Wikinews/Future Talk/Notes
< Wikinews | Future Talk
[edit]RossKoepke: well we've seen a number of issues with DPLs RossKoepke: 1) changing order based on last edit (we should be able to specify sort criteria) RossKoepke: 2) caching NGerda: Ross, 1's been fixed with 1.5 Xirzon: and maybe as noted earlier, if category=Y, add text Z for things like OR Amgine: RossKoepke: Amgine: Another is that dependence on DPL also leaves articles unlinked in the database, so they all tend to be orphans. RossKoepke: Amgine: whats the prob with orphans?
Xirzon: btw, all of you guys are smart enough to work on mediawiki especially on extension code which is very separate so please do take a look
[edit]Amgine: Okay, categories need to be reconsidered some how.
[edit]Xirzon: Now, the issue here is, do we want to use this at all, and if so, how much information do we want to preload? Xirzon: my stance is: yes, but minimize and keep templates out of it if at all possible Xirzon: CraigSpurrier: I wouldn't mind a == Sources == heading but I'm not sure about the Template:Source template
CraigSpurrier: I like the input box but I have two issues with it. The firsat is how much is perloaded it should only have date and dev tag
Amgine: It would be really nice to have a couple of "standard" article forms from the workspace. Pechorin: I go with Amgine on this... leave it very blank on the main page... and have a cheat sheet for people who know what they are doing
Pechorin: Xirzon, hold on.. do we wan't anything preloaded Xirzon: Pechorin: well, if we go from top to bottom maybe nothing will be left at the end Amgine: I think there are options to have preload, and not preload both, aren't there? RossKoepke: yeah maybe we should only preload the title that they enter RossKoepke: and a "type rough article text here and include any useful sources - rest of story will be filled out by other editors just like you" CraigSpurrier: once we are able to stop using the dev tag we should stop preloading Xirzon: I think we should continue to preload the date if we do want it there RossKoepke: so maybe agree to keep Template:Develop} on preload until we deprecate it then remove it? Xirzon: RossKoepke: yea
NGerda: but for casual readers, it may encourage them to contribute NGerda: that's the advantage
Xirzon: but we do want a "request for help" sort of tag? RossKoepke: Xirzon: we have RFC RossKoepke: that seems smart RossKoepke: if people would pay attention to them RossKoepke: we need a better newsroom page Xirzon: RossKoepke: I'd be in favor of merging newsroom and workspace - in my experience too many community portals don'T work well
CraigSpurrier: I like newsroom and workspace being seperate they both have diffrent uses RossKoepke: frankly we need a better newsroom RossKoepke: that helps us track articles progress Amgine: Wikinews:Newsroom RossKoepke: not like the rediculous system we had earlier Edbrown05: seems hard to navigate newsroom... so much whitespace RossKoepke: but something that at least has a box for RFC articles RossKoepke: or maybe "needs to be done by Date/Time" boxes Pechorin: so... did we come to any conclusions with inputbox thingy? Xirzon: Pechorin: I don't see a consensus either way
Not using Templates
[edit]Xirzon: another option would be Xirzon: when we deprecate Template:Develop Xirzon: to merge and Template:Publish NGerda: Amgine, I still dont understand RossKoepke: we're deprecating Template:Develop RossKoepke: ? Xirzon: e.g. put Template:Publish at the top CraigSpurrier: that would be great RossKoepke: would we also put Template:Develop ? NGerda: Dont we want there to be a develop flag for readers? Pechorin: Xirzon, that's probably not an option... because people still want to see the date quick, even if it never is published Xirzon: when you're done, which inserts the date and adds category:published and category:date Amgine: NGerda: There are several "types" of things which get done regularly. Using Ross's form of infobox is one of them. Xirzon: Pechorin: but what date is it?
RossKoepke: yeah maybe we should only preload the title that they enter
Amgine: I think Template:Develop should be an option, especially for people who want their article worked on? NGerda: Amgine, yes AutisticPsycho: yes i agree with that Amgine NGerda: Amgine, for now, it's required for Dev. stoeis CraigSpurrier: or the Template:Rfc tag Pechorin: Template:Develop should be a tag you can stick on your article... but not a part of publishing process Xirzon: perhaps a separate template could be used for that Xirzon: Template:Imdoneherepleasehelpmeout Amgine: I mean, I personally sometimes have only time to do a half-assed job on an article. NGerda: Amgine's saying he wants Template:Develop to be optional
[edit]Date of first development? Or date of publication? No cur. standard. UTC or local?
Amgine: <nod> Although there was a fairly large discussion, the consensus of which was not to use UTC for publication dates.
Pechorin: only thing that I am saying is that date should appear before it's published Pechorin: one way or another Xirzon: Pechorin: we do have dates in the history's a matter of displaying them
RossKoepke: man wtf I got templates instantly. It's really not that hard for new guys. (Of course I also know how databases and PHP work...but still) Xirzon: RossKoepke: curly braces scare people Amgine: RossKoepke: I've had to add date templates to articles from people who have been on Wikinews more than 6 months.
[edit]We're leaving preload nearly empty, except for ==sources== and as an aside we're adding a new button to the edit page to add sources.
Amgine: Use == Sources==, and Xirzon will add Template:Sources button Xirzon: erm, sort of look into it kinda sorta thing Xirzon: we keep Template:Develop as long as we need it Xirzon: but work towards making it optional
Source Buttons on Edit Page
[edit]<Xirzon> I'm willing to look into a toolbar button to add a ready-made Template:Source item <Xirzon> i.e. you click the button, it gives you Template:Source with params
Other Template Buttons?
[edit]<AutisticPsycho> I was also thinking that we should put the Wikipedia link in the toolbar <AutisticPsycho> or at least up top <AutisticPsycho> becuase I got the feeling, no one will notice the w: link down below
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