Wiktionary/External works/yue
This page is part of the Tremendous Wiktionary User Group activities.
This page aims to present information on Wiktionaries with three axis:
- Collect and keep track of publications about Wiktionaries, similarly as Wiki Research Bibliography.
- Present tools using Wiktionaries data.
- Present collaborations made by the community with institutions or group of speakers
See also the other subpages: Internal communication, Technical improvements, LexiSession and Meetings.
In this section, please indicate publications in chronological order, with precise sources. Short reviews welcome. The Signpost published a review of various publication about Wiktionary in October 2015.
- Pedro A. Fuertes-Oliveira, "The Function Theory of Lexicography and Electronic Dictionaries: Wiktionary as a Prototype of Collective Free Multiple-Language Internet Dictionary". In: Lexicography at a Crossroads: Dictionaries and Encyclopedias Today, Lexicographical Tooks Tomorrow, published by Henning Bergenholtz, Sandro Nielsen & Sven Tarp. Peter Lang. 2009. pp. 99-135.
- Discussed in English Wiktionary.
- Christian M. Meyer & Iryna Gurevych, Worth its weight in gold or yet another resource — a comparative study of wiktionary, openthesaurus and germanet. In Proceedings of the 11th international conference on Computational Linguistics and Intelligent Text Processing (CICLing'10), Alexander Gelbukh (Ed.). Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, pp. 38-49.
- Christian M. Meyer & Iryna Gurevych, What Psycholinguists Know About Chemistry: Aligning Wiktionary and WordNet for Increased Domain Coverage, Proceedings of the 5th International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing, 2011, pages 883–892.
- Patrick Hanks. "Corpus evidence and electronic lexicography". In: Electronic Lexicography, published by Sylviane Granger & Magali Paquot. Oxford University Press. 2012. pp.57-82.
- Discussed in French Wiktionary.
- Li, S., Graça, J. V., & Taskar, B. (2012, July). Wiki-ly supervised part-of-speech tagging. In Proceedings of the 2012 Joint Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing and Computational Natural Language Learning (pp. 1389-1398). Association for Computational Linguistics.
- Christian M. Meyer & Iryna Gurevych. "Wiktionary: A new rival for expert-built lexicons? Exploring the possibilities of collaborative lexicography". In: Electronic Lexicography, published by Sylviane Granger & Magali Paquot. Oxford University Press. 2012. pp.259-292.
- Franck Sajous, Emmanuel Navarro, Bruno Gaume, Laurent Prévot & Yannick Chudy, Semi-automatic enrichment of crowdsourced synonymy networks: the WISIGOTH system applied to Wiktionary. Lang. Resour. Eval. 47, 1 (March 2013), 63-96.
- De Smedt, T., Marfia F., Matteucci M. & Daelemans W. Using Wiktionary to build an Italian part-of-speech tagger. Conference Proceedings. Natural Language Processing and Information Systems (NLDB). In: LNCS 8455. Published by Stringer. 2014. pp. 1-8.
- Franck Sajous, Nabil Hathout & Basilio Calderone, Ne jetons pas le Wiktionnaire avec l'oripeau du Web ! Études et réalisations fondées sur le dictionnaire collaboratif, 4ème Congrès Mondial de Linguistique Française (CMLF 2014), Jul 2014, Berlin, Allemagne. pp.663-680, 2014.
- Discussed in French Wiktionary.
- Gerard de Melo, Wiktionary-Based Word Embeddings, Proceedings of MT Summit XV, vol.1: MT Researchers' Track, Oct 30 - Nov 3, 2015, pp. 346-359.
- Nabil Hathout & Franck Sajous. Wiktionnaire's Wikicode GLAWIfied: a Workable French Machine-Readable Dictionary. 10th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC 2016), May 2016, Portorož, Slovenia. pp. 1369-1376, 2016, Proceedings of the tenth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation.
- Discussed in French Wiktionary.
- Christo Kirov, John Sylak-Glassman, Roger Que, David Yarowsky. Very-large Scale Parsing and Normalization of Wiktionary Morphological Paradigms, 10th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC 2016), May 2016, Portorož, Slovenia. pp. 1369-1376, 2016.
- Discussed in French Wiktionary.
- Sascha Wolfer & Carolin Müller-Spitzer, How Many People Constitute a Crowd and What Do They Do? Quantitative Analyses of Revisions in the English and German Wiktionary Editions, Lexikos 26 (AFRILEX-reeks/series 26: 2016), pp. 347-371.
- Discussed in English Wiktionary.
- Roa-Valverde, A.J., Sanchez-Alonso, S., Sicilia, MA. et al. An approach to measuring and annotating the confidence of Wiktionary translations. Lang Resources & Evaluation (2017) doi:10.1007/s10579-017-9384-9
- Jan Portisch, Michael Hladik and Heiko Paulheim, Wiktionary Matcher, Ontology Alignment Evaluation Initiative, m.s.
- Sajous Franck, Hathout Nabil, Josselin-Leray Amélie, « Du vin et devin dans le Wiktionnaire : neutralité de point de vue ou neutralité et point de vue ? », Éla. Études de linguistique appliquée, 2019/2 (N° 194), p. 147-164.
- Elchacar Mireille, « Comparaison du traitement lexicographique des appellations des identités de genre non traditionnelles dans les dictionnaires professionnels et profanes », Éla. Études de linguistique appliquée, 2019/2 (N° 194), p. 177-191.
- Humbley John, « Vedettariat militant des dictionnaires collaboratifs ? », Éla. Études de linguistique appliquée, 2019/2 (N° 194), p. 165-176.
This section is to promote and diffuse tools that are based on Wiktionaries data. Please add links and descriptions below.
- Etytree: a tool to visualize etymologies.
- Lingua Libre: a tool for recording words, with guides to records small languages or regional dialects.
This section is to document collaborations that happened between the community and institutions.
- Langue de France: French Wiktionary is part of a collaboration on France languages, and contributors are training speakers to Wiktionary and Commons.