture and Construction Library (Kyiv). The place was chosen not by chance: the participants of the contest had an opportunity to see the 25 volumes bibliographic index about towns of Ukraine illustrated by their pictures. The ceremony has opened a WLM photo exhibition in the library. There was a discussion about the future of the project in Ukraine after the event itself: Ukraine constantly has thousands of images submitted during the contests, and though it is nice to have them all, it is also very difficult to filter and rate. The organising committee, participants and jury members have discussed a few ways to change the rules of the local contest.

Lady in Red Month in Ukrainian Wikipedia: results

Lady in Red project for Ukrainian Wikipedia cup
By antanana

On December 15 the first ever edition of a thematic month on creating articles about women in Ukrainian Wikipedia ended. 442 articles created, 42 articles improved, 53 people took part. On Ocober 16 the Ukrainian Wikipedia had 13,69% of female biographies (18120 articles), at the end of the thematic month: 13,78% (19397 articles). Volunteers have created a design for a cup and Wikimedia Ukraine will provide the cups to the most active contributors during the thematic month. There is a discussion whether it makes sense to run a project Lady in Red on Ukrainian Wikipedia.

CEE Spring 2017 in Ukraine awards ceremony

By antanana

On December 16, CEE Spring 2017 in Ukraine awards ceremony took place in Lviv. 1340 articles were submitted by 68 editors. The page with the results of the contest is here: Winners. This year the organisers faced a few problems they could not have solved in time, and as the result, the successful completion of this CEE Spring edition was under the question. Wikimedia Ukraine usually offers the winners of its contest a chance to choose if they want to order a prize or a certificate for an online shop, but there was a trouble with a product one of the participants has ordered, and as a lesson learned that might be a reason to change the whole awarding system and award people only with the certificates in future.

Wiki Science Contest 2017 in Ukraine awards ceremony

The winning picture of WSC in Microscopy category
By antanana

On December 28, the Wiki Science Contest 2017 in Ukraine awards ceremony took place in Bogomolets National Medical University (Kyiv). The contest itself took place in November, the organisers and the jury have been working on filtering images and rating them till the end of the month. Ukraine has submitted 65% more images in 2017 than in 2016 році, though less than in 2015. 120 participants took part, 1035 images uploaded. The authors of the winning pictures got certificates for an online shop, there was also a special nomination by a popular science magazine "Kunsht", and the organisers hope that some of the pictures submitted during the contest will be published there.