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Komitato pri aligitaj organizoj

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This page is a translated version of the page Affiliations Committee and the translation is 33% complete.

The Affiliations Committee advises and makes recommendations regarding the recognition and existence of Wikimedia movement affiliates.

Twitter @WikimediaAffCom
Facebook @WikimediaAffCom

AffCom at its Strategic Retreat in Frankfurt

Affiliates Strategy Update: Notes from the 2024 AffCom strategic retreat

Affiliate Recognition and Derecognition: User group application pause lifted

Affiliate Activities and Compliance Report: Activities reports around the world

AffCom Conflict Intervention: Updates on conflict intervention cases

AffCom Movement Contribution: AffCom engagement at WikiIndaba

AffCom Administration: Mari Avetisyan appointed new AffCom secretary

La Komitato pri Filioj (anglalingve Affiliations Committee, ekse Chapters Committee, mallonge AffCom) estas Vikimedia komunume funkcianta komitato, kiu celas konsili Fideikomisiularon de la Fondaĵo Vikimedio pri la aprobo de novaj movadaj filioj: naciaj kaj subnaciaj filioj, temaj organizaĵoj, kaj uzantogrupoj.

La Komitato estis fondita je la 15a de Januaro, 2006, de rezolucio de la Fideikomisiularo, kune kun pluraj aliaj Vikimediaj komitatoj. Ĝia origina mandato inkluzivis kunordigado de la disvolvado de Vikimediaj filioj—kiuj tiam estis je frua stadio de organizado—kaj faciligo de komunikado inter la filioj kaj la Fondaĵo Vikimedio.

In 2012, following a community discussion and a resulting Board of Trustees' resolution, the scope of the Committee was expanded to include thematic organisations and user groups. In accordance with the resolution, the Committee drafted its charter which was officially approved by the Board in August, finalizing the transition into the Affiliations Committee. An updated charter was approved in 2022.

La procedo de la Komitato pri Filioj (anglalingva PDF-prezentaĵo en 2012).

The Affiliations Committee makes recommendations to the Board of Trustees on the recognition, approval and existence of Wikimedia movement affiliates, and for facilitating the creation of those organisations. In other words, the Committee helps Wikimedians from all around the world self-organise into chapters, thematic organisations and user groups, and to gain official recognition from the Wikimedia Foundation.

We can guide you through the founding process of your organisation by helping you to prepare bylaws, answering questions about what the Foundation expects from an affiliate, providing help and advice on solving common technical, trademark, administrative and community-building issues, and—if appropriate—by approving limited financial support for starting up your activities (such as covering the costs of registration and running initial projects).

If you're interested in getting in touch with local efforts in your area, feel free to contact us using any of the methods listed below, and we'll be happy to put you in contact with the right people.

For further information, see Affiliations Committee/Members.

The Affiliates Committee comprises volunteers selected for their enthusiasm and their skills in community organising, cross-cultural communication, reviewing bylaws, and providing governance advice for emerging organisations. There are currently 8 (eight) voting members with terms of three years each.

Voting members of the Committee are helped by non-voting advisors. Advisors provide the Committee with on-the-ground experience, language skills, and governance advice, and are able to take part in discussions at subcommittee meetings.

Certain Wikimedia Foundation staff members support the Committee in its operations and help the Committee to function effectively. They are actively present on the Affiliations Committee's non-public mailing list and internal wiki, and may provide advice to the Committee based on their knowledge and expertise. They are not voting Committee members.

The Wikimedia Foundation Board of Trustees appoint liaisons to the Committee to facilitate communication and coordination between the Committee and the Board. The liaisons shall be the Committee's primary point of contact with the Board, and shall serve to update the Board on the Committee's activities and update the Committee on relevant Board activities. They may request information related to the Committee's operations as necessary to carry out their role. They are not voting Committee members.

Voting members

Photo Name Languages Location (time zone) Term ends Role
1 Jeffrey Keefer en-N, fr-2 United States, North America (UTC-4/UTC-5) la 28-a de februaro 2027 Estro
2 Suyash Dwivedi hi-N, en-3, sa-2 India, South Asia (UTC+05:30) la 28-a de februaro 2027 Vicestro
3 Mari Avetisyan hy-N, en-3, tr-3, ru-3, Armenia, Eastern Europe (UTC+4) la 28-a de februaro 2027 Sekretario
4 Aleksey Chalabyan hy-N, ru-N, en-3 Armenia, Eastern Europe (UTC+4) la 29-a de februaro 2028
5 Mehman Ibragimov ka-N, ru-N, tr-N, az-N, en-3 Georgia, Eastern Europe (UTC+4) la 28-a de februaro 2027
6 Harriet Henry Bayel Ghana, West Africa (UTC) la 28-a de februaro 2027
7 Agus Damanik Indonesia, Southeast Asia (UTC+7) la 28-a de februaro 2027
8 Lucas Teles pt-N, en-3, es-2 Brazil, South America (UTC-3) la 29-a de februaro 2028

Non-voting advisors

Photo Name Languages Location (time zone) Date of appointment for current term Term end Notes
Juan Bautista Alegre Philippines, Southeast Asia (UTC+8) la 18-a de februaro 2024 la 28-a de februaro 2026 Reappointed in February 2025
Delphine Ménard fr-N, en-5, de-3, es-3, it-2 France, Europe (UTC+1) la 18-a de februaro 2024 la 28-a de februaro 2026 Reappointed in February 2025
Nyinawumuntu Jeannette Rebecca Rwanda, Central Africa (UTC+2) la 18-a de februaro 2024 la 28-a de februaro 2026 Reappointed in February 2025
Maor Malul es, en-5, lad-4, pt-4, de-3, he-3, ca-3, af-2, guc-2, tr-2 Israel, Western Asia (UTC+2) la 1-a de marto 2025 la 28-a de februaro 2026 former voting member (2013-19, 2023-24)
Bobby Shabangu ss-N, en-4, zu-3, xh-2, nso-1 South Africa la 1-a de marto 2025 la 28-a de februaro 2026
Robert Jamal en-5, tw-N, fat-N Ghana la 1-a de marto 2025 la 28-a de februaro 2026
Tochi Precious Friday ig-N, en-GB-4, de-3, fr-2 la 1-a de marto 2025 la 28-a de februaro 2026

Board liaisons

Liaison Languages Location (time zone) Term end Notes
Mike Peel en-N, es-2, pt-1, fr-1 Europe (UTC+1)
Nataliia Tymkiv
Lorenzo Losa

Support staff

The work of the Affiliations Committee is supported by the Committee Support team of the Wikimedia Foundation.

  • The best way to contact the Committee is to write an e-mail to affcom(_AT_)lists.wikimedia.org; please note that the Committee might be sometimes slow in responding to e-mails, so if you don't receive a reply to your message in a reasonable time, just send us a reminder.
  • You can also contact the members of the Committee individually by clicking on their usernames in the timeline above; feel free to use our talk pages and e-mails for any questions related to chapters, thematical organisations or user groups.