Affiliations Committee/Resolutions/Wikimedia Armenia – February 2013
Whereas Wikimedia Armenia has requested to be recognised as a chapter,
Whereas its Bylaws have been reviewed by the Affiliations Committee,
Whereas the group of participants in the candidate chapter seems viable, therefore be it
Resolved that the Affiliations Committee hereby advises that the Board of Trustees recognise Wikimedia Armenia upon founding, and grant it interim permission to use the Wikimedia trademarks pending the signing of a Chapters Agreement.
Proposed Board of Trustees resolution
[edit]In accordance with the recommendation of the Affiliations Committee, confirming that the structure and bylaws of Wikimedia Armenia comply with the current requirements and guidelines for future Wikimedia chapters, it is hereby resolved that:
The Board of Trustees provisionally recognises Wikimedia Armenia as a Wikimedia chapter and grants it permission to use the Wikimedia trademarks, pending signature of a Chapters Agreement.
This provisional recognition and permission will expire in one year unless a Chapters Agreement is signed, at which point recognition and trademark use will be governed by the terms of the Agreement for as long as it is in force. The provisional period may be extended at the discretion of the Foundation's Executive Director.
Reference links
[edit] Resolution passed with 10 votes in favor, 0 votes against, 0 abstentions, 1 votes not cast, on 27 February 2013. Advice forwarded to WMF Board of Trustees on 28 February 2013.