Wikimedia user groups/Reports/Wikimedians of Republic of Srpska/Annual 2016
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Annual 2016 |
During 2016, Wikimedia Community of the Republic of Srpska has continuously conducted various activities whose focus was the realization goals of Wikimedia. In accordance with current capabilities and capacities of the community, most work on GLAM, educational and photo projects. In addition, the first local conference Wikimedians of Republic of Srpska has been realized. Also, international cooperation has been extended and improved through meetings with Wikipedians from other countries at several conferences in which our community took part. Two competitions has been organized in writing articles on Wikipedia of Srpska - Meet Srpska (local character), CEE Spring (participation in international competition). The following is a detailed description of the activities carried out during 2016 by the Wikimedia Community of the Republic of Srpska.
[edit]Wikimedians of Republic of Srpska constitute the officially recognized group of users and editors of Wikimedia projects in Republic of Srpska. Official name of the group is Wikimedia Community of Republic of Srpska. Community is conceptualized and founded as a non-governmental, non-profit and non-party oriented group which achieves its goals in exclusively non-profit manner. It was officially recognized on 6th of October 2015, but from 2013 there is progress and projects. Wikimedia community of Republic of Srpska currently has 57 members. During 2016, Group has realized variety of projects and events. In numbers:
Activity | No: of activities | No: of participants |
Community | 49 meetings | |
GLAM | 9 projects | 46 |
Edu projects | 2 projects | 34 |
Photo projects | 8 projects | 118 |
Competitions | 2 projects | 50 |
Events | 3 events | 116 |
Presentation | 2 presentation | 50 |
Gender gap | 1 project | 21 |
Total | 76 | 435 |
[edit]Editing workshop in City of East Sarajevo Main Library - Famous Serbs on Wikipedia
[edit]On 23 March 2016, in East Sarajevo is launched the first GLAM project in the Republic of Srpska. In cooperation with the Main Library of East Sarajevo, in the premises of the library was held editorial workshops directed towards writing articles on Wikipedia in Serbian language about important people - the Serbs from Sarajevo. For the purpose of the workshop was created page on Wikipedia: Editorial workshop about famous Serbs. On that occasion is created 17 new articles. Participants of the workshop were employees of the library and students of the University of East Sarajevo who have previously participated in the activities of the Wikimedia Community of the Republic of Srpska during the conference Wikimedia Start Serbian Republic 2016. From a total of 9 participants, 2 were female, while the rest of the group consisted of males – seven of them. Main Library of East Sarajevo has provided space and equipment necessary for the implementation of the workshop, as well as refreshments for participants during breaks. Also, on this occasion has marked the start of cooperation with the Main Library of East Sarajevo which will be available in the future for Wikimedia Community of the Republic of Srpska in securing materials and literature for referencing and creating articles on Wikipedia. The activity is recognized as positive and the desire has been expressed for further cooperation on similar projects. Workshop drew media attention and resulted in 10 headlines about the event with 2 TV segments shown during prime time. Likewise, community lead a promotional campaign on social networks, site and blog of the community.
WikiSemberija is a GLAM project of the Wikimedia Community of the Republic of Srpska with goal of establishing cooperation between cultural institutions in Semberija and Wikimedia projects and thus resulting with creation of the open and free content. First cultural institution we achieved cooperation with was the Peoples Library “Filip Višnjić” in Bijeljina where, through editorial workshops and similar activities, we worked on creation of articles and improvement of already existing ones by use of the literature provided by the library. Activities on other Wikimedia projects have been planned as well, foremost on Wikisource. For purposes of the project, special page on Serbian Wikipedia was created: WikiSemberija. Logo of the project was created as well. Three editorial workshops were held within the project in Bijeljina, in cooperation with Natopnal Library of Filip Višnjić and one photo tour, focusing on memorable sights of Bijeljina, was implemented.
- First editing workshop

First editing workshop was directed towards creation of the articles on content related with Semberija and was held on 17th of October 2016 in the premises of the National Library Filip Višnjić in Bijeljina. For workshop needs, special page was created on the WIkipedia in Serbian language - First editing workshop in the National Library Filip Višnjić in Bijeljina. During this workshop, 15 new articles were added to the Serbian Wikipedia, while the themes were focused on biographies of the important individuals, natural and cultural heritage and political events.
- Second editing workshop

Second workshop in the National library Filip Višnjić, in Bijeljina, was held on 28th of November 2016 at the library premises. This institution was very helpful and provided premises and equipment necessary for the realization of the workshop. Wikipedia page was created and the project was promoted through the social networks, site and blog of community. During this workshop, 7 articles from different areas was written. There was no thematic focus for this workshop so participants were free to choose their own theme to work on.
- Third editing workshop
During the third workshop of the project WikiSemberija, eight articles were written. Workshop was held, once again, at the premises of the National Library of the Filip Višnjić in Bijeljina.
- Photo-tour
As a following activity of the WikiSemberija project, one photo-tour was realized on the territory of the City of Bijeljina. During the tour, 40 pictures presenting memorable sights of the city were created. Special page on the Wikipedia was created: Photographs have been uploaded to the Wikimedia Commons: Photo-tour in_Bijeljina. Besides the Wikipedia page, project was promoted at the site, social networks and the community blog. All in all, 11 media took notice and followed the progress of the activities for the WikiSemberija project.
Edu projects
[edit]Wiki schoolboy in the Republic of Srpska – workshop dedicated to Old Slavic mythology
[edit]On 10th of March 2016 in Višegrad in primary school "Vuk Karadzic" has been organized a workshop for Wikipedia on Serbian language. participants in this workshop were senior pupils of this school, educator and teacher of Informatics. The total number of participants is 24, of which 14 male students and 10 female students. During the workshop it has been created 18 new articles and updated the existing 5. Students were given a choice to choose subject and area in which they want to write and most of them decided to pick a topic related to Ancient Slavic mythology. Within these activities was formed Wiki section in the school managed by teacher of Informatics and who train students to edit Wikipedia on classes elective courses. For the purpose of the events on Serbian Wikipedia is created a page in which are incorporated all the information concerning the workshop. School is poor in terms of equipment and technical capabilities, but nevertheless there is good will and a desire to work and learn. During the workshop Internet connection has been interrupted several times and some articles were corrected over a period of three days by a supervisors who directed the workshop. The workshop has sparked media interest: two portals conveyed news of the workshop. Two televisions have made the report. Also, during the workshop, we had live inclusion in the program of Radio BH1. In addition, there was a media campaign through the website and blog of the Wikimedia Community of the Republic of Srpska. Also, the activity is promoted on the official site Wikimedia Community of the Republic of Srpska on social networks.
Editing workshop on College for Service business in Sokolac
Wikimedia Community of the Republic of Srpska, in cooperation with College for Service business from Sokolac and Culture Institute Pero Kosorić on 26th of March 2016 organized editing workshop lasting for a single day. Participants were representatives of the educational and cultural institutions and students of the College for Service business from Sokolac. For purposes of the workshop, special page on Wikipedia in Serbian language was created special page. Workshop focused on articles dealing with Sokolac and its surroundings. In the workshops 10 people participated, 6 men and 4 women and created 9 new articles and one article was updated. This workshop was important to use because it facilitated cooperation between us and the cultural and educational institutions from this area. This cooperation had a positive effect on realization of the “Traces of Soul 2016” project where these institutions provided us with adequate space for realization of the editing workshop, and with help during photo-tour. Municipality of Sokolac promoted the project and mayor himself was present at the workshop and introduced himself with basics of Wikipedia editing. Everything mentioned is very important for us due to the fact that establishment of positive cooperation with institutions and organizations in Republic of Srpska is precondition for improvement of efficiency of our work and function. Six media houses reported on the workshop and a TV segment was done as well for local TV station and radio piece was done for radio station of the local Radio Sokolac. Project was promoted by the Community through blog, social networks and site of the community.
Photo projects
[edit]Trace of a Soul 2016 - photo competition
[edit]In organization of the Wikimedia Community of the Republic of Srpska, for the second time big photo competition Traces of Soul 2016 was realized. Traces of Soul 2016 was a public photo competition aiming to collect as much as possible photographs of natural and immovable cultural heritage located on the territory of the Republic of Srpska. Main idea of the project is popularization of cultural, historical and natural heritage of this area on the internet, together with improvement and enlargement of content on Wikipedia and Wikimedia Commons through photographs and articles representing beauty of the Republic of Srpska. Competition was held on local level from 1st of July until 31st of August 2016 and was organized similar to competitions Wiki loves Earth and Wiki loves Monuments. Project was successfully finished and achievement of set goals was on satisfactory level. 2039 photographs of cultural and natural heritage sites within Republic of Srpska were gathered, by 82 participants. Cooperation with institutions and organizations during realization of different project activities was on satisfactory level. Significant improvements were made in strengthening of community capacities and recognition of community as a positive factor on local scene of the Republic of Srpska. Besides, current members of the organization team were enriched for one more experience in organization and realization of a large project. Thanks to the team work, community is more intraconnected and functions more harmoniously in comparison with the very start and the first projects. Statistic data are a good indicator of goal accomplishment. Project Traces of Soul 2016 influenced the increase of content on Wikimedia Commons and Wikipedia through addition of new photographs and articles, but also through update of already existent content. Influence of the Wikimedia Community of the Republic of Srpska in local community is noticeable due to media coverage and project activities and likewise, influence of the project on the community itself is present and very important because it became, through one more experience, more organized and larger.
Project activities
Besides the competition in photography, several other project activities was realized: 1 edit-a-thon and three photo tours.
- Edit-a-thon
Edit-a-thon was held as part of two day activities in Sokolac. College of Service business, our partner from earlier period, supported us and secured adequate premises for edit-a-thon realization. Edit-a-thon was thematically focused on creation of articles about natural and cultural heritage sites of the Republic of Srpska. 8 participants, 4 men and 4 women wrote 15 articles, 10 of the new ones while 5 already existing was updated. All together, 22.190 bytes of content was written. For use of QR codes, 17 new or updated articles was written, 13 updated ones and 4 new.
- Photo-tours

As a part of project activities, three photo-tours were realized in different parts of the Republic of Srpska.
- First photo tour

First photo tour was realized on the territory of the 15 square kilometres and in concert with our local partners - Touristic organization of City of Višegrad, TO of the City of New Goražde and Municipality of New Goražde. Route was planned in advance and security status of the terrain was determened. Tour had five participants and about 200 photographs was made. After selection, 141 found their way on to the Wikimedia Commons. Four monuments were covered with this tour. Special challenge for the team was photographing monument found in a very difficult and inaccessible terrain - about an hour of arduous walk with terrain slope of 7%. This makes these photographs rather precious.
- Second photo-tour

Second photo-tour was realized on the territory of 20 square kilometers and our partners we're Municipality of Sokolac and Culture Institution “Pero Kosorić”. 8 individuals participated and 7 heritage sites were photographed. After selection, Wikimedia Commons was enriched for 201 photograph.
- Third photo tour
Third photo tour was implemented on the territory of the municipality of Gacko, in cooperation with Photo Cinema club Trebinje. Targeted area was mapped and route determined encompassing area of 20 square kilometers.7 people participated and 297 photographs were taken. After selection, 156 of them was uploaded to Wikimedia Commons. 11 monuments were covered in this photo tour.
In the first part of its realization, project attracted significant media attention. Most read daily newspaper and portals, state televisions and radio stations, all of them had segments on the project. Media houses and portals were familiarized with the project before its official start through depeche from our community. Day before the official start, press conference was organized through which public was properly introduced to the project. The conference was held in Assembly hall of the Višegrad Municipality which was kind enough to lend us its premises. 31 news article referring to the project was relayed by 28 media outlets from Republic of Srpska and Bosnia and Herzegovina. One of the national televisions stations had two segments related to the competition. Three radio stations followed project activities through guest appearances of the community members and through live inclusion in radio programs.
- Exhibition
Competition finish was marked with official celebration in the cultural complex Andrićgrad. During the ceremony, 20 of the most beautiful pictures were presented and winners received their deserved rewards. For needs of the exhibition, 20 articles on Serbian Wikipedia were either written or updated and were further used as basis for QR codes implemented during the ceremony. The winning photographs:
- Top 10: Natural heritage
- Top 10: Cultural heritage
More detailed report can be seen on the report page found at: Trace_of_a_Soul_2016/Report.
[edit]Wikimedia CEE Spring
[edit]Wikimedia Commons Community of the Republic of Srpska for the first time this year took part in the international competition Wikimedia Spring CEE 2016. For the purposes of competition the site has been created with the theme chosen by the Community: Wikimedia CEE Spring 2016/Structure/Republika Srpska.
Our community has joined the competition as the 11th participant of 23 January 2016, while the list of required items drawn on January 25, and at the Metta was set up on January 30 and that is how our community was one of the first who had done the list for the competition .The competition decided to carry on Wikipedia in Serbian, with the original decision to organize the competition independently. We later changed the decision and decided to implement a competition with two organizations (another organizer is Wikimedia of Serbia), because Wikipedia community on Serbian language is relatively small and as such could not validly follow both competitions.
The Community has decided to award receive 4 competition, and by the following categories:
- Users with the most contribution during the competition
- Best new competitor
- The best article on the competition
The number of users from the Republic of Srpska actively contribute to Wikipedia in Serbian language is difficult to determine, because the Serbian language, except in the Republic of Srpska is used in the rest of Bosnia and Herzegovina and in Serbia, Montenegro and some parts of the Croatia.
After approval of a grant for the CEE spring, our community has encountered difficulties because of the approval of funds for the competition stated that each community must itself of its funds to buy prizes for the competition, and only then can ask for refund. After talking with international organizers, especially with Nikola Kalcev, it is proposed to our community to ask Wikimedia Serbia to buy assets from its remuneration awarded to Wikimedia Community of the Republic of Serbian, a WMSRB funds will be refunded. Throughout the competition the organizer of the competition on behalf of our community, Ranko Nikolic, visited other articles written on Wikipedia, with the goal of keeping records of articles written on other Wikipedia in order for the next event to indicate the subjects thet are interesting to other contestants and to make next year even better list of articles about the Republic of Srpska. Most of revised written articles on the subject of the Republic of Srpska had the Eastern Slavonia Wikipedia ie. Wikipedia on Belarusian language 70 written and 2 amended articles, Wikipedia in Russian language 28 new and 15 amended articles and Wikipedia in the Ukrainian language 17 new and 4 amended articles. No article about Republic of Srpska is written on Wikipedia on the Kazakh and Lithuanian language. Community were pleasantly surprised by Wikipedia Bashkortostan and Sakha language that are written a single article, which was about the Republic of Srpska. Some of Wikipedia for the entire event did not written a single article about the Republic of Srpska, so we decided that for the next event to make a special category in the list of our articles made in relation to articles that every Wikipedia should have that concern our country. The Community has decided not to make a manifestation of awards, but in agreement with Wikimedia Serbia decided to send prizes to the winners by post office. 13 June 2016 were declared winners. Our community has designed a special thank-you, in addition to awards, sent to the winners of the competition.
Total 4 media have published news about the competition.
Article writing competition on Serbian Wikipedia: “Meet Srpska”
Competition in article writing on Wikipedia in Serbian language, with a symbolic name, Meet Srpska, caused a lot of attention in Republic of Srpska and exceeded all of our expectations in regard to set goals of the project. Competition lasted from 18th of July until 8th of August 2016. After organizational team was formed and agreement with WMF, tasks for the competition were divided within the community. Special page was created on Wikipedia in Serbian language, dedicated to the competition. Page gathered all information relevant for the competition. Likewise, for every project activity, special page was created.
In the course of the competition, there was 289 newly written or updated articles on Wikipedia in Serbian language. Total number of participants was 31. Project envisioned, besides the competition in article writing, ofline activities - edit-a-thon focused on themes of relevance to the Republic of Srpska. Likewise, project predicted a single photo-tour. Thanks to the enthusiastic members of the community, instead of one, three tours were done, in East New Sarajevo, Rogatica and Pale. Focus were monuments and cultural and natural heritage sites of the named settlements.
- Edit-a-thon

One of the activities within the project was the edit-a-thon. It was realized in East Sarajevo in cooperation with Main Library of the City of East Sarajevo. Cooperation with this institution was established, on mutual pleasure, at the start of 2016. Library supported our work and secured premises and equipment necessary for activity realization - PCs and projector. 12 participants took part in the edit-a-thon, 9 of them men and 3 women. During edit-a-thon, 19 new articles were written on Serbian Wikipedia.
- Photo-tours
Within project “Meet Srpska”, besides edit-a-thon, one photo tour was planned which would focus on gathering photographs of memorable sights in one of the Republic of Srpska cities with least amount of content representation on Wikimedia Commons. Instead, thanks to enthusiasm and adventurous spirit of our volunteers, three settlements were covered: East New Sarajevo, Rogatica and Pale. In accordance with territorial determination photo tours were realized and in total, 206 pictures were taken and stored on Wikimedia Commons. Project itself caused a lot of attention in the Republic of Srpska. In total, 46 headlines in media dealt with this topic, with several guest appearances in programs of state television, local television and radio programs. More detailed report can be found on Meta, on page: Report Meet Srpska.
[edit]Wikimedia Start Republic of Srpska 2016
[edit]The first activity of the Wikimedia Community of the Republic of Srpska in the course of 2016 was an event that included a two-day activity- celebration of Wikipedia 15th birthday and Local Conference of Wikimedians and Wikipedians - Wikimedia Start Republic of Srpska 2016 in one of the major regional centers of the Republic of Srpska - East Sarajevo. The event was organized on 15 and 16 January 2016.
Celebrating the 15th birthday of Wikipedia - Wikipedia Day
[edit]During Wikipedia days, there were three presentations (about Wikipedia, about free content and about Wikimedia Community of the Rebublc of Srpska) along with two short video clips. After that, the participants were presented the very structure of Wikipedia and demonstrated the creation of account on Wikipedia. During the interaction with the participants it was interesting that very few of the participants knew what is actually Wikipedia and how it works. Most of them were surprised by the fact that behind Wikipedia is a whole network of people, volunteers and projects. Also, a lot of them have been pleasantly surprised by the fact that in order to work and create articles on Wikipedia they need to respect the rules and a clearly defined guidelines.
Day of the conference Wikimedia Start Republic of Srpska 2016
[edit]Celebration of Wikipedia 15th birthday and conference caused significant media interest. The community received two notices from the media, a communication and a special article on the history of Wikipedia. A total of 18 media conveyed the news about the conference and 15th anniversary celebration of Wikipedia. In addition to information, the media who were interested had the opportunity to talk with community members on radio and television.
Further reading: Grants:PEG/Bojana Wiki PG/Wikimedia Start Republika Srpska 2016/Report
[edit]Besides realization of the planned activities and aspirations towards successful goal completion set in the project, one of the core aims of every activity was promotion of Wikimedia and its projects. Community used every opportunity to set up cooperation with as much institutions and relevant organizations as possible through presentation of the Wikimedia projects. Besides regular promotion in combination with project activities, Wikimedia of the Republic of Srpska had two special presentations organized within two larger manifestations, Culture fair in Banja Luka and meeting of the Main Board of the Serbian educational and cultural society “Prosvjeta”.
Wikimedia and its projects, MB SECS “Prosvjeta”
[edit]On 12th of March 2016, in Čajniče, within great annual sessions of the Main Board of the Serbian educational and cultural society “Prosvjeta”, one part of the program was dedicated to presentation of the Wikimedia and its projects. Modes of cooperation with local chapters of the society in different parts of the Republic of Srpska have been discussed.
Presentation of the “Traces of Soul” project at Culture fair
In Banja Luka, on 2nd April 2016, presentation related to the Traces of Soul project was held at the Culture fair, in the premises of the Youth Center in Banja Luka. Presentation was realized in cooperation with DIS theatre from Banja Luka. Besides students from the Art Academy, all interested were welcome to attend presentation which was of the open type.
Gender gap
[edit]In cooperation with Wikimedia Argentina, during 2016, project named WikiWomen was initiated. The main idea was the exchange of content about significant women with Wikimedia Argentina. In this way, articles dealing with significant Serbian women would find their way to the Wikipedia in Spanish while, on the other hand, articles dealing with significant women from Argentina would found their place on Serbian Wikipedia. Project is still in its initial phase, but we plan to make it one of our priorities in the future.
On Serbian Wikipedia, page project was created - WikiWomen
Also, promotion was implemented on the site and the social networks. Current number of editors participating in this project is 21. Overall number of written articles is 92, and that number continues to increase.
Participation in international events
[edit]During 2016, our community participated in several international events:
- 27-29 August 2016: CEE Meeting 2016 Armenia
- Wikimania, Esino Lario 2016, Italy
- Wikimedia Conference 2016, Berlin
- WikiLive 2016 (WikiLive 2016), Belgrade
Listed events are of particular value for our community. Through contacts with other Wikimedians and Wikipedians, our members had an opportunity to gain knowledge applied in our own community later on.
Cooperation with others
[edit]Republic Institure for protection of cultural-historical and natural heritage
[edit]Within “Traces of Soul” project 2016 our community established cooperation with Republic institute for protection of historical-cultural and natural heritage of the Republic of Srpska. Thanks to them we were granted access to data related to status of the monuments which found themselves on our lists. On the foundation of these documents, we have updated data used during the “Traces of Soul” 2015 and placed on the project site. Institute sent its letter of support as well.
Touristic organization of City of Višegrad
[edit]Touristic organization of the City of Višegrad provided us with help and support during the “Traces of Soul” 2016 competition in terms of organization and realization of the first photo-tour which was implemented on the contact between municipalities of Višegrad and New Goražde. Touristic organization of City of Višegrad helped in setting the photo-tour route through gathering of precise information on security state of the terrain and areas under mines. They have, as well, promoted the project on their own site.
SECS “Prosvjeta”
[edit]During 2016, we have continued our cooperation with the Serbian educational and cultural society “Prosvjeta” from Višegrad. They have been very supportive of our every project and have promoted them in the local community. Branch of the society dealing with theatre and acting was kind enough to designate one of their actors as our speaker-host during the formal ceremony of winner announcement and picture exhibition at the end of the “Traces of Soul” 2016.
Touristic organization of the Republic of Srpska
[edit]Besides the Republic Institute for protection of the historical, cultural and natural heritage, important role and support to the “Traces of Soul 2016” was provided by Touristic organization of the Republic of Srpska. Support took shape of project promotion on their official site and sites of other, smaller TOs, working under patronage of the TO of the Republic of Srpska. Likewise, during process of geolocating listed heritage sites, these smaller, regional TOs were of great assistance to our volunteers throughout Republic of Srpska.
Touristic organization of New Goražde
[edit]Touristic organization of New Goradžde, besides project promotion, provided support during realization of the 1st photo tour within “Traces of Soul 2016” project. In cooperation with Municipality of New Goražde we were provided with a guide, terrain vehicle and a driver, personnel necessary due to rough terrain and difficult accessibility of the photographed heritage sites.
Sokolac municipality
[edit]Sokolac municipality provided support during the 2nd photo tour and edit-a-thon done within “Traces of Soul 2016” through project promotion on their site and local, city portals. For edit-a-thon, municipality provided adequate and technically well equiped space.
Culure institution “Pero Kosorić”
[edit]Culture institution “Pero Kosorić” provided support during organization and realization of the two day activities in Sokolac, within “Traces of Soul 2016” project. On local level they identified those interested in participation in edit-a-thon and photo-tour. During realization of the mentioned activities, they provided support with area mapping and route establishment, and with procurement of permits for photography of places of worship - churches and mosques.
Photo Cinema club Trebinje
[edit]In cooperation with Photo Cinema club Trebinje, we have implemented the third photo-tour within “Traces of Soul 2016” project in Herzegovina. Besides promotion of the project, their support took form in area mapping, route establishment, event promotion in the local community and participation of their members in 3rd photo tour realization on the territory of the Gacko municipality, in Herzegovina.
Elementary school Vuk Karadžić from Višegrad
[edit]We continued our good cooperation with elementary school “Vuk Karadžić” from Višegrad in the 2016. Working with this educational institution, we realized one editing workshop whose participants were students of senior grades from this school. School provided adequate working premises and equipment, laptops for students and one projector. This institution is interested in furthering our cooperation in the future and implementation of Wikimedia projects and improvement of the teaching process through use of Wikipedia as a teaching tool.
Main Library of the City of East Sarajevo
[edit]To our mutual pleasure, during 2016 we have established cooperation with Main library of the City of East Sarajevo and in tandem with this institution we have realized one editorial workshop and one edit-a-thon within project “Meet Srpska”. Main library was kind enough to support our work through activity premises, literature and well equipped technical reading room, on both occasions.Likewise, several members of the library staff underwent training for Wikipedia editors and some of them remained active users.
National Library Filip Višnjić Bijeljina
[edit]During our project WikiSemberija cooperation was established with National library Filip Višnjić from Bijeljina. In cooperation with this GLAM institution, three editorial workshops have been realized. Library supported these workshops through adequate working space and technical equipment necessary for workshop implementation. In the future, cooperation will be continued and expanded given the fact that this is one of the very important partners for us.
DIS theatre Banja Luka
[edit]In 2016 we have continued our cooperation with DIS theatre from Banja Luka. They have supported us through promotion of Wikimedia and its projects within local community and through often contacts with students. Likewise, they were our partners during organization of the Culture fair in Banja Luka, where “Traces of Soul” project was presented.
Blogs, Reports and Social networks
[edit]In late 2015, we have starte our blog page with only one post for that year. In 2016, 26 blog posts were written. Topics were diverse, from global events to local reports. This was a great way to improve communication with the community members and relay global Wikimedia news to our readers.
Our official website, also, was in service to inform the public and Wikimedia community about our activities.
Wikimedians of Republic of Srpska has official Facebook, Twitter, TPO pagest and YouTube channel.
[edit]For our purposes, mostly for educational activities, we adapted and localized two brochures: Wikipedia Education Program Case Studies and New Editing WP booklet v4. Brochures are, in digital and printed form, used during our workshops, GLAM and EDU projects, too.
Media about us
[edit]During 2016, Wikimedia Community of the Republic of Srpska had good cooperation with media and important part of every organized activity was the communication with the media which took form of announcements, statements giving, participation in interviews as well as appearing as guests in TV and radio shows. Most prominent media houses followed our events and have written about our projects. Two press conferences were held, with 16 TV show appearances and 6 radio shows. In total, 107 time media reported about our activities.