Wikipedia for Peace Switzerland 2019/Results
Wikipedia for Peace | Participants | Program and Ideas | Article lists | Results |

Link to all pictures of this Workcamp
new translations
[edit]- Simone Tanner Chaumet - translation from English to RussianСимона_Таннер_Шоме
- Loomio - translation from English to German
- May East - translation from English to Chinese
- Social Ecology - translation from English, Russian to Ukrainian
- Yetnebersh Nigussie - Translation from English to Ukrainian
- Climate Justice - Translation from English to Lao
- School Strike for climate - Translation from English to Vietnamese
- Service Civil International - translation from English to Russian
- Environmental impact of meat production - translation from English to Finnish
- Simone Tanner Chaumet - translation from English to Chinese
- Climate security - translation from English to Czech
- Climate inertia - translation from English to Czech
- Right Livelihood Award - translation from English to Catalan
- Landless People's Movement - translation from English to German
- Custodian bank - translation from English to Vietnamese
- School strike for climate - translation from English to Ukrainian
- Greta Thunberg - translation from English to Serbian
- Water scarcity - translation from English to Serbian
- Climate justice - translation from English to Serbian
- Water scarity - translation from English to Frenchénurie_d'eau_(Stress_hydrique)
- Medica mondiale - translation from German to English
- Social Ecology - translation from English to Czech
- Yacouba Sawadogo - translation from English Finnish
- Meltwater - translation from English to French
- Krishnammal Jagannathan - translation from English to German
- Simone Tanner Chaumet - translation from English to French
- Landless People's Movement - translation from English to French
- Vesna Teršelič - translation from English to German
- Environmental movement in the United States - translation from English to RussianДеятельность_по_защите_окружающей_среды_в_Соединенных_Штатах
- Homo consumericus - translation from English to Serbian
- Anti-consumerism - translation from English to Serbian
- Guard llama - translation from English to Serbian
- Helen Mack Chang - translation from English to German
- Sexecology - translation from English to RussianСекс-экология.
- Ecological debt - translation from English to Ukrainian
- Yetnebersh Nigussie - Translation/Improvement to Polish
- Balance sheet - translaton/improvement to Vietnamese
- Female education in STEM - translation to Finnish
- Global Challenges Foundation - translation from English to Czech
- Waterflow, New Mexico - translation form English to French
- Political ecology - translation from English to Lao
- Global Challenges Foundation - translation from English to Frenchéfis_Mondiaux
- May East - translation from English to Vietnamese
- Global Challenges Foundation - translation from English to Vietnamese
- Popular Assembly - translation from English to Chinese [1]
- Environmental rasism - translation from English to RussianЭкологический_расизм
- Danae Kyriakopoulou - translation from English to French
- Carmel Budiardjo - translation from English to German
- Vesna Teršelič - translation from German to Polish
- Clive Spash - translation from English to French
- Women and the environment - translation from English to Vietnamese
- Habitat destruction - translation from English to RussianРазрушение_среды_обитания
- Jade Hameister - translation from English to RussianДжейд_Хеймейстер
- Andrew Simms - translation from English to Ukrainian
- Trade Barrier - translation from English to Lao
- Raoul Albert La Roche (french version)- translation from French to English
- Pollution haven hypothesis - translation from English to RussianГипотеза_о_загрязнении
- Sexology - translation from Thai to Lao
- Association for Progressive Communications - translation from English to Frenchès_des_communications
- Ariel Salleh translation from English to Ukrainian
- Dorothy Maclean translation from English to Chinese [2]
- Katarina Kruhonja translation from English to Polish
- Right Livelihood Award - translation from English to Serbian
- Carmel Budiardjo - translation from German to Polish
- William Rees - traslation from English to Ukrainian
- Jakob von Uexkull - translation from English to Serbian
- Women in red - translation from English to Ukrainian
- Women in black - translation from English to Slovenian
- Mozn Hassan - translation from English to Catalan
- Hans Martin - translation from Swedish to Finnish
- Ecological farming - translation from English to Vietnamese
- Environmental impact of meat production - translation from English to Vietnamese
- Women in Red - translation from English to German
- Women and the environment - translation from English to RussianЖенщины_и_окружающая_среда
- Women's rights are human rights - translation from English to Catalan
- Comparative law - translation from English to Serbian
- Fairtrade International- translation from English to Ukrainian
- Women in Black - Translation from English to German
- Иванова, Нина Георгиевна - Translation from Russian to French
- Postnationalism - Translation from English to Serbian
- The Sexual Politics of Meat - translation from English to RussianСексуальная_политика_мяса
- Ireland–South Africa relations - translation from English to French
- Women and animal advocacy - translation from English to RussianЖенщины_и_защита_животных
- National Women's Studies Association - translation from English to RussianНациональная_ассоциация_женских_исследований
- Idy Hegnauer - translation from English to Chinese
- Mozn Hassan - translation from German to Polish
- Croatia-Mongolia relations - translation from English to French
- Yetnebersh Nigussie - translation from English to Finnish
- Sustainable Energy - translation from English to Lao
- Krishnammal Jagannathan - translation from German to Polish
- Helen Mack Chang - translation from German to Polish
- Feminist political ecology - translation from English to RussianФеминистская_политическая_экология
- Organisation Theory (Castells) - translation from English to Frenchéorie_des_organisations_(Manuel_Castells)
- CLimate Security translation from English to Ukrainian
- Sustainable Energy - translation from English to Czech
- Bina Agarwal - translation from English to RussianБина_Агарвал
- Duna Kör - translation from English to Polish
- Duna Kör - translation from English to German
- Enric Duran - translation from English to Chinese [3]
- Global South -translation from English to Ukrainian
- Mozn Hassan - translation from English to Vietnamese
- Pink money - translation from English to Serbian
- Russia-Tanzania relations - translation from Russian to Frenchérales_Russie-Tanzanie
- Dowry Death - translation from English to Catalan
- Fairtrade International - translation from English to Czech
- Catherine Hamlin - translation from German to Polish
- Hygiene - translation from English to Lao
- Planetary consciousness - translation from English to Frenchétaire
new articles
[edit]- Common law on Serbian wikipedia
- Continental law on Serbian wikipedia
- ABGB on Serbian wikipedia
improved articles
[edit]- Right Livelihood Award in English:
- Irina Khakamada in English:
- Sea level rise in Czech
- Climate change in Czech
- Ruth Manorama in English
- May East in Arab: ar:ماي إيست--Kawayashu (talk) 13:17, 1 May 2019 (UTC)
- Ecological Debt in English:
- Ecological Footprint in : Ukrainian
- Environmental impact of meat production: Lihantuotannon ympäristövaikutukset in Finnish
- Mozn Hassan English
- Stress hydrique (écologie) in Frenchécologie)
- Dissociative identity disorder in Czech
- Biodiversity in Czech