Wikimedians of India technical user group/Bylaws
Template:WikiActivate user group
Bylaws of WikiActivate user group
Chapter 1 - General
[edit]- Section-1 (Title)
- The Name of this user group is WikiActivate user group.
- Section-2 (Purposes/Aims)
- This group endeavors to support the Wikimedia Movement.
- Maintaining the community and obtaining more community members.
- Helping to other community if they have any technical problem.
Chapter 2 - Membership
[edit]- Section-4 (Membership)
- Any person can be a member of this group, support the mission of the group.
- Section-5 (Rights of Members)
- Members can participate in any activity of the group
- Graduated members have the right to vote.
- Members are given priority in activities of a group
- Section-6 (Duties of Members)
- They obliged to follow the bylaws of the group
- They must have to pay the dues.
- Section-7 (Penalties and Termination of Membership)
- Member of the group can be penalized for the following activities:
- If any member of group violates the Bylaws
- If he defames the group and in any way harms the Image of group
- If he obstructs the working of group otherwise or during the meetings.
2. A Member of group can terminate his/her membership by submitting his resignation document.
Chapter 3 - General Body Meetings
[edit]- Section-8 (Regular Meeting)
- Regular meeting should be held once in a year.
- Section-9 (Special Meetings)
- Special Meetings can be held on the call of The President or
- When two‐thirds members of the group want to have a meeting.
- Section-10 (Call for Meeting)
- The President should inform all the members a week prior to meeting through email or any other mode communication.
- Notification should clearly state the purpose, time, date and place of meeting.
Chapter 4 - Management of the Group
[edit]- Section-11. (Executive Committee)
- The affairs of the Association shall be managed by an Executive Committee consisting of 9 members, viz., President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer and 5 other Members.
- The members of the Executive Committee shall be elected by the Members of the Association at the Annual General Body Meeting and they shall hold office for a period of three years.
- All the outgoing Executive Committee members are eligible for re-election.
- Section-12. (Powers of Executive Committee)
- The Secretary may, whenever he finds it necessary, call for an emergency meeting with the consent of the President or on the request of at least 5 Members of the Executive Committee, in writing.
- Notices of all the meetings must contain the place, date and time shall and should be sent by the Secretary to the registered addresses of the Committee Members.
- Notice should have an agenda for the meeting one week before the date of the meeting.
- If any Member of the Executive Committee is absent without leave for three consecutive meetings of the Executive Committee, that member shall be removed from the of Executive Committee.
- Section-13. (Duties of Executive Committee)
- The Executive Committee shall normally meet once in six months.
- The meeting of the Executive Committee will be presided over by the President. If he is not present or not being able to participate in the meeting, the Vice-President will preside.
- If the Vice-President is also not present, then the Executive Committee may choose one of the Members present to conduct the meeting.
- All questions arising at any meeting of the Executive Committee shall be decided by a simple majority of the Members present and in case of equal votes, the members shall have a second or casting vote.
Chapter 5 - Officers and Duties
[edit]- Section-14 (President)
- The President heads the work of the Executive Board of the Group.
- He presides all the meetings of the Executive Committee.
- The President of the Association represents and acts on behalf of the Association in the legal dealings with third parties and sign all the financial documents on behalf of the Association.
- Section-15 (Vice President)
- The Vice President shall perform the duties of the President when he is not present and exercise all the powers of the President.
- The Vice President shall have the powers given to him by the President and acts as his adviser.
- Section-16 (Secretary)
- Secretary shall keep the record of all the members, committee meetings, resolutions passed in general meetings and committee meeting.
- Secretary shall prepare an annual report of the group.
- Section-17 (Treasurer)
- The Treasurer shall be responsible for keeping of proper accounts.
- The Treasurer shall receive all moneys on behalf of the Executive Committee and deposit the same in the name of the Group in the Bank.
- The Treasurer shall prepare the annual accounts of the Association and submit it in General Body meeting.
- Section-18 (Removal)
- These officers can be removed by simple majority if they harm the image of the group and disturb the procedure of the group.
- Section-19 (Resignations)
- Any elected or appointed officer of the Group may resign at any time by giving written notice to the President or any person acting on his behalf.
Chapter 6 - Amendment
[edit]- Section-20
The bylaws can be amended or repealed by simple majority in General meeting or special meeting.