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Wikipedia Workshop, Katsina 2019

From Meta, a Wikimedia project coordination wiki
Saturday, 27th April 2019. Katsina Tourist Lodge, Katsina

WIKIPEDIA, is a general reference internet encyclopedia. Ubiquitous in nearly every search result of Google, Wikipedia has since inception been built and transformed into gargantuan indispensable academic resource by volunteers around the world. Everybody, irrespective of race, gender, political leaning, and/or level of education can contribute. What is needed is just the means (computer, cellphone, tablet, phablet and the internet access) and willingness to contribute in building summary of human knowlegedge — and then the knowledge of how.

This projects aims at increasing awareness and rekindling interest of Wikimedia projects and especially projects in Hausa in Northern Nigeria.

This project is funded by Wikimedia Foundation.

Event Status: Completed


  • Increase awareness around Wikimedia projects in Northern Nigeria.
  • Piquing interest of Hausa speakers and people from Northern Nigeria to edit Wikimedia projects, revive Hausa version of Wikipedia and participate in global Wikimedia movement.
  • Discuss strategies of sustaining communities across Northern Nigeria.

Event details


  • Location: Katsina, Katsina State, Nigeria
  • Date: Saturday, 27th April 2019
  • Time: 10:00AM - 4:00PM
  • Languages: English and Hausa
  • Venue: Katsina Tourist Lodge, No. 21 off Mani Rd, Opposite Barhim Housing Estate, Katsina, Katsina State.
Days, before the event

Schedule of activities

  • Day 1. Schedule for Friday, 26th April 2019 (Pre-program session)
Time Activity
8:00 am —
4:00pm — 6:00pm Pre-event roundtable.
  • Day 2. Schedule for Saturday, 27th April 2019. (Program)
Time Activity Speaker/Facilitator
10:00am —10:30am Arrival and Registration
10:30am — 10:45am Welcome remarks Yazid Lawal, Muhammad Khalil
10:45am — 11:10am General Introduction to Wikipedia Ammar Abdulhamid
11:10am — 11:50am Wikimedia family: An introduction to Wikimedia projects. Olaniyan Olushola
12:00am — 12:50am How to write basic Wikipedia article Bertrand de Seissan (remotely)
1:00pm — 2:00pm Prayers and Lunch break
2:00pm — 3:00pm Articles creation/editing session
3:00pm — 3:30pm Uploading Media: The Wikimedia Commons
3:30pm — 4:00pm Sustaining Wikimedia community of volunteers in Northern Nigeria. Olaniyan Olushola
4:00pm — 4:30pm Closing remarks, reflection by participants
4:30pm — Group pictures and Departures
  • Follow up.
Time Activity
5:00pm — 6:00pm



We were finally able to hold the second workshop in Katsina on Saturday, April 27.2019 at the conference hall of Katsina Tourist Lodge in Katsina, Katsina State.

Workshop pictures

  • Participants
  • Participants
  • Participants listening

Funded by


Supported by
