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User:Davit Saroyan (WMAM)

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Davit Saroyan
Davit Saroyan, Program Manager
Davit Saroyan
Program Manager, Wikimedia Armenia
In my soul the afternoon grows wider and I reflect. - J.L.B.

About me

I don't think of myself as a singular person living in this Universe. I prefer to say that I'm a collection of dynamic symbols and I'm different for every point of time. These symbols come from my past, present, indefinite future, they are the words I speak, people around me, memories, every single cell of my body, feelings connected to the stimuli of the environment, thoughts, doubts, things that I possess and have lost.

The symbols create my personality and make the outer and inner life magical. Every day I find myself living in a magical reality, full of symbols, full of indefinite notions feeding my personality, building something new every minute.

My work

I've been working as a researcher before I came to the idea of open knowledge. I'm a molecular biologist, Ph.D. but at a point of my life I found the open knowledge and Wikimedia work more valuable than the research and started working for Wikimedia Armenia. I've been also a civil activist, fighting for the right of my community. This aspiration transformed and became a fight, longing for open knowledge and education - another way of solving community issues of my surrounding.

Contact me

  • E-mail: saroyandavid(_AT_)wikimedia.am