Outdated translations are marked like this.
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維基15週年 搵個活動 |
活動 策劃一個活動 |
加入 分享你嘅經歷 |
媒體 幫手宣傳 |
材料 整個嘜頭 |
討論 同人哋商量合作 |
Want to help translate? Translate the missing messages.
- 一個可以組織策劃活動或聚會來慶祝維基百科誕辰15週年嘅地方;
- 關於組織同經營活動嘅一啲建議同靈感;
- 一個分享維基百科生日相、錄影、故仔、文章同其它嘢嘅地方;
- 各地社羣聯絡方式同方法。
- Readers were encouraged to tweet with the hashtag #Wikipedia15.
Central America - North America - South America - Africa - Asia - Australia - Europe - Online events
Albania Armenia Austria Azerbaijan Belarus Belgium Bosnia and Herzegovina Bulgaria Czech Republic Denmark Estonia France
Georgia Germany
Greece Hungary
Macedonia Moldova Netherlands Norway Poland Portugal Romania Russia Slovenia Serbia Spain Sweden Switzerland Ukraine United Kingdom
Armenia Bangladesh China Hong Kong India
Indonesia Iran Israel Japan
Philippines Nepal Saudi Arabia South Korea Sri Lanka Taiwan The Levant Thailand United Arab Emirates Uzbekistan Vietnam
Australia North America Canada Mexico United States
South America Argentina Colombia Chile Ecuador Brazil Uruguay
Central America
- Bashkort Wikipedia - Wikimarathon, Start - December 15, 2015, finish - January 15, 2016
- Bengali Wikipedia - Good Article Writing Competition
- The Wikipedia Library - International Librarian Reference Drive #1Lib1Ref
- Wikimedia Italia - "Wiki Loves Monuments for Wikipedia" Contest
- Wiki Loves Women Writing Contest - 15 days to create (at least) 15 notable African women biographies ! (in English and in French) - (starts on the 15th)
- Translation Studies edit-a-thon - 15-22 January
- Wikipedia in Your Neighborhood - Online Editathon on Urdu Wikipedia to create and improve articles pertaining to Urdu Wikipedians' immediate surrounding environment. Also, call for uploading notable images on Wikimedia Commons pertaining to Wikipemians' immediate surrounding environment. The event runs up to the end of week ending January 17, 2016.
- Wikipedia in Your Vicinity - Online Editathon on Hindi Wikipedia to create and improve articles pertaining to Hindi Wikipedians' immediate surrounding environment. Also, call for uploading notable images on Wikimedia Commons pertaining to Wikipemians' immediate surrounding environment. The event runs up to the end of week ending January 17, 2016.