Dos coses importantes antes d'empezar:
- Llei la política de marques rexistraes pa saber quién puede utilizar les marques de Wikimedia, y de qué manera.
- Revisa les directrices d'identidá visual pa más información sobro l'usu de les marques.
Logotipu y imaxes de marca
La rellación ente logotipu y marca
Lo que piensa la xente de la Fundación Wikimedia y del trabayu que faemos ye la nuesa marca. El nuesu logotipu ye'l xenerador, o símbolu, pa los sentimientos sobro la nuesa marca. El nuesu logotipu ye'l representante. Los valores, los proyectos y les persones acomuñaes col símbolu son llamaos los representaos. Por casu, al goler sopa de pollu (representante) piensu na mio güela (representada). Ella facía bien bona sopa de pollu, pero esi golor recuérdame a toles otres coses maraviyoses que tamién facía. La so marca ye fuerte. Ello ye que "güela" pué ser la marca más fuerte del mundu.
La xente ve'l nuesu logotipu y piensa en toles coses bones que fai la Fundación. ¡Tamos recoyendo tola conocencia del mundu! ¡Tamos lluchando polos estándares abiertos! ¡Tamos proponiendo polos derechos de les persones que cuenten les sos propies hestories!
What form those thoughts take has more to do with the actions of our organization than the mark itself. The same logo can come to signify good or bad things depending on how the represented organization behaves. And if an organization’s brand is rotten no amount of pretty logos can save it. But if an organization’s brand is healthy—if that organization does good in the world, and does it in a positive way—then its logo will always be viewed in a positive light.
Vamos caltener la marca de Wikimedia con bona imaxe. De momentu, va bien.
Esti ye'l logotipu de la Fundación Wikimedia

It’s a nice logo. It’s got a friendly non-gendered vaguely human shape on it. The human looks to be raising their arms in celebration. It’s consistent with the joy of the Wikimedia movement as a whole. These are good things. They evoke the joy that people feel in using the foundation’s projects to give we humans around the globe a hand in writing their own story in their own voice.
The foundation’s name is spelled out in a nice, wide, easy-to-read-and-translate typeface. And, for the first time, it’s an open source typeface! So that’s pretty Sweet.
Let's keep it flexible and accessible
We designed this to be open to constant evolution. Because that's what our brand is about.
We have a few suggestions we encourage everyone to follow to keep the brand and logo consistent. The more we're consistent, the easier it is for everyone to understand what our brand is about. Consistency is about maintaining familiar concepts. Reusing common patterns and concepts enable people all over the world to benefit from the good feelings about our brand.
- Caltener igual la rellación de la forma ya'l testu.
- Caltener la fonte en Montserrat. (Ye una fonte con una llicencia de baldre, llibre y de códigu abiertu)
- Nun camudes la forma.
¿Ye esta la única versión?
Non. Fiximos tamién unu apiláu:

Hai distintes situaciones nes qu'una de les opciones funciona meyor que la otra. (Por casu: l'apiláu vese realmente bien nos cartelos y membretes.)
Vamos falar del color. Amenorgamos el logo a un solu color. Esto faelo más flexible y muncho más fácil d'usar en distintes situaciones. Por casu, equí ta en negru:
We can drop that logo down on any color background, and even on top of a busy background like a photo, and it reads pretty well. The forms are clear. The type is wide. The contrast is high. You just need to decide which color to use. Want to make it red? We can’t stop you. So go ahead. Wanna tie-dye it? I suppose we can’t stop you from doing that either.
We have however, come up with a system to use the previous color palette to show specific categories.
R51, G153, B102
C67, M0, Y33, K40
PMS 347U
R0, G99, B191
C89, M63, Y0, K0
PMS 2388U
R153, G0, B0
C24, M100, Y100, K25
PMS 2350U
Making your own
Wikimedia is an open platform. So our logo needs to be an open platform as well. Changing the font to Montserrat, is a right step in that direction. We also want to make it easy for everyone to make your own Wikimedia logo when you need to. (But first, check if there’s already one in the repository. And please add yours to the repository after you’ve made it.)
To make sure that the Wikimedia logos share a common DNA, we have a few suggestions.
- The relationship between the mark and the word WIKIMEDIA shouldn’t change.
- The space between the mark and the word WIKIMEDIA is the same as the space between every line of type.
- The country or organizational name under WIKIMEDIA shouldn’t go beyond the width of that word. For example, the letters in BRAZIL can have loose spacing, but letters in longer words like LUXEMBOURG cannot.
- In the horizontal logo, the second line is aligned to the leg of the W, not the left-most edge. Because Ws are weird and it looks funny the other way.
- When a third line is added to the horizontal logo, it goes above the word WIKIMEDIA and lines up with the third line, not the second.
- You like circles? BOOM. The mark is the same height as the text in a three line logo.
Estes paecen directrices de logotipu realmente relaxaes
Tienes razón. Per otra parte, si fueren estrictes nun les aguantaríamos.
La mayoría de les guíes d'estilu regulen tou tipu de coses. Los colores. Que faer y que nun faer. Polo xeneral hai una páxina de coses que nun hai que faer. Como esta:
We can’t keep anyone from doing any of these things! We’d rather they didn’t do things like that, because ultimately they ruin the brand. But telling people what they can and can’t do isn’t who we are. We’ve built our success by trusting the people who build and edit and read our projects. And it’s worked. So we’re building our style guide the same way. (But seriously, don’t do that stuff up there.)