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This page is a translated version of the page Wikiquote and the translation is 39% complete.
Outdated translations are marked like this.
विकिकथन लोगो
विकिकथन लोगो

विकीकथन कथनहरूको एक बहुभाषिक सतत-सक्रिय (अनलाइन) मुक्त-सामग्री सार-संग्रह हो । केवल प्रतिलिप्यधिकार कथनहरूलाई छोडेर सबै कथन मुक्त प्रलेखन अनुज्ञा जिएफडिएलसिसि-बिवाई-एसएको आधीन त्यसरी नै जारी गरिन्छ जसरी अन्य विकिमीडिया फाउंडेसन परियोजनाहरू ।


यो जून २७,२००३ मा मेटामा बेनाम पोस्टको साथ सुरू भएको थियो ।

यो जुलाई १०, २००३ मा quote.wikipedia.org को रूपमा सुरू भयो र पछि २५ अगस्त २००३ मा विकिकथन मा परिणत भयो।


विकिकथनमा जुन २००४ मा ६ भाषाहरुमा २५०० लेखहरु थिए । एक वर्षपछि डोमेनको पहिलो प्रस्ताव अन्तर्गत wikiquote.org अङ्ग्रेजी भन्दा अन्य भाषा बोल्ने अन्य भाषाहरूले आफ्नै उपडोमेन १७ जुलाईमा अनुरोध गरेका थिए । तिनीहरूले सुरुमा विकिकथनलाई जर्मन, फ्रान्सेली, इटालियन र पोलिश भाषाहरूमा सृजना गरेका थिए ।

The Wikiquote project is expanding slowly but steadily. At the end of September there were about 15 Wikiquotes, both large and small. On December 1, there were 24 Wikiquote projects. There were almost 6,500 articles in total in December 2004. At the end of May 2005 the total number of articles reached 14,000. It included nearly 30,000 articles in over 30 languages in February 2006, over 60,000 articles in 87 languages in May 2007 and over 80,000 articles in 89 languages in June 2008.

Since the last update of June 2008, the number of languages has remained stable, while the number of articles has doubled. As of 10 May 2014, about eleven years after its creation, the Wikiquote project now includes over 168,000 articles in 89 languages. Twenty-eight language versions have more than 1,000 articles. Fifty-six language versions have 100 or more articles.

The largest Wikiquotes are Italian and English, with over ४८,००० and ४६,००० articles respectively. Third is Polish Wikiquote, with more than २४,००० articles.


Sometimes the Wikiquote project faces troubles and challenges. One of the most remarkable challenges was copyright issues on the French Wikiquote. To avoid problems, on March 2006 the Foundation decided to take it down, erase all its material and relaunch it. For details, see the announcement from the Foundation.

However, devoted editors rescued the situation. They settled their charter and policies, and French Wikiquote was relaunched on December 4, 2006.

List of Wikiquotes

See this page for complete statistics.

Table transcluded from Wikiquote/Table.

The Alemannic, Bavarian and Rhine Franconian Wikipedias have a namespace dedicated to quotations (als:Spruch:Start, bar:Spruch:Start, pfl:Spruch:Start) rather than using a standalone Wikiquote project.


Recommended article-count milestones are 100, 500, 1k, 2k, 5k increments to 50k, 10k increments to 100k, 25k increments to 250k, 50k increments to 500k, and 100k increments to 1000k.

Reporting to Wikimedia News is also recommended.

Past milestones can be found in the archives.






  • 26 अगस्ट 2021
  • 1 फेब्रुअरी 2021


  • 6 डिसेम्बर 2020



  • 1 अक्टोबर 2015
  • 13 फेब्रुअरी 2015
  • 2 फेब्रुअरी 2015




  • 14 नोभेम्बर 2010
  • 19 अक्टोबर 2010
  • मे 2010
  • 21 मार्च 2010
  • 26 फेब्रुअरी 2010
  • फेब्रुअरी 2010
    • Wikiquote has over 100,000 articles in total. Not known when the milestone has reached.


  • अक्टोबर – नोभेम्बर 2009
  • 8 अक्टोबर 2009
An Alemannic Wikiquote has been created as separate namespace within Alemannic Wikipedia: Alemannischi Spruchsammlig (Wikiquote).
  • 10 सेप्टेम्बर 2009
  • अगस्ट – सेप्टेम्बर 2009
  • 20 अगस्ट 2009

नयाँ विकिकथन

If you want to launch a Wikiquote project in your favorite language, you can request it, filling some requirements. See Requests for new languages for further information.

परियोजना चौडा संचारहरू

Most of language projects of Wikiquote have its discussion place on their wikis. If it is hard for you to find it, try talk:Main Page on each wiki.

विश्वव्यापी विकिकथन समुदायले केही संचार च्यानलहरू प्रयोग गर्दछ।

सम्बन्धित पृष्ठहरू

विकिकथन समन्वय

