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Revisión de l'actividá de los alministradores

From Meta, a Wikimedia project coordination wiki
This page is a translated version of the page Admin activity review and the translation is 65% complete.
Outdated translations are marked like this.

Nuna solicitú de comentarios fecha ente abril y xunu de 2013 decidióse establecer un tiempu máximu d'inactividá ensin revisión comunitaria de dos años pa los alministradores y otros poseedores de permisos avanzaos.


Una revisión de los stewards sobro l'actividá de los burócrates y alministradores de toles wikis (no que cinca tanto a les ediciones como a les aiciones alministratives) amosó un númberu significativu de burócrates y alministradores:

  • que nunca usaron los permisos;
  • que nel pasáu pudieron usar los permisos, sicasí, yá nun tan activos na wiki onde tienen esos permisos


  1. El máximu tiempu d'inactividá ensin revisión comunitaria pa los poseyedores de permisos alministrativos avanzaos tendría de ser de dos años.
    Pa dexalo nidio, los poseedores de permisos alministrativos avanzaos citaos nesti documentu defínense como
  2. Pa esti casu, la inactividá definese como cero ediciones y cero aiciones alministratives na wiki onde se tienen los permisos.
  3. Los stewards tarán encargaos de facer una auditoría regular de l'actividá de los poseyedores de permisos avanzaos.
    L'auditoría será o un procesu añal o semestral, a determinar por cada grupu actual de stewards.
    Toles wikis públiques pasarán l'exame del procesu de revisión de los stewards. Sicasí, nun se fairá nenguna notificación nin retirada de permisos pa
    • les wikis con un Arbitration Committee|Comité d'arbitraxe, p. ex. la Wikipedia n'inglés, porque esos proyeutos pueden decidir tocante a retiraes por inactividá;
    • wikis con procesos de revisión activos, p. ex. Commons; o
    • wikis especiales — les que determine la Fundación Wikimedia, qu'inclúi wikis privaes y wikis operaes por capítulos llocales.
  4. Los procedimientos pa comunicase colos titulares inactivos de permisos alministrativos avanzaos, la respuesta requerida d'estos nes respeutives wikis, ya'l procesu pa desaniciar los permisos son los siguientes:
    Nos proyeutos onde nun haya un procesu formal de revisión, los stewards, o los sos delegaos:
    1. notify those advanced rights holders who have exceeded the maximum allowed time period for inactivity. Such a notification (notice of maximum inactivity) will be sent as a message to the user's talk page on the wiki where they hold their respective rights.
    2. The notified users should then post information to the local community about the notice of maximum inactivity they received from the stewards in order to discuss the matter. If the community then decides to manage these inactive advanced administrative rights holders on their own, they should contact the stewards at the stewards' noticeboard, where the messaged user could provide evidence to the stewards about the local community's decision.
    3. If the stewards do not receive a suitable reply as outlined above after approximately one month, they will evaluate the responses and decide whether to refer the management decisions back to the local communities for comment and review, or to remove the advanced administrative rights from the inactive user. The aim of this process is ultimately to leave each decision to local communities if there are any, which will be upheld and supported by the stewards.

Nota bene

  1. Some WMF communities already have processes to review holders of advanced administrative rights. Examples of such processes currently in use are:
    • minimum activity levels by number of edits or administrative actions;
    • maximum inactivity by time period;
    • a recall process;
    • a confirmation process.
  2. Most of these wikis with such processes also use an approximately twelve-month time period as part of the processes for reviewing activity levels of advanced administrative rights holders.
  3. This policy does not override the authority of any currently existing review processes of any communities, including any such more restrictive systems currently used by the communities. For example, stewards are currently confirmed on an annual basis by the global Wikimedia Foundation community; whereas checkusers and oversighters are currently subject to a higher standard of inactivity policies.