The following notes are ideas from the participants to be used as input for future definition of roles (and should not be considered as decisions made during the call).
What aspirations do we hope for with Wikimedians for Sustainable Development?
Coordinated group, monthly or yearly structured programs -- so many opportunities for growing the topical areas, future projects for the year
Education projects focused on Sustainable Development
More campaigns (beyond Wiki for Human Rights, Wiki Loves Earth)
Identifying more of the topics for impact to work on
Regular off-wiki climate and sustainability activism/lobbying/advocacy as a network
Collect some more best practices of sharing learning materials for training around Sustainable Development
Coordinating between people who are working on similar topics / areas
Partnership between user groups and projects already happening in other affiliates.
Come up with new sustainability campaigns, like Wiki for Human Rights and Wiki Loves Earth
Create space for future knowledge leaders around Wikimedia to be visible
How can we bring a perspective that helps Wikimedia projects make sense in local communities?
What would we like to see more of from Wikimedians for Sustainable Development?
How can the user group share more communication between stakeholders?
Monthly meetings and a bit of a calendar of opportunities for campaigns
Looking for funding from other networks (beyond the Wikimedia Foundation) with something like other groups to
Providing support to find funds elsewhere
What if we had a conference or network meeting that helped people share their experiences from a Wikimedia perspective
* Conference on sustainability development topics
Get funding to the user group to give micro-grants to organizers of projects within the user group scope
Establish legal entity
Have a bank account
Collaborate on-wiki on content - perhaps focus on one SDG per month
Can we define some roles for those things?
Co chairs?
Project planner - role that plans what should happen when
Evaluations analyst
Partnership person
Leading discussions online on topics and summarizing the discussions
Next steps
Ainali and Sadads review the strategies and synthesis into suggestions for roles and next steps