Wikipedia Pages Wanting Photos 2024/Erőforrások
Wikipedia Pages Wanting Photos 2024 |
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A Petscan segítségével olyan cikkeket kereshetsz az általad választott nyelven, amelyek nem tartalmaznak fényképeket. Ennek módját az alábbi lépések mutatják be:
- Menj a oldalra!
- A Kategóriák fülön választhatod ki a nyelvi kódot (például ar, en, sk).
- Válaszd ki a cikk kategóriáját ezen a nyelvű Wikin! Például a "Monuments and Memorials in Lagos" kategória az en:wiki oldalon.
- Kattints az "Oldal tulajdonságai" fülre, majd válaszd a "Fő kép=Nincs" lehetőséget!
- Kattints a "Csináld meg" gombra!
Amint ez megvan, megjelenik a kategóriában található, képek nélküli cikkek listája. Ezután menj a Wikimédia Commons-ra, ahol az adott cikk címe alapján a megfelelő képekre kereshetsz.
You can find the photos uploaded as part of Wikipedia's major annual photography contests here (with themes for Africa):
- c:Category:Wiki Loves Africa 2014 - "Cuisine"
- c:Category:Wiki Loves Africa 2015 - "Cultural Fashion and Adornment"
- c:Category:Wiki Loves Africa 2016 - "Music and Dance"
- c:Category:Wiki Loves Africa 2017 - "People at Work"
- c:Category:Wiki Loves Africa 2019 - "Play!"
- c:Category:Wiki Loves Africa 2020 - "Africa on the Move"
- c:Category:Wiki Loves Africa 2021 - "Health and wellness"
- c:Category:Wiki Loves Africa 2022 - "Home and Habitat"
- c:Category:Wiki Loves Africa 2024 - "Climate and Weather"
- c:Category:Wiki Loves Monuments 2010
- c:Category:Wiki Loves Monuments 2011
- c:Category:Wiki Loves Monuments 2012
- c:Category:Wiki Loves Monuments 2013
- c:Category:Wiki Loves Monuments 2014
- c:Category:Wiki Loves Monuments 2015
- c:Category:Wiki Loves Monuments 2016
- c:Category:Wiki Loves Monuments 2017
- c:Category:Wiki Loves Monuments 2018
- c:Category:Wiki Loves Monuments 2019
- c:Category:Wiki Loves Monuments 2020
- c:Category:Wiki Loves Monuments 2021
- c:Category:Wiki Loves Monuments 2022
- c:Category:Wiki Loves Earth 2013
- c:Category:Wiki Loves Earth 2014
- c:Category:Wiki Loves Earth 2015
- c:Category:Wiki Loves Earth 2016
- c:Category:Wiki Loves Earth 2017
- c:Category:Wiki Loves Earth 2018
- c:Category:Wiki Loves Earth 2019
- c:Category:Wiki Loves Earth 2020
- c:Category:Wiki Loves Earth 2021
- c:Category:Wiki Loves Earth 2022
- c:Category:Wiki Loves Earth 2024
- c:Category:Wiki Loves Heritage Belgium in 2021
- c:Category:Wiki Loves Heritage Belgium in 2020
- c:Category:Wiki Loves Heritage Belgium in 2019
- c:Category:Wiki Loves Heritage Belgium in 2018
- c:Category:Wiki Loves Public Space 2017 in Belgium
- c:Category:Wiki Loves Art Belgium in 2016
- HELP campaign
- European Science Photo Competition 2015
- Wiki Science Competition 2017
- Wiki Science Competition 2019
- c:Category:Images from Wiki Loves Love 2019
- c:Category:Images from Wiki Loves Folklore 2020
- c:Category:Images from Wiki Loves Folklore 2021
- c:Category:Images from Wiki Loves Folklore 2022
You can find the photos uploaded as part of photowalks here
Képadományok a Commons-on
- Biblioteca Nacional Aruba upload 2020-04
- Photographs by Willem van de Poll in the Netherlands Antilles
- Fotografisch materiaal voor Wiki goes Caribbean uit het Nationaal Museum van Wereldculturen
Képeket igénylő Wikipédia-szócikkek
In these categories, see the sidebar under Languages for links to articles needing images in your home Wikipedia
- Category:Wikipedia requested photographs
- Category:Wikipedia requested photographs by location
- Category:Wikipedia requested images
- Wikipedia:Verzoek om afbeeldingen
- Categorie:Wikipedia:Afbeelding gewenst
This page contains categories of pages identified as needing photographs. For the English Wikipedia, a list of these pages ordered by importance/popularity can be obtained using WMFLabs' MassViews tool. (Allow a few minutes to load, due to the size of the list.)
Képeket igénylő Wikipédia-szócikkek azonosítása
You can provide a link to articles or category of articles needing images in your home Wikipedia
Using request categories
- Category:Wikipedia requested photographs
- Category:Wikipedia requested photographs by location
- See the options in Wikidata for links to this category in other Wikipedia languages.
- Category:Wikipedia requested images
- See the options in Wikidata for links to this category in other Wikipedia languages.
- Category:No local image but image on Wikidata
- See the options in Wikidata for links to this category in other Wikipedia languages.
Combining categories with other sources of data to find articles that need images
You can combine other characteristics about articles into search results to get more interesting and limited.
Searching for articles with .jpg, .tiff, or .gif in the text
You can search through your Wikipedia for articles
- This is the search that removes this media files from the results for English Wikipedia
You can modify this search for specific categories using the search interface
Combining search with Petscan
Or if you are interested in other kinds of intersections, you can produce similar data from combining categories, Wikidata or search results on Petscan.
Suggestion of image insertion of an article based on its presence on the equivalent article of another language wikipedia
Aka, redlist for images, using Glamify tool.
Many "red" lists have been created for Wiki Loves Africa.
WD4WP is a new tool developed for the WPWP has an index of articles with missing images in certain languages.
Rules on usage;
- Before inserting a file from wd4wp, check if it is pertinent, appropriate and of sufficient quality for the article.
- Check if somebody else has already inserted it.
- Check if somebody else has inserted it previously but was reverted.
- Check if some other, similar or better image is already in the article.
- In particular, do not use the first few pages of the suggestion list. By now, the first 200 or so entries contain virtually nothing but false positives – images that have been inserted in those pages multiple times by multiple participants of the contest, but have all been reverted as inappropriate.
- Participants who continue to blindly reinsert these risk being blocked for edit-warring.
The WDFIST tool allows to assign images to Wikdata items.
Any Wikidata item that is used in an Infobox can possibly automatically show the image, depending on the language infobox logic.
File Candidates
FileCandidates has pre-compiled lists of potential images on Commons (as well as free images on Flickr that can be transferred to Commons) for Wikidata items. A Commons image found for a Wikidata item can then be used on the corresponding Wikipedia article.
WikiShootMe shows Wikidata items, marked as with and without image, Wikipedia articles, Commons images, and others on a map. Ideal if you are physically in a location and want to see what objects around you need an image on Wikipedia and Wikidata.
- Infoboxes without images on Commons: a category of 800K+ categories on Commons that have a wikidata box but no image.
Other resources
- CC Search (free-licensed images search engine from Creative Commons)