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Wikimedianere i Levanten/Medlemsskab

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This page is a translated version of the page Wikimedians of the Levant/Membership and the translation is 33% complete.
Wikimedians of the Levant

(ويكيميديا بلاد الشام)
Vi byder alle nye medlemmer velkomne til vores gruppe!


  • Du støtter vores mål og arbejde.
  • Du kan stemme til vores møder.
  • Du kan tilmelde dig vores diskussionspost-liste for at deltage in planlægningen af nye arrangementer og forbedring af vores politikker; det er dog ikke et krav at man er medlem for at kunne tilmelde sig denne liste.
  • Du kan få et fast medlemsskabs-ID.


As of June 2020, these are the requirements to become a member:

Ordinary Membership

  • Applicants must agree to share their username on Wikimedia projects.
  • Applicants must agree to share an email address for correspondences with the Membership Admin (will be kept private).
  • Applicants must agree with and support our mission and code of conduct (CoC).
  • Applicants must satisfy one the following conditions:
    • Have temporary or permanent residency in one of the Levantine countries, regardless of their nationality, country of origin or language.
    • Be a citizen of one of the Levantine countries, regardless of other acquired nationalities or country of residence.
  • Applicants must have at least 100 edits on Wikimedia projects before joining (Check CentralAuth);
    • If the Applicant meets these criteria, the application will be directly accepted.
    • If the application does not fulfill this item (less than 100 edits), the applicant is invited to complete this form, and required to follow a workshop to obtain skills and understand principles of editing in Wikimedia projects. In this case, the membership remains suspended until the workshop completed.

If you wish to join Wikimedians of the Levant group as Ordinary Member, please complete the following application form:

Invited Membership

For users who are interested in joining Wikimedians of the Levant but do not fulfill the residency/citizen condition:

  • Same criteria for an ordinary membership mentioned above, with the exception of residency/citizen of one of the Levantine countries.
  • Applicants must provide motivation reasons (at least 30 words) for joining.
  • Applicants must clear their membership on other Wikimedia affiliates, if there is any.

The Invited member application will be reviewed by the Board members (with the approval of at least three members).

If you wish to join Wikimedians of the Levant group as Invited Member:


After filling out the application form (linked above), please add your username to this public membership list. You may be notified from time to time as the project approaches or passes important milestones. The formal members will be based on the application above being filled out NOT simply being listed here.

Below are the members for the user group. If interested, Click Here to add your name the list, and Click Here to add your name the table.

  1. باسم (talk · contribs)
  2. Michel Bakni (talk · contribs)
  3. Sandra Hanbo (talk · contribs)
  4. Osps7 (talk · contribs)
  5. Freedom's Falcon (talk · contribs)
  6. عمر (talk · contribs)
  7. Fjmustak (talk · contribs)
  8. Mervat (talk · contribs)
  9. عباد ديرانية (talk · contribs)
  10. سامي (talk · contribs)
  11. AlUmawi (talk · contribs)
  12. تالا (talk · contribs)
  13. Uwe a (talk · contribs)
  14. أحمد الياباني (talk · contribs)
  15. Tamuz Hasan (talk · contribs)
  16. نادين (talk · contribs)
  17. GhaidAmly (talk · contribs)
  18. عمر همام (talk · contribs)
  19. آلاء زيتون (talk · contribs)
  20. Wikissa (talk · contribs)
  21. أسامةالفاروسي (talk · contribs)
  22. Noorjarrar (talk · contribs)
  23. علاء الدين (talk · contribs)
  24. Mossab92 (talk · contribs)
  25. Lubna Albadawi (talk · contribs)
  26. حسام أبوزينة (talk · contribs)
  27. تسنيم مصطفى (talk · contribs)
  28. Nagham jamjoom (talk · contribs)
  29. نور القرنة (talk · contribs)
  30. براء (talk · contribs)
  31. Aseel tamimi (talk · contribs)
  32. kamel saleh (talk · contribs)
  33. جعفر بدران (talk · contribs)
  34. دانية عيد (talk · contribs)
  35. عائشه رائد الدويك (talk · contribs)
  36. lugin_alomari7 (talk · contribs)
  37. Rand Ali Fataftah (talk · contribs)
  38. Neda'a Al Haq (talk · contribs)
  39. Lana Mohammad Abuzahra (talk · contribs)
  40. عبد الله جبارين (talk · contribs)
  41. Rayhana Alhour (talk · contribs)
  42. يانا (talk · contribs)
  43. Matouq.q (talk · contribs)
  44. Mohyd95 (talk · contribs)
  45. Talamohd (talk · contribs)
  46. نجلاء صوان (talk · contribs)
  47. Noorhan salame94 (talk · contribs)
  48. Jana Dwaik (talk · contribs)
  49. سرى المجالي (talk · contribs)
  50. إسراء شحادة (talk · contribs)
  51. Asma.Kara (talk · contribs)
  52. عيسى الدبابسة (talk · contribs)
  53. Mohammad hajeer (talk · contribs)
  54. Aseel Samer Tamimi (talk · contribs)
  55. Sulieman Habahbeh (talk · contribs)
  56. Sarah Ab (talk · contribs)
  57. Mohammad Hijjawi (talk · contribs)
  58. Alaa14 (talk · contribs)
  59. Sanabel alfararja (talk · contribs)
  60. عائشه الدويك (talk · contribs)
  61. Kifah J harahsheh (talk · contribs)
  62. Wiki Mariyam (talk · contribs)
  63. Manal Sh (talk · contribs)
  64. Shamroukh (talk · contribs)
  65. Cestsalam (talk · contribs)
  66. F A Melhem (talk · contribs)
  67. يارا شامسطي (talk · contribs)
  68. A-maraqa (talk · contribs)