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Best practices for Content Translation events feedback survey/da

From Meta, a Wikimedia project coordination wiki
This page is a translated version of the page Best practices for Content Translation events feedback survey and the translation is 31% complete.

Content Translation (also known as CX) is a feature of Wikipedia which helps editors translate articles between languages. After running an edit-a-thon event in which participants use Content Translation to create articles, a survey can be a very useful tool to easily and quickly collect feedback about the participants’ experience with Content Translation.

This page provides a template for a survey you can modify and use for your event. Please contact the Language Team to request assistance setting up and administering a survey as part of your Content Translation Event. We’re very happy to do what we can to support you.

Note: The following survey is an updated version of a survey originally developed and administered during March—April 2020 edit-a-thon events in India. Results of that survey provide insight into the CX newcomer experience, and can be found in the Content Translation Newcomer Survey Report.

Content Translation Survey Contents

Thank you for participating today! Your feedback is very important, and we will use it to improve Wikipedia for future editors. Please answer honestly (we won’t ask for your name).

  1. For how long have you contributed to Wikipedia (in any language)?
    1. I dag var min første gang
    2. Mindre end 1 år
    3. 1-3 år
    4. 3 eller flere år
  2. Hvilket køn identificerer du dig mest med?
    1. Kvinde
    2. Mand
    3. Ikke listet:
    4. Ønsker ikke at svare
  3. Hvad beskriver bedst din alder?
    1. 18–25
    2. 26–34
    3. 35–50
    4. 51+
  4. To Wikipedia in which language did you contribute with Content Translation most recently? We will ask for your experience using Content Translation in this language Wikipedia. [open-ended response unless it’s appropriate to provide a list to select from]
  5. Which best describes what you knew about Content Translation before your most recent experience using it?
    1. Jeg havde aldrig hørt om det
    2. Jeg havde hørt om det, men aldrig brugt det
    3. I used it previously to complete and publish a translation
    4. I used it previously, but didn’t complete and publish the translation
  6. [Display this question ONLY IF respondent selects response(3) to Question 5] Prior to your most recent experience using Content Translation, how many articles had you previously published with the tool?
    1. 1
    2. 2-5
    3. 6-15
    4. 15-50
    5. 51-100
    6. 100+
  7. [Display this question ONLY IF respondent selects response(4) to Question 5] Why did you complete/publish the translation you started or created with Content Translation? [open-ended response]
  8. What did you enjoy most about Content Translation? (select up to 2) [randomize order of response items (1–7)]
    1. It provided all the information about the topic I needed
    2. The machine translation offered words and phrases to help me
    3. The machine translation improved my speed of translation
    4. It automatically transferred references
    5. It automatically transferred infoboxes and images
    6. I didn’t have to open as many browser tabs when working
    7. I didn’t have to understand wiki syntax and coding
    8. It was faster than creating an article without Content Translation
    9. Ingenting
    10. Andet:
  9. What did you dislike most about Content Translation? (select up to 2) [randomize order of response items (1-6)]
    1. Quality of machine translation
    2. Process was confusing
    3. I didn’t feel confident about the article I created
    4. I didn’t feel confident about the translation I created
    5. I’m not accustomed to writing in my language
    6. I worry my article won’t be approved
    7. Technical problems with infoboxes, references, etc.
    8. Ingenting
    9. Andet:
  10. [Display this question ONLY IF respondent selects response(2) to Question 9] What about the process was confusing? [open-ended responses]
  11. [Display this question ONLY IF respondent selects response(3) to Question 9] What caused you to lack confidence in your article? [open-ended response]
  12. Overall, how would you describe the machine translations produced automatically by the tool?
    1. 100% korrekt
    2. 85-99% korrekt
    3. 60-84% korrekt
    4. 40-59% korrekt
    5. Mindre end 40% korrekt
  13. [Display this question ONLY IF respondent selects response(2–5) to Question 12] What types of changes to the machine translation did you most frequently need to make? (select the 1 change you made most frequently)
    1. Jeg ændrede enkelte ord
    2. I adjusted the form or spelling of words
    3. I had to make changes to the order of words in a sentence
    4. Andet:
  14. To what degree do you agree or disagree with the following statements? [5-point Likert scale with the following labels, beginning with (1): "strongly disagree", "disagree", "neither agree nor disagree", "agree", "strongly agree"]
    1. Receiving a proposed machine translation helped speed up my process.
    2. Receiving a proposed machine translation helped me think of vocabulary/words I needed.
    3. The process for improving the machine translation was easy.
    4. Overall, the process for creating an article was easy.
    5. Before starting, I knew I’d need to improve the machine translation.
    6. I wish I could publish individual sections before completing the full article.
    7. I feel confident that I’m using Content Translation correctly.
  15. [Display this question ONLY IF respondent rates (1–3) for Question 14(3)] What was difficult about improving the machine translation? [open-ended response]
  16. [Display this question ONLY IF respondent rates (1–3) for Question 14(4)] What was most difficult about the process of creating an article? [open-ended response]
  17. [Display this question ONLY IF respondent rates (1–3) for Question 14(5)] What questions would you like answered about how you’re using Content Translation? [open-ended response]
  18. [Display this question ONLY IF respondent rates (4–5) for Question 14(6)] What has helped you feel confident about using Content Translation? [open-ended response]
  19. In your own words, what took the most time for you to learn about using Content Translation? [open-ended response]
  20. Please describe anything that did not work as expected or that surprised you. [open-ended response]

Thanks for your time. This is the end of the survey.

If you’d like to be contacted to participate in future Wikipedia research events, please leave your email and Wikipedia username and language below.