LexiSession is a monthly online event to enhance Wiktionaries by thematic cross-project contributions. It is impulsed by the Tremendous Wiktionary User Group and aims to infuse as much Wiktionary as possible. The theme is not only a word but a vocabulary around a word. Depending of the project, the result can be visible in: one page, a thesaurus, an annex, a category, a mix of all this.
The idea behind this project emerged during Wikimania 2016 and LexiSession started in August 2016, with not so much planning. At first, we plan one LexiSession for August 2016 and one for September 2016. Then, it stay on a monthly base with more or less participation.
August 2016 - kat
First LexiSession theme is cat. Yes, a small nice fluffy animal, but how to describe it? What is the vocabulary you may need to describe this reality? Colors, coats, shape of the eyes,… We do not want to harvest species names but vocabulary that may be connected with. Limits will emerge during the process.
- Resultater
Good result for French Wiktionary. Three languages have been studied and the thesaurus about cat in French gathered 9 contributors for 77 edits. It is quite decent and may help to create the missing vocabulary to talk about cats.
Local pages developed during this event:
- French Wiktionary:
- Creation of a thesaurus about cat in French by Pamputt, Lyokoï, Noé, Popo le chien, Cherry, Stephane8888, Castorepollux, Warp3, Hadrianus, Korg, Kiminou1 and an IP
- Creation of a thesaurus about cat in Breton by VIGNERON, Yun
- Creation of a thesaurus about cat in English by Noé, Automatik
September 2016 - veje og gader
Second LexiSession theme is roads and streets. This month, let’s try to look for a vocabulary that can be of some help for cartographers, and OpenStreetMap. This time, it will be very interesting to picture a semantic map with all this concept and to try to help people to pick the exact meaning they need.
- Resultater
Please add the links to local pages developed during this event to keep a trace of the changes impulsed by this event, and indicate people implied.
- French Wiktionary:
- Improvement of the Thesaurus about streets in French by Noé, Benoît Prieur, JackPotte, Lyokoï and two IPs
- Creation of a Thesaurus about bridge in French by Noé and Otourly
- Catalan Wiktionary:
- Creation of the first thesaurus, vies urbanes by Vriullop
Oktober 2016 - politi
October will be a month dedicated to the vocabulary about the police. Services, slang, tools and techniques. There is a lot of vocabulary to catch.
- Resultater
Please add the links to local pages developed during this event to keep a trace of the changes impulsed by this event, and indicate people implied.
- French Wiktionary:
- Creation of a Thesaurus about police in French by VIGNERON, Pamputt, Cbyd, Warp3 and one IP
- Creations by Noé: grenade de désencerclement, OIPC, contrôle social, contrôle au faciès and menottes
- Add of illustrations to indic, hôtel de police, taser and flashball.
November 2016 - vin
To celebrate Beaujolais Nouveau wine, we dedicate November to Dionysus and to the vocabulary of wine! As a guide, you can have a look at this joint picture made in half a dozen languages with wine aroma.
- Resultater
Please add the links to local pages developed during this event to keep a trace of the changes impulsed by this event, and indicate people implied.
- English Wiktionary:
- Creation of Esperanto entries: vina, vino, vinejo, Dionizo and creation of Category:eo:Wine by Mr. Granger
- French Wiktionary:
- Creation of a Thesaurus of wine in French by Lyokoï, Automatik and Cbyd
- Creation of a Thesaurus of wine in Breton by VIGNERON
- Creations by Delarouvraie, Unsui and Noé: chambolle-musigny,madiran, minervois, passetoutgrain, persistance aromatique interne, pinot gris, pommard, vin doux naturel
- Improvements: assemblage, bouche, élevage, faugères, longueur, nez, nouveau, typicité, vert
December 2016 - gaver
Fifth LexiSession is about gifts, if you want to offer or receive some. This time, it may relate on verbs also, and how to properly describe the different aspects of gifts.
- Resultater
Please add the links to local pages developed during this event to keep a trace of the changes impulsed by this event, and indicate people implied.
- English Wiktionary:
- Improvement of gift by TheDaveRoss
- French Wiktionary:
- Creation of a Thesaurus about gift in French by Lyokoï, Assassas77, Rapaloux, Noé, JackPotte, Pamputt, Cbyd, Automatik
- Creation of a Thesaurus about gift in Chinese by Assassas77
Januar 2017 - bil
Sixth LexiSession is about car. They are everywhere around us but only few know there names and caracteristics. Let's push the turbo to start 2017! This time, we may deal with a lot of nouns and new thesaurus! English Wiktionary already have a Wikisaurus on vehicle and a Wikisaurus on automobile but without any connexion between them, and very few words to pimp your car. Let's be creative with spoiler, hubcap and vinyl roof!
- Resultater
Please add the links to local pages developed during this event to keep a trace of the changes impulsed by this event, and indicate people implied.
- French Wiktionary:
- Creation of a Thesaurus about automobile in French by Noé, Automatik, Classiccardinal, Cbyd and an IP
- Creation of a Thesaurus about vehicle in French by Noé
Februar 2017 - feber
Seventh LexiSession is about fever. During winter, it's quite common to get a cold, but there is several kind of fever and it can help people to structure the vocabulary about this topic.
- Resultater
Please add the links to local pages developed during this event to keep a trace of the changes impulsed by this event, and indicate people implied.
- English Wiktionary:
- French Wiktionary:
- Creation of a Thesaurus about fever in French by Lyokoï, Rapaloux, Lmaltier, Cbyd
Marts 2017 - franske ord på andre sprog
Eighth LexiSession is about French words in other languages. This month, there is the Semaine de la Francophonie [French language week] so let's track borrowings of French in other languages and create new entries in Wiktionary with French word in other languages contexts and observe the semantic changes. Also, Francophonie is about French language outside of France frontiers, so you are also welcome to amplify the vocabulary of French with word from Africa or overseas countries.
- Resultater
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- nothing recorded this month.
April 2017 - bibliotek og bøger
Ninth LexiSession is about library and books. Wiktionaries are not books, but there is plenty of vocabulary to describe book manufacturing, conservation and archiving. Let's explore it! And April 23th is World Book Day, a special occasion to gather contributors to write about books!
- Resultater
Please add the links to local pages developed during this event to keep a trace of the changes impulsed by this event, and indicate people implied.
- French Wiktionary:
- Creation of a Thesaurus about library in French by La Fée Didier, Lyokoï, Pierre Tribhou, VIGNERON and Noé
- Update on thesaurus about book by VIGNERON
Maj 2017 - blomster
Tenth LexiSession is about flowers. To celebrate spring, let's collect words about flowers, parts, culture, action with flowers and local names.
- Resultater
Please add the links to local pages developed during this event to keep a trace of the changes impulsed by this event, and indicate people implied.
- French Wiktionary:
- Creation of a Thesaurus about flower in French by Lyokoï, Unsui, Noé and Gtaf
Juni 2017 - koncert
Eleventh LexiSession is about concert. To celebrate music, let's collect words about organising musical events.
- Resultater
Please add the links to local pages developed during this event to keep a trace of the changes impulsed by this event, and indicate people implied.
- French Wiktionary:
- Creation of a Thesaurus about concert in French by Noé, Ltrlg, Lyokoï and Stephane8888
Juli 2017 - flyvning
Tolvte LexiSession er om flyvning. Det er tid til at udføre en tønde rulning!
- Resultater
Here you can add links to local pages developed during this event to show them to other wiktionarians, and indicate people implied.
- English Wiktionary:
- Improvement on volar (a Spanish word) by Recónditos
- Improvement on उड़ना (an Hindi word) by Aryaman
- French Wiktionary:
- Creation of a Thesaurus about flight in French by Lyokoï and Ltrlg
- ...
August 2017 - cirkus
Thirteen LexiSession is about circus. Show must go on! Let's go clowns.
- Resultater
Here you can add links to local pages developed during this event to show them to other wiktionarians, and indicate people implied.
- English Wiktionary:
- Creation of a raw list of related words by W3ird N3rd
- French Wiktionary:
- Creation of a Thesaurus about circus in French by Pamputt, VIGNERON, Noé and an IP.
- ...
September 2017 - fred
Fjortende LexiSession er om fred.
- Resultater
Here you can add links to local pages developed during this event to show them to other wiktionarians, and indicate people implicated.
- French Wiktionary:
- Creation of a Thesaurus about peace in French by Psychoslave, Noé, Basnormand, Pyxido, Classicardinal and Lyokoï
- ...
Oktober 2017 - straf
Femtende LexiSeeion er om straf.
- Resultater
Here you can add links to local pages developed during this event to show them to other wiktionarians, and indicate people implicated.
- English Wiktionary:
- Creation of poena cullei and slow slicing by P5Nd2
- French Wiktionary:
- Creation of a Thesaurus about punishment in French by Noé, Rapaloux, Classiccardinal, Basnormand
- Creation of a Thesaurus about death penalty in French by Noé, Classiccardinal
- Creation of a Thesaurus about prison in French by Classiccardinal, Kumkum
- ...
November 2017 - toilet
Sekstende LexiSession er om toilet.
- Resultater
Here you can add links to local pages developed during this event to show them to other wiktionarians, and indicate people implicated.
- English Wiktionary:
- French Wiktionary:
- Thesaurus about toilet in French was improved during November and December by seven people.
- ...
December 2017 - te
Syttende udgave af LexiSession omhandler te.
- Resultater
Here you can add links to local pages developed during this event to show them to other wiktionarians, and indicate people implicated.
- English Wiktionary:
- French Wiktionary:
- Creation of Thesaurus about tea in French by Jpgibert
- Creation of Thesaurus about tea in Chinese by Assassas77
- ...
Januar 2018 - Nytår
Eighteen LexiSession is about New Year celebrations.
- Resultater
Here you can add links to local pages developed during this event to show them to other wiktionarians, and indicate people implicated.
- English Wiktionary:
- Creation of uvas de la suerte by Gente como tú
- French Wiktionary:
- Creation of thesaurus about New year in French by Jpgibert, Pamputt and Classiccardinal
- Creation of thesaurus about New year in Chinese by Assassas77
- ...
Februar 2018 - radio
Nittende udgave af LexiSession omhandler radio.
- Resultater
Here you can add links to local pages developed during this event to show them to other wiktionarians, and indicate people implicated.
- English Wiktionary:
- Creation of radiotransmisión and radiorreceptor and expansion of the Derived terms at radio by Otra cuenta105
- Creation of radiohoofd (Dutch) by Lingo Bingo Dingo
- French Wiktionary:
- Creation of Thesaurus about radio in French by Lyokoï, Ltrlg, Benoît Prieur, Stephane8888, Noé, Delarouvraie, Thibaut120094, Tamahashi, Hildepont and Jpgibert.
- Creation of Thesaurus about waves in French by Noé, Pamputt, Delarouvraie, Hildepont and Lyokoï.
- ...
Marts 2018 - matematik
Tyvende udgave af LexiSession omhandler matematik.
- Resultater
Here you can add links to local pages developed during this event to show them to other wiktionarians, and indicate people implicated.
- English Wiktionary:
- Creation of complex getal, differentiaalquotiënt, differentiatie, eenheidsmatrix, eenheidsvector, eigenvector, hoofdrekenaar, identiteitsmatrix, integraalrekening, lijnintegraal, machtsverheffing, normaalvector, normaalverdeling, raakvector, tensor (Dutch), algebrala, decimala, decimalo, derivajo, multiplikar, polo, quadrato, simetreso (Ido), afgeleide, differentiatie, komplekse getal, magsverheffing, polinoom (Afrikaans) by Lingo Bingo Dingo
- French Wiktionary:
- Creation of Thesaurus about math in French by Pamputt, Hector, Delarouvraie, Hildepont and Cbyd.
- ...
April 2018 - minedrift
LexiSession nummer 21 er om minedrift.
- Resultater
Here you can add links to local pages developed during this event to show them to other wiktionarians, and indicate people implicated.
- English Wiktionary:
- Creation of bloeddiamant, diamant, diamantmyn, goudmyn, koolmyn, myn, mynbou, mynstaking, mynwerker, silwermyn (Afrikaans), concessie, concessieblok, ijzermijn, kopermijn, mijnarbeider, mijner, mijngas, mijnhout, mijningenieur, mijnramp, mijnsteenberg, mijnwagen, mijnwerker, mijnwerkershelm, mijnwerkerslamp, mijnwezen, mineren, mineur, robijn, schachttoren, zilvermijn, zoutmijn (Dutch), Bergfrau (German), ministo (Ido); expansion of houwer, kompel, mijn, mijnbouw (Dutch) by Lingo Bingo Dingo
- French Wiktionary:
- Creation of a Thesaurus of mine in French by Lyokoï, Pyxido, Tamahashi, Cbyd, Jpgibert and JackPotte
- Creation of a Thesaurus of mine in Minnan by Assassas77
- Improvement of dyke, esterellite, argilite, groie, sel gemme by Lyokoï
- ...
May 2018 - strike
Twenty-second LexiSession is about going on strike.
- Resultater
Here you can add links to local pages developed during this event to show them to other wiktionarians, and indicate people implicated.
- English Wiktionary:
- French Wiktionary:
- Creation of a Thesaurus of strike in French by Delarouvraie, Noé, Braaark, Pamputt, Hildepont, François GOGLINS
Juni 2018 - hud
Twenty-third LexiSession is about skin.
- Resultater
Here you can add links to local pages developed during this event to show them to other wiktionarians, and indicate people implicated.
- English Wiktionary:
- French Wiktionary:
- Creation of a Thesaurus of skin in French by Cbyd, Rapaloux, Automatik, Djiboun and Hildepont
Juli 2018 - sovse
Fireogtyvende udgave af LexiSession omhandler sovse.
- Resultater
Here you can add links to local pages developed during this event to show them to other wiktionarians, and indicate people implicated.
- English Wiktionary:
- Creation of some sauces names in Spanish by Harmonicaplayer
- French Wiktionary:
- Creation of a Thesaurus of sauce in French by Jpgibert, Romainbehar, Noé, Patatruc and Stephane8888
August 2018 - sand
LexiSession nummer 25 er om sand.
- Resultater
Here you can add links to local pages developed during this event to show them to other wiktionarians, and indicate people implicated.
- English Wiktionary:
- Creation of bezanden, bezanding, slaapzand, stuifzand, teerzand, zandbij, zandduin, zandgroeve, zandsculptuur, zandsteengroeve, zandstenen, zandstorm, zandpad, zandvlakte, zandverstuiving, zandweg, zandzegge (Dutch); sand, sandkasteel, sandsteen, sandstorm (Afrikaans); santi (Sranan Tongo); and sleepy sand (English) by Lingo Bingo Dingo
- French Wiktionary:
- Creation of a Thesaurus of sand in French by Cbyd, Noé, Pamputt, Hildepont, Champaniarden, Jpgibert, Lyokoï
September 2018 - surhed
Seksogtyvende udgave af LexiSession omhandler surdity.
- Resultater
Here you can add links to local pages developed during this event to show them to other wiktionarians, and indicate people implicated.
- English Wiktionary:
- French Wiktionary:
- Creation of a Thesaurus of surdity in French by Cbyd, Noé, Jpgibert, Patatruc, Bercours, Tamahashi and an IP
Oktober 2018 - møde
Twenty-seventh LexiSession is about meeting.
- Resultater
Here you can add links to local pages developed during this event to show them to other wiktionarians, and indicate people implicated.
- Engelsk Wiktionary:
- Fransk Wiktionary:
- Oprettelse af tesaurus for møde på fransk af Noé, Lyokoï, Cbyd, Jpgibert, Pamputt og Automatik
November 2018 - traditionelle asiatiske spil
Twenty-eighth LexiSession is about traditional asian games.
- Resultater
Here you can add links to local pages developed during this event to show them to other wiktionarians, and indicate people implicated.
- Engelsk Wiktionary:
- Fransk Wiktionary:
- Oprettelse af xiangqi af Daxipedia
December 2018 - held og uheld
Twenty-nineth LexiSession is about luck and misfortune.
- Resultater
Here you can add links to local pages developed during this event to show them to other wiktionarians, and indicate people implicated.
- English Wiktionary:
- French Wiktionary:
- Creation of thesaurus of luck in French by Lyokoï, Patatruc, Lepticed7, Noé and Unsui
- Creation of thesaurus of misfortune in French by Lyokoï, Pyxido, Noé and Unsui
Januar 2019 - løgn
Tredivte LexiSession er en løgn.
- Resultater
Here you can add links to local pages developed during this event to show them to other wiktionarians, and indicate people implicated.
- English Wiktionary:
- French Wiktionary:
- Creation of thesaurus of lie in French by Lepticed7, Benoît Prieur, Cbyd, Romainbehar, Lmaltier, Noé, Otourly, Jpgibert, Pyxido
- Creation of thesaurus of truth in French by Stephane8888, Rapaloux, Noé
February 2019 - crepe and galette
This LexiSession is a about crepe and galette.
- Resultater
Here you can add links to local pages developed during this event to show them to other wiktionarians, and indicate people implicated.
- English Wiktionary:
- French Wiktionary:
- Creation of thesaurus of crepe in French by Pamputt, Hildepont, Lepticed7, Jpgibert, Tamahashi, Lyokoï, Stephane8888
- Creation of thesaurus of galette in French by Lyokoï, Noé
- Creation of roi de la fève, reine de la fève by Alphabeta
Marts 2019 - krig
This LexiSession in March will be about war as a continuation of September 2017 lexisession on peace.
- Resultater
Here you can add links to local pages developed during this event to show them to other wiktionarians, and indicate people implicated.
- English Wiktionary:
- French Wiktionary:
- Creation of thesaurus of war in English by Lepticed7, Treehill, Vaulque, Jpgibert, Mokeha, et one more.
- Creation of thesaurus of war in English by Treehill
April 2019 - sport
This LexiSession in April will be about sport.
- Resultater
Here you can add links to local pages developed during this event to show them to other wiktionarians, and indicate people implicated.
- English Wiktionary:
- French Wiktionary:
- Creation of the thesaurus about sport in Chinese by Assassas77
Maj 2019 - gulerod
This LexiSession in May will be about carrot, because vegetable are important.
- Resultater
Here you can add links to local pages developed during this event to show them to other wiktionarians, and indicate people implicated.
- English Wiktionary:
- French Wiktionary:
- Creation of thesaurus of carrot in French by Classiccardinal, Noé, Lyokoï, Jpgibert, Hildepont and Warp3
- Enhancement of carotte by Alphabeta and others
Juni 2019 - solen
This LexiSession in June will be about the Sun, because without the Sun, there is no life around.
- Resultater
Here you can add links to local pages developed during this event to show them to other wiktionarians, and indicate people implicated.
- Engelsk Wiktionary:
- Fransk Wiktionary:
Juli 2019 - prævention
This LexiSession in July will be about contraception, because in a project mainly filled by men, those words are missing.
- Resultater
Here you can add links to local pages developed during this event to show them to other wiktionarians, and indicate people implicated.
- English Wiktionary:
- French Wiktionary:
- Creation of a thesaurus by Jpgibert, Willylexomil, Lepticed7, Rapaloux, Noé
August 2019 - kortspil
Har du lyst til at spille?
- Resultater
- English Wiktionary:
- French Wiktionary:
- Creation of a thesaurus by Jpgibert, Otourly, Jamain, Classiccardinal, Noé, Suzel25
September 2019 - melee
This month, we can fight, punch and dodge.
- Resultater
- English Wiktionary:
- French Wiktionary:
- Creation of a thesaurus by Jpgibert and eleven others
Oktober 2019 - kaffe og cigaretter
This month, an homage to Jarmusch's movie, Coffee & Cigarettes.
- Resultater
- French Wiktionary:
- Creation of thésaurus du café (la boisson)|a thesaurus on coffee (beverage) by Noé, Pyxido, Classiccardinal, Otourly, WikiLucas00, Tamahashi
- Creation of thésaurus du café (établissement)|a thesaurus on café (place) by Noé, Jpgibert, Sebleouf, WikiLucas00, Classiccardinal
- Creation of cigarette|a thesaurus on cigarettes by Pamputt, Jpgibert, Noé, Sebleouf, Classiccardinal, Basnormand
November 2019 - aktivisme
This month, it's time to do something about the people that do something.
- Results
- French Wiktionary:
- Creation of a thesaurus by WikiLucas00
December 2019 - fejring og familien
This month, let's celebrate and gather the family or at least words about the family.
- Results
- French Wiktionary:
- Creation of a thesaurus on celebration by Lyokoï, Noé, WikiLucas00, Marxav
- Creation of a thesaurus on family by Lepticed7 and Relf PP
Januar 2020 - Menneskerettigheder
In order to support WikiForHumanRights, let's look at the words to talk about human rights!
Februar 2020 - Guitar og klaver
Lidt musik denne måned.
March 2020 - Wikichallenge
In French Wiktionary, we'll try to create at least 100 thesaurus in one month. Do you want to challenge us?