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Hi, if you have some news to report about your local wiki I like to hear about it to write about it. Here or at #wikizine


TBP: 2011-09-14

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 Year: 2011  Week: 39   Techflash        


An independent internal news bulletin 
for the members of the Wikimedia community


Breaking news[edit]

  • [Wikimedia servers upgrade] - Wikimedia servers are in the process of upgrading. You may experience difficulties in reading and/or editing Wikimedia sites.
    • Upgrade timeline:
      • [19 September] - Monday, September 19, 23:00-01:00 UTC -- Production test: test2.wikipedia.org – this stage will ensure that 1.18 is compatible with the rest of our production infrastructure. There’s a small chance that changes here could affect all wikis.
      • [21 September] - Wednesday, September 21, 23:00-03:00 UTC -- Stage 1: simple.wikipedia.org, simple.wiktionary.org, usability.wikimedia.org, strategy.wikimedia.org, mediawiki.org, he.wikisource.org
      • [26 September] - Monday, September 26, 23:00-03:00 UTC -- Stage 2: meta.wikimedia.org, en.wikiquote.org, en.wikibooks.org, beta.wikiversity.org, eo.wikipedia.org, nl.wikipedia.org
      • [4 October] - Tuesday, October 4, 23:00-03:00 UTC -- Stage 3: remaining wikis.

@@@@@@@@  Wikizine seeks editors @@@@@@@@@ 
Editor(s): Milos
Corrector(s): Nathan
Support: Walter
Contact: http://report.wikizine.org
Website: http://www.wikizine.org
Gopherhole: gopher://gopher.wikizine.org
@@@@@@@@@  Wikizine seeks editors @@@@@@@@ 

Wikizine.org makes no guarantee of accuracy, 
validity and especially but not limited to, 
correct grammar and spelling. Satisfaction is not guaranteed. 
Some content can be highly inspired or directly copied from other sources. 
Those sources are listed above at "Sources-Attributions".
Wikizine.org is published by [[meta:user:Walter]].
Content is available under Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License 3.0 