Wikimedia chapters/Reports/Wikimedia Taiwan/Activity Report 2016
Brief notes
[edit]The section include all headlines of part 1 and 4 in Wikimedia Taiwan Newsletter. In the journal, title of part 1 is "Chapter affairs" and of part 4 is "Dynamic of Communities in Taiwan". That will show what things of Wikimedia movement were happening in Taiwan every month.
- Chapter affairs
- Volunteers responded enthusiastically for WikiMed project. Established student club in university is hopefully.
- To support citizen journalist, project of Wikinews is under preparation.
- Custard Cream Co-working space held annual meeting for setting up new branch. WMTW released the newest vision.
- The 2nd community management workshop 2016 held on 19th Dec. Organizer form six communities exchanged of their experience together.
- Dynamic of Communities in Taiwan
- The output of Spoken Wikipedia project by Hsin-Chu Wikimedia Community was published.
- Chapter affairs
- James Heilman visited Taiwan briefly.
- What does WMF work for? James Heilman brought us the one hand global information.
- How is Wikipedia important to medicine? (Summary of James's speech)
- Th last meeting of the 2nd board will be hold before the Lunar New Year's Eve.
- Dynamic of Communities in Taiwan
- Taiwanese language(Taiwanese Hokkien) project invite "Hêng-chhun--ê"(恆春兮)[1] to speech.
- Project "Dian-guang-huo-shi"(電光伙時, which means "when electricity get together with light") is run under the cross-communities cooperation.
- WikiWomen will decide their new direction in the year-end party.
- Chapter affairs
- The most important resolution of the 2nd board's last meeting.
- The 1st time of 3rd general assembly will be hold at 5th March.
- A server machine is coming! Much technology things can be test on it.
- Wikimedian will take pictures in Legislative Yuan (Congress of Taiwan) in March 2016.
- Dynamic of Communities in Taiwan
- Go go WikiWomen! Urgent mobilization for art and feminism edit-a-thon was published.
- Citizen group "Key Data" retreated. The future of public issues wiki workshop is uncertain.
- Touching time at Taiwanese language community: speaker Hêng-chhun--ê(恆春兮) was in tears when he met Prof. Wu's sonProf. Wu Sho-li is a gone Taiwanese language scholar. He left a Mandarin-Taiwanese dictionary, his children donate copyrights of the dictionary to Wikisource. That made the beginning of Taiwanese language project.
- Chapter affairs
- New members are welcome to join the board.
- Chairperson is re-elected, supervisory chairperson is changed.
- WMTW's founding member "Zi Yu Mao" (User:子毓貓) was sudden death. Wikimedian express condolences.
- Wikipedian take photos to Members of the Legislative Yuan. Reporters of news channel are curious about the active.
- WMTW held a workshop in Ministry of Health and Welfare. Government officers learned how to edit Wikipedia.
- Dynamic of Communities in Taiwan
- Not the first around earth, art & feminism edit-a-thon in Taiwan still had great output.
- Wiki club was established in Chung Shan Medical University.
- Skip, because this is a special issue for WMCON 2016. All news in the issue are not about WMTW but WMCON.
- Chapter affairs
- The statistical data of activity "Photo Legislator" are released: male more than female, Green more than Blue[2].
- First community workshop in this year will be hold on 11 June.
- WMTW's director had a conversation with Dr. Tsong-he Liang, the developer of the website "WikiSeeker".
- Important resolutions from the 2nd time meeting of the 3rd Board.
- Retired politician send a mail to ask us to delete some data on Chinese Wikipedia.
- Dynamic of Communities in Taiwan
- 0 participant on June meet-up of Taiwanese language project. A serious defeat.
- Hsinchu community rerun again with new space and new look.
- Chapter affairs
- Community workshop finish successfully.
- IDS system can be tested online now. It caused a sensation.
- The active "A Room of WikiWomen's Own" is so famous that receive an invitation to hold an additional meet-up.
- An exclusive Wiki platform for encyclopedia in all languages of Taiwanese aborigines is online.
- Dynamic of Communities in Taiwan
(No news in this issue)
- Chapter affairs'
- The first meet-up of "Our Taiwanese Songs" began. Participants sang "Bāng Chhun-hong[3]" in the original version.
- The APP "Offline Medical Wikipedia" is launched. User of Android system can enjoy it first.
- The photoelectric project is closed.
- What is the next step of IDS?
- Dynamic of Communities in Taiwan
- Some photos with generator were referred to delete in wrong reason, because someone misunderstand the meaning of OTRS.
- Hsinchu community published their activity plan for the 2nd half of this year.
- The organizer of Hsinchu community get the permissions of OTRS.
- Chapter affairs
- "Dr. Wu's Mandarin-Taiwanese dictionary" project needs proofreading volunteers.
- Taiwan community's annual plan can be applied in September.
- Dynamic of Communities in Taiwan
- National Taiwan University Wikipedia Club restart.
- WikiWomen drumming touched participants of COSCUP[4].
- Chapter affairs
- A company failed to advertise on Chinese Wikipedia, then tired to buy a position from WMTW.
- Taiwan communities's annual plan was stop to apply. Six communities referred their proposals.
- Two officers of WMTW were nominated for "Prize of Wiki Promoting". One refuse, and another was re-nominated.
- Dynamic of Communities in Taiwan
- NTU Wikipedia Club held founding conference. Old alumni come back.
- A 12-years-old child want to edit Wikipedia. The H.K school-age child cause some discussing.
- Chapter affairs
- Apply simple annual plan? Three problems need to be solved.
- Output of "Taiwanese Song" project is published.
- A Wikipedian comes from a far place. He had some cultural exchange with WMTW.
- Dynamic of Communities in Taiwan
- China Times[5] stole photo again. Member of Taiwan Wikipedia community try to help himself.
- East-south Asia edit-a-thon was held in NTU. Thai food surprise participants.
- The membership of Facebook group "Taiwan Wikimedia Community" is over than 5200.
- Taichung community may re-run by Wiki farm project.
- Chapter affairs
- 2 new policies were adopted by the Board.
- Annual member conference will be held on 18th Dec.
- Face the challenge from new media. WMTW will start a new on-line live show in December.
- Board member Li-yun Lin gets international graduate program.
- The project "Magic Temple in Chiayi County" start. Staff of international education program follows with interest.
- Dynamic of Communities in Taiwan
[edit]- ↑ A traditional narrative and musical artist in Taiwanese language. Hêng-chhun--ê is his stage name, which means "of Hengchun" or "come from Hengchun". Hengchun is the southernmost township in Taiwan, people live in there speak Taiwanese in classic and pure accent.
- ↑ Pan-Green & Pan-Blue are two opposition political groups in Taiwan. Read more about Pan-Green Coalition & Pan-Blue Coalition on English Wikipedia
- ↑ A Taiwanese Hokkien song composed by Teng Yu-hsien. There is an article about the song on en-wp.
- ↑ COSCUP is an annual conference held by Taiwanese Open source community participants. Its full name is "Conference for Open Source Coders, Users and Promoters". See more information on Wikipedia.
- ↑ One of the four largest newspapers in Taiwan.