Pagini Wikipedia care doresc fotografii 2023
Wikipedia Pages Wanting Photos 2023 |
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Wikipedia Pages Wanting Photos 2023 este a patra ediție a unei campanii anuale în care editorii Wikipedia din întreaga lume, proiectele de limbă Wikipedia și comunitățile adaugă fotografii în articolele Wikipedia care nu au fotografii. Scopul acestei campanii este de a promova utilizarea fișierelor media digitale colectate din diverse concursuri fotografice organizate de Wikimedia, precum și deplasările fotografice organizate de comunitatea Wikimedia. Fotografiile ajută la captarea atenției cititorilor mai bine decât un zid de text, îmbogățesc și ilustrează conținutul și fac articolul mai instructiv și captivant pentru cititori.
Mii de imagini au fost donate și contribuite la Wikimedia Commons prin diverse programe de promovare, deplasări fotografice și concursuri, inclusiv concursuri internaționale de fotografie precum Wiki Loves Monuments, Wiki Loves Africa, Wiki Loves Earth, Wiki Loves Folklore, etc. Cu toate acestea, relativ puține dintre aceste fotografii au fost utilizate în articolele Wikipedia. În prezent, Wikimedia Commons găzduiește milioane de imagini fotografice, dar doar o mică parte dintre acestea au fost utilizate în paginile de articole Wikipedia. Acesta este un decalaj enorm pe care acest proiect își propune să-l reducă.
Cum puteți participa
Înainte de a participa, este important să citiți instrucțiunile de participare și regulile de mai jos în întregime. În caz contrar, ați putea fi descalificat(ă).
Verifică dacă ești eligibil. Regulile de eligibilitate au fost revizuite în ediția din 2023, iar participanții trebuie să aibă un cont de utilizator în vigoare de cel puțin un an.
Găsirea unui articol care are nevoie de o fotografie poate fi realizată în mai multe moduri. Iată câteva sfaturi.
Find an appropriate image on Commons. Search for the image using the correct title or category. There are several ways to do this. See this simple media reuse guide. Here are additional tips. Please note that the purpose of an image is to increase readers' understanding of the article's subject matter, usually by directly depicting people, things, activities, and concepts described in the article. The relevant aspect of the image should be clear and central. The images must be significant and relevant in the topic's context, not primarily decorative.
On the article page, find a section where the image is relevant and helps the reader understand the subject. Click Edit and insert the image, and include a brief caption explaining what the image depicts in the article. Use the best quality images available. Poor-quality images—dark or blurry; showing the subject too small, hidden in clutter, or ambiguous; and so on—should not be used unless absolutely necessary. Think carefully about which images best illustrate the subject matter. You MUST provide an edit summary for all your edits, "Preview" and make any necessary changes. Include the hashtag #WPWP in the edit summary of all articles improved with images. Then click on "Publish changes". Please see: Guide on how to use WPWP Campaign Hashtags
Please be mindful of the image syntax! If you are going to add images to the infoboxes in articles, the syntax is a lot easier — just the filename, so rather than
[[File:Obamas at church on Inauguration Day 2013.jpg|thumb|The Obamas worship at [[African Methodist Episcopal Church]] in Washington, D.C., January 2013]]
simply typeThe Obamas at church on Inauguration Day 2013.jpg
Syntax of file names and captions

Basic example (producing the image at right):
[[File:Cute boy face with butterfly.jpg|thumb|alt=Children are interested in nature.|A boy closely observing a butterfly]]
File:Cute boy face with butterfly.jpg
The file (image) name must be exact (including capitalization, punctuation and spacing) and must include.jpg
or other extension. (Image:
work the same.) If Wikipedia and Wikimedia Commons both have an image with the specified name, the Wikipedia version is the one that will appear in the article.thumb
is required in most casesalt=Children are interested in nature.
Alt text is meant for those who cannot see the image; unlike the caption, it summarizes the image's visual information. It should comport with accessibility guidelines and should name notable events, people and things.A boy closely observing a butterfly
is a caption and it comes last. It gives more information on what the image is about.
See Extended image syntax on English Wikipedia for further features and options. If the image does not display after you have carefully checked the syntax, it may have been disallowed.
Campaign rules
![]() Images must be used between July 1 to August 31, 2023. |
![]() There is no limit to the number of files one can use. There are, however, different categories of prizes. However, do not deface Wikipedia articles with photos. Only add a photo to an article that has no photo. |
![]() The image must be published under a free use license or as public domain. |
![]() Participation is only allowed for registered users. Registration can be on any Wikimedia project. Additional requirement applies to English Wikipedia only, where participants are required to have had an account for at least a year to be eligible. |
![]() Poor or very low-quality photos are generally not acceptable.
![]() Participants must include the hashtag #WPWP in the Edit summary of all articles improved with images in addition to a descriptive edit summary, for example "Improving with an image to infobox" #WPWP. Do not insert the hashtag (#WPWP) into an article. Please see: Guide on how to use WPWP Campaign Hashtags. This Guide also explains how to use a Community-specific hashtag. |
Global Campaign timeline
- Start date: July 1, 2023.
- Deadline for entries: August 31, 2023
- Results announcement: October 10, 2023
International prize categories
- Winning prizes for the top three users with the most Wikipedia articles improved with photos:
- 1st prize ― Plaque award & WPWP Souvenirs + Certificate
- 2nd prize ― Plaque award & WPWP Souvenirs + Certificate
- 3rd prize ― Plaque award & WPWP Souvenirs + Certificate
- Winning prize for the user with the most Wikipedia articles improved with audios:
- Plaque award & WPWP Souvenirs + Certificate
- Winning prize for the user with the most Wikipedia articles improved with videos:
- Plaque award & WPWP Souvenirs + Certificate