Wikipedia 15/Materiallar
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About the Wikipedia 15 Mark

This year's mark is meant to be fun. And lighthearted. It can move! Or it can be still. You can make it what you want to be. You can add objects that are meaningful to you and where you live and what you do. You can use objects to tell a story of what Wikipedia means to you.
We are celebrating the range of Wikipedians and Wikipedia topics with a wide range of design marks. In place of just one, single design, you can use whichever existing illustration feels most meaningful to you, or make your own! In fact, you can use these objects for projects beyond just the 15th birthday.
The unifying consistency here is visual. By following the design recommendations below you can make the icons both personal to you and recognizable as part of the Wikipedia 15 set.
How to use the mark
The mark consists of two basic elements:
- an image/or animated group of images
- text below
Other than keeping things in that order, you can reuse, remix, and enjoy the mark in a variety of ways.
How to customize the mark
We've provided a core set of 27 images below, but we hope you add your own and mix them in. You can use this in any graphics editing program, including Inkscape, which is free and open source. You can add multiple images and make an animated GIF! The words "Wikipedia 15" can be replaced with any localized example in any language. The typeface we used is OpenSans, free from Google Fonts and freely licensed under version 2.0 of the Apache License.
Using the mark for other materials
The Wikipedia 15 mark can be used to produce celebratory merchandise, identify special web pages or other digital content, make posters or banners, name tags, birthday cakes, and much more. The designers developed this sample guide (below) to show some of the possible uses of the marks. Be creative and share your concepts and ideas in the gallery below.
You can place the marks on colored or patterned backgrounds. You can even adjust the coloring of the mark lines themselves to fit your design needs.
Please make them to share! But please do not use the name "Wikipedia" to sell any items, or for other uses without checking the trademark policy.
Digər dillər üçün Wikipedia 15 mark səhifəsinə baxın.

- Assist with efforts to make the Wikipedia 15 mark available in more languages: Wikipedia 15/Translation
Animated gif, English
Animated gif, Serbian
Animated gif, Hindi
Animated gif, Sinhala
Wordmark on its own
Bengali Wordmark on its own
Animated Winnipeg gif
Hong Kong
With Wordmark
Wikipedia15 Logo in Gujarati.