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Wikipedia for Peace: A Centenary of Peace Activism

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Wikipedia for Peace Online: A Centenary of Peace Activism

20-22 June 2020

About the project


Together with other movements for International Voluntary Service, Service Civil International is celebrating its centenary this year. We want to look at these 100 years of peace activism, within SCI and elsewhere - what movements evolved, who were/are the activists? Wikipedia has the potential to democratise knowledge - to make it accessible to everybody who has internet access, not just those who were in the lucky position to be able to pursue university studies. We in SCI see this democratisation of knowledge as a contribution towards global justice, and we see a lot of similarities in Wikipedia culture and SCI culture, we share quite a few values and dreams of how the world should be. That is why we are joining efforts and motivation to edit Wikipedia together with volunteers from Wikimedia Poland. In this extraordinary situation due to the pandemic, we want to think about ways to continue workcamps and activism. Writing and editing Wikipedia articles, one also needs the skills to do research, to verify information, and distinguish trustworthy sources from the others, skills that get more and more important in general life, if we think of the recent surge in fake news.

What is Service Civil International?


Service Civil International (SCI) is a peace organisation—and one of the largest non-profit networks of volunteer organisations. The first SCI workcamp was organised in 1920, close to Verdun, France, by the Swiss pacifist Pierre Cérésole. Through workcamps, SCI wants to increase international understanding; to raise awareness of global inequalities and people with fewer social opportunities; and to promote sustainability and responsible use of resources. In SCI workcamps, people from different countries and sociocultural backgrounds work together for two to four weeks to benefit a local non-profit initiative. We are still looking for participants!



If you were officially accepted as a participant to the project. You can do that by copying the signs * --~~~ at the end of this section and clicking on "Publish changes"!



Here we will list all articles that we edit and write during the project, or after the project if the inspiration came from there :)

  1. ru:Тершелич, Весна --Vladirely
  2. ru:Хегнауер, Ида --Vladirely
  3. ru:Серезоль, Пьер --Vladirely
  4. ru:Дороти Маклин --Vladirely
  5. en:Service Civil International --Ilka5 (talk) (small improvements, more to follow)

Article suggestions


This is the list of articles to write about. If you have an idea of an article that we could add to this list, write it in our slack workspace in # inspiration

Organisations, Movements, Concepts, Ideas

Bild Article Description en bn hi nl de fr hy pl ru Σ
Wikidata st.
World Refugee Day observed June 20 each year, dedicated to raising awareness of the situation of refugees + + + + + + + + + 9 Q757285 11 +
Service Civil International international peace organization + - - + + + + + + 7 Q632013 8 +
Peace Conference in Bilthoven Meeting of pacifists after World War I + - - - + + - - + 4 Q3425173 4 +
4 conscientious objector individual who refuses to do something on the grounds of freedom of thought, conscience, and/or religion + - - - + - - + + 4 Q2930613 8 +
5 peace movement social movement that seeks to achieve ideals such as the ending of a particular war (or all wars) + + - + + + + - - 6 Q708312 3 +
nonviolent resistance practice of achieving goals through nonviolent methods + - + - + + + + + 7 Q754479 7 +
7 War Resisters' International organization + - - + + + - - + 5 Q1890441 9 +
8 anti-nuclear movement social movement that opposes nuclear technologies + - - - - + - + + 4 Q574580 6 +
Women in Black women's anti-war movement + + - - + + + + + 7 Q1083473 7 +
Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions Palestinian-led movement demanding international sanctions against Israel + - + + + + - - + 6 Q895904 16 +
11 Internet activism use of electronic communication technologies for various forms of activism + - - - + + + - + 5 Q1147114 3 +
12 Postcolonialism branch of scholarship that approaches the study of IR using the critical lens of postcolonialism that suggests that mainstream IR scholarship doesn't adequately address the impacts of colonialism and imperialism on current day world politics + - - - - - - - - 1 Q7234129 1
ecofeminism approach to feminism influenced by ecologist movement + + - + + + + + + 8 Q294949 7 +
Fridays for Future An international youth movement for climate action + + - + + + + + + 8 Q60674974 17 +
deep ecology ecological and environmental philosophy + - - + + + - - + 5 Q216279 2 +
16 degrowth economic thinking questioning the benefits and sustainability of economic growth + - + + + + + + + 8 Q611217 3 +
Black Lives Matter social movement originating in the USA + + + + + + + + + 9 Q19600530 20 +
anti-racism beliefs, actions, movements, and policies adopted or developed to oppose racism + - + + + + - - + 6 Q582965 11 +
permaculture agriculture practices using few energy resources and human intervention + + + + + + + + + 9 Q4572 6 +
Σ → Autolist→ gallery 19 7 7 12 17 17 11 11 17 118 avg: 6\13\69% 149 Wikimedia Commons


Bild Article Description en bn hi nl de fr hy pl ru Σ
Wikidata st.
Pierre Cérésole (1879-1945) Swiss pacifist, engineer and quaker (1879-1945) + - - + + + + + + 7 Q116353 20 +
Simone Tanner-Chaumet (1916-1962) French peace activist + - - + + + + - + 6 Q32663033 15 +
Idy Hegnauer (1909-2006) Swiss nurse and peace activist (1909-2006) + - - + + + + - + 6 Q32662312 14 +
Hélène Monastier (1882-1976) Swiss teacher and pacifist (1882-1976) + - - - + + + - + 5 Q3144822 14 +
Elisabeth Eidenbenz (1913-2011) Swiss humanitarian (1913-2011) + - - - + + + - + 5 Q124448 14 +
Vesna Teršelič (b. 1962) Croatian activist + - - - + + - + + 5 Q7923262 11 +
Jane Goodall (b. 1934) English primatologist and anthropologist (born 1934) + + + + + + + + + 9 Q184746 37 +
8 Dian Fossey (1932-1985) American zoologist, gorilla researcher (1932-1985) + + - + + + + + + 8 Q234224 24 +
File:Dr. Vandana Shiva DS.jpg, Save The World Awards 2009 show03 - Vandana Shiva.jpg
Vandana Shiva (b. 1952) Indian philosopher, activist and environmentalist (*1952) + + + + + + + + + 9 Q235451 24 +
Wangari Muta Maathai (1940-2011) Kenyan environmentalist and politician who won the Nobel Peace Prize in 2004 + + + + + + + + + 9 Q46795 30 +
Leymah Roberta Gbowee (b. 1972) Liberian peace activiste + + + + + + + + + 9 Q107037 17 +
Tawakkol Karman (b. 1979) Yemeni journalist, politician, human rights activist, and Nobel Peace Prize recipient + + + + + + + + + 9 Q104622 20 +
Malala Yousafzai (b. 1997) Pakistani children's education activist + + + + + + + + + 9 Q32732 29 +
14 May East (b. 1959) Brazilian singer + - - - + - - - - 2 Q6796496 18
Rigoberta Menchú (b. 1959) Guatemalan human rights activist + + - + + + + + + 8 Q188620 17 +
16 Eileen Caddy (1917-2006) British writer (1917-2006) + - - - - + - - + 3 Q3049420 14
Dorothy Maclean (1920-2020) Canadian writer (1920-2020) + - - - + - - - - 2 Q5298531 11 +
Janusz Korczak (1878-1942) Polish-Jewish educator and physician (1878– 1942) + - - + + + + + + 7 Q152441 30 +
Σ → Autolist→ gallery→ timeline 18 8 6 12 17 16 14 11 16 118 avg: 7\13\73% 359 Wikimedia Commons