Wikimedistas Arts of Our Islands
Arts of Our Islands (DNA islands) is a group of Wikimedistas that contributes contributing sources and content on the Arts and the Cultures of our islands of the Caribbean.
Time Caribbean: we contribute on the Arts and the Cultures of our islands since inhabitants populated, cruised, created cultures and commercialised in the sea Caribbean and in his islands.
Tongues Caribbean: we contribute on the Arts and the cultures of our islands in creyòl, arawako, English, Dutch, French, Spanish, and in each tongue/language that practise and/or that have practised in the Caribbean.
Arts Caribbean: we contribute on drawing, painting, sculpture, architecture, music, poetry, theatre, dance of our islands and his artists.
Cultures Caribbean: we contribute on the ways of life, habits, knowledges and social groups of those who have inhabited and of those who inhabit/live in our islands.
It joins us the caribeñismo, the Arts, the Cultures and the be wikimedistas.
Contact persons
- Galahmm (talk) 14:39, 20 October 2022 (UTC)
- MassiveEartha (talk) 15:26, 20 October 2022 (UTC)
- Vanepcr (talk) 14:47, 7 November 2022 (UTC)
- Rency Inson Michel (talk)
- Nat ramirez (talk) 16:10, 24 May 2023 (UTC)
- Glogac (talk) 19:19, 24 May 2023 (UTC)
- Neyica (talk) 19:22, 24 May 2023 (UTC)
- Horasolar (talk) 19:24, 24 May 2023 (UTC)
- --Rocker004 (talk) 19:27, 24 May 2023 (UTC)
- Rick14122 (talk)
- --Paskalred (talk) 19:31, 24 May 2023 (UTC)
- --Wil1983 (talk) 19:32, 24 May 2023 (UTC)
- --Cralmaguer (talk) 19:33, 24 May 2023 (UTC)
- Kitanago (talk) 15:31, 14 January 2024 (UTC)
- Ylonka Nacidit-Perdomo
Dates of editatonas
Tuesday 23 and Wednesday 24 May 2023
- Enabling and editatona GLAM in the Cultural Centre Eduardo León Jiménes in Santiago of the Knights, Dominican Republic.
- Public: employed of the squads of Investigation, Media library and of Cultural Projects of the Cultural Centre And. León Jiménes
- Subject: «Collection of the Cultural Centre Eduardo León Jiménes in Wikimedia»
- Precision: Galahmm and Vanepcr organise and impart these two days without monetary reward. We receive to way of compensation the rembolso of our transfer of Saint Sunday to Santiago of the Knights (and the return Santiago - Sto Sunday), the accommodation of two nights of hotel in Santiago and the breakfasts in the restaurant of the museum. Galahmm And Vanepcr wish, through this enabling, on the one hand contribute to the free movement with main qualitative information on visual artists caribeñas and caribeños in Wikimedia and, on the other hand, contribute to that they have more wikimedistas active and active cualitativamente and cuantitativamente in the Dominican Republic. With seen to constitute a chapter endorsed by the Foundation Wikimedia, rooted in Dominican Republic.
- Round-up of the enabling: In the morning, among 9am and 12pm, Galahmm and Vanepcr shared with the participants his theoretical knowledges on the free movement, the Foundation Wikimedia and Wikipedia. In the first place, we present us like wikimedistas (showing our wikiscan and our pages of user). In this occasion also present to the members «founders» of Wikimedistas for the arts and the cultures of our islands, MassiveEartha and Rency Inson Michel since, are caribeños, have a vast experience editing in the projects Wikimedia and can fungir of contact and/or of reference for the participants of the workshop in case that have questions more advance. Afterwards, we are the page es:Especial:Estadísticas and explain some of these figures since, for all the participants this was his first meeting with wikimedistas and his first «formation». Second, we present and we explain the link WP:Fuentes fiables and the difference among primary sources, secondary and tertiary. In third place, explain the Movement by the free culture since we know that it is an intrinsic value adopted and accepted by all wikimedista. In this field, gave him particular importance to the Copyleft and to the licence Creative Commons. In fourth place, present the group Wikimedistas for the Arts and the Cultures of Our Islands. In fifth place, we explain the five pillars of Wikipedia. In sixth and last place, are an example of entrance in Wikipedia in Spanish of a dominican visual artist whose works (some) find in the collection of the Cultural Centre and has numerous bibliographic lacks, but no only. It treats of Celestial Woss and Gil, in this state.
- Round-up of the editatona and outputs: Creation of spaces of workshop devoted to the artists, historians and following sociologists: Rafael Cantisano, Jorge Pineda, Fradique Lizardo, Tony Chaplain, Yoryi Morel, Dagoberto Tejeda, Celeste Woss and Gil (see workshop), Paul Giudicelli
- Participants experts:
- The Tuesday 23 May, had meetings with the Mr. Carlos Rodríguez, attendant of the department of Investigation, and the Mr. Victor Martínez honoured us with a visit guided of the exposure temporaria «Happy: Essays on the work of Jorge Pineda».
November 2022
- Date: November 9 & 10, 2013
- Hour: 9h30am-12h
- Place: Library of Foundation Antilla, Colonial City of Saint Sunday, Dominican Republic
- Participants experts:
ENAV In the Zone - May 2022
- Date: Saturday 21 May
- Organisation: ENAV and Blackening Wikipedia (Galahmm and AfricanadeCuba)
- Participants experts:
- Place: National School of Visual arts of Saint Sunday
- Commons
Saturday 14 January 2024

Vanepcr And Galahmm took part of the meeting Mujerando 2024 in Wikiquote, organised by Muj(lh)are Latin American in Wikimedia. The workshop of Wikicitas was facilitated by @Jalu and @Laura Fiorucci. Vanepcr Created the ´page of Jeannette Miller and Galahmm created the page of famous sentences of Ylonka Nacidit-Perdomo, both women of the arts of the Dominican Republic. In particular of the literature, of the visual arts and of the photograph.
It was very interesting because in the workshop learnt of didactic way and almost lúdica how create pages in Wikiquote. We appreciate infinitely to Jaluj for having us invited. In the workshop took part a third woman from the Caribbean, Dominican Republic. Ojalá In the next occasion, if it presents , can comment him of DNA Islands and if has an interest that avenges to take part with us.
Friday 27 January 2023
First meeting of the year where Galahmm clear the doubts of Vanepcr on the statistics of the contributions and permissions for the use of images in articles of Wikipedia.
They consulted the Portal of the Dominican Republic to have knowledge of the existent cultural articles with the intention to board a connection with the users collaborators of dominican artistic articles.
Wednesday 7 December 2022
Vanepcr Improved the available informations in Wikimedia corresponding to the dominican visual artist Elsa Núñez.
Among Galahmmm and Vanepcr traced the aims and dip of the project. Vanepcr Presented a previsualización of the logo that will represent to the group of Wikimedistas for Arts and Cultures of Our Islands.
Thursday 24 November 2022
We went us to gather the miécoles 23 November, but there was not electrical energy in the sector from which connects Vanepcr in Dominican Republic. This is one of the realities that encara the resident population in Dominican Republic.
We improve the article Escuela Nacional de Artes Visuales
Lunes 7 de noviembre 2022
Galahmmm compartió con Vanepcr sus conocimientos teóricos y prácticos sobre la Wikipedia. Diferencia entre Wikimedia y Wikipedia, proyectos Wikimedia (wikidata, wikicommons, wikipedia), Pilares de wikipedia.
Editamos el artículo Samaná mejorando el artículo con una fuente que teníamos en la biblioteca que acogió la formación.