Wikisource Conference 2025/Submissions/Digitalizing Korean traditional text
- Title of the submitted proposal: Digitalizing Korean traditional text
- Description: (Will be translated)
- Why Wikimedia Korea gained interest in digitalizing Medieval Korean scripts, and what we gained by a few years of activities
- Texts considered to have high historical value do not exist or don't use an Index page (just text block) in Korean Wikisource
- Difference between Medieval Korean script compared to Modern Korean (Difficult to read and requires specific program), and Introduction of solution we implemented, and basic demonstration of said work
- On-sight demonstration of Nalgaeset (날개셋) keyboard program, used to input Medieval Korean characters
- How we taught and educated input method of Medieval Korean and/or basic Wiki markup to ordinary volunteers
- Examples of results (Completed articles)
- How we extend this project into partnership with the National Library of Korea (and their interest) and articles of the 20th century.
- Medieval Korean OCR development status of the National Library of Korea, and the possibility of collaboration using this technology
- Modern Korean Project: Transcribing texts that don't use medieval script, but much needed in Korean Wikisource
- Easy to work on, because it doesn't require a specific program and/or professional knowledge
- Why Wikimedia Korea gained interest in digitalizing Medieval Korean scripts, and what we gained by a few years of activities
- Relationship to Wikisource or to the theme: It completely meets the theme of "Transform & Preserve Heritage Digitally" as we are directly introducing about transforming heritage activities in South Korea
- Username of speaker(s): User:Motoko (WMKR) (Online) and User:Aspere (On-sight)
- Youngjin is submitting behalf of Wikimedia Korea, but he is not the speaker of this session.
- Session type: Lecture
- Duration:30 mins
- Outcomes: After this session participants are well known about how we digitalize the traditional Korean document and its success, Also the connection to its success to wikisource activities related into Korean culture.