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Wikimedia chapters/Reports/Wikimedia Taiwan/2017 Wikimania local scholarship

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2017 Wikimania local scholarship Report[1]

Jessie Mi[2]

Travel Target

After running the events of WikiWomen community in Taiwan [3] two and a half years, some thinking of us need be re-thought, than our community can get some new stimulus and growth.

  • To find our defect and advantage, then re-search the positioning of the WikiWomen community.
  • To understand the whole WMF more thoroughly.
  • To know more people who work hard for the same target of us, and listen to their stories.

Seeing in pre-conference (8/9-8/10)

Experiences Learning.Communities Dialoguing.Tools Good-using

  • Participates of pre-conference: Most of them are principals from different countries or organizes.
  • Mainly speaking, promoting project of other countries are:
    1. Various Wikipedia Education Programs, to attract more people to edit.
    2. Save more old documents by cooperating with GLAMs, and let them become more well-known by several wiki projects.

Experience Sharing That is Worth Referring

A. [Wiki events promoting] of WMDE

  • Plan running
    Three grand events: Fund raising event(end of year), Spring event, Summer event.
    To the three grand events as a theme, there is a simple and clear target. Two different banners that express the same thing will be made when promoting.
  • SOP for holding each event:
    • Define the purpose of the event and the user process first.
    • Confirm who are the customers we want to contact.
    • Confirm the information that will be provided to customers.
    • Translate the banner and homepage.
    • Run the event, and publish the banner.
    • Analyze the number of registrants
    • Share the results are good or not after each promotional event.
  • Outcome: Got 800 to 900 participates in a year totally, but it's difficult to follow their active after event.
The factor that they think why they succeed: Give only one main information. Increase the registration rate by image designing. Be clearly and easily when assigning mission.

B. [#1lib1ref]

  • Promotional copy (see the picture right)
  • Core idea: If each librarian add one reference, the number of reliable sources in Wikipedia will increase quickly.
  • Project running: Promote the core idea to librarians in the first year. Promote project by community websites (Facebook、Twitter) in the second year, and create Facebook groups to let people who are interested in Wikipedia Library project can join it.
  • 成果:2016年共327人參與、編修1,232條條目;2017年躍增至741人參與、編修4171條條目。
  • 他們認為活動成功的原因:
    1. 明確的群眾-只針對圖書館員這樣的小眾:
    2. 透過科技加強了活動-社交媒體宣傳、後續追蹤數據分析:
      他們使用了Twitter的tag分析活動資訊在社群網站的擴大程度,另外使用 Citation hunt工具,將目前需要更新引用的段落整理出來,讓圖書館員一一挑戰,燃起修正錯誤的熱誠!
    3. 圖書館員之間的良性競爭:


Reflection of Pre-conference


In the group of women in the past, or when the target is set, the subject matter is inadequate, and the subject matter is incomplete.

因此未來在企劃聚會活動時,希望能在目標設定上能思考的更全面。 At the time of the activity of the company, this is the ability to set a desired ability target and make it more capable.

Seeing in Wikimania (8/11-8/13)







  1. Wiki love women(維基愛女性):
  2. Women in red(當紅女人):
    消紅計畫,為更多女性或女性相關議題新增、編寫條目。這次在 Women in red 的演講中,中文維基百科的當紅女人活動入口頁,被放在簡報中展示,並向全世界的維基人宣告,中文維基人也有加入這個活動!
  3. Art + Feminism(藝術與女性主義):

在三天的會議中,我看見了每個人對於知識開放的熱誠,想用自己的專長、興趣,幫助知識開放的方式能夠更多元。其中讓我覺得印象深刻並覺得有趣的主題是「如Write in Wikipedia Like You Chat With Your Friends」 During each discussion of each ceremony, I was an enthusiastic woman group proponent, and I was most interested in gender drop agenda. The three major proposals for women's agenda are the main proposals for the proposal for the existence of the foundation.

  1. Wiki love women:
    Major women's proposals, local lack of resources, philosophy resources, salary and other exemption knowledge, improvement, girls' sexual basis knowledge issues.
  2. Women in red:
    Disappearance of total redemption, new female or female agenda items, compilation.這次 在 Women in red lecture, Nakabun Iki Encyclopedia of Scarlet Women's Activity entrance page, unreleased briefing exhibition, parallel global Ikebana declaration, Nakabun Iki Hitoya participation!
  3. Art + Feminism:
    During the years of the women's company group, the company has completed the delivery of this plan. During the next round of individual discussions, the final ideas and impressions of the past were completed.
    Other activities during the 1st year, during the 1st year of the future, in the fixed period of time, the sexual gender friendship environment, the LGBTQ Zhongxiao Wei Encyclopedia, the enthusiastic person, the unconsciousness of the other, other problems A judicious space.
    (註釋: LGBTQ for female homosexuals Lesbians, male homosexual Gays, bisexual bisexuals, cross-gender Transgender 與 之 Queer 之 短 稱.)


Other use Telegram-like equipment person, the completion of the opening of the project, the correction formula, the provision of the necessary information. The current era of more than 10 years of farewell era.

Suggestion for WMTW After Participated Wikimania


普遍來說,中文維基百科的使用者,甚至對民眾來說可信度只有60%(英語可信度有80%以上) During each discussion of each ceremony, I was an enthusiastic woman group proponent, and I was most interested in gender drop agenda. The three major proposals for women's agenda are the main proposals for the proposal for the existence of the foundation.

  1. Wiki love women:
    Major women's proposals, local lack of resources, philosophy resources, salary and other exemption knowledge, improvement, girls' sexual basis knowledge issues.
  2. Women in red:
    Disappearance of total redemption, new female or female agenda items, compilation.這次 在 Women in red lecture, Nakabun Iki Encyclopedia of Scarlet Women's Activity entrance page, unreleased briefing exhibition, parallel global Ikebana declaration, Nakabun Iki Hitoya participation!
  3. Art + Feminism:
    During the years of the women's company group, the company has completed the delivery of this plan. During the next round of individual discussions, the final ideas and impressions of the past were completed.
    Other activities during the 1st year, during the 1st year of the future, in the fixed period of time, the sexual gender friendship environment, the LGBTQ Zhongxiao Wei Encyclopedia, the enthusiastic person, the unconsciousness of the other, other problems A judicious space.
    (註釋: LGBTQ for female homosexuals Lesbians, male homosexual Gays, bisexual bisexuals, cross-gender Transgender 與 之 Queer 之 短 稱.)


We have been able to dismiss the company group, promote the foundational cooperation of the foundation of the foundation, disseminate the basic spirit of the general user ability, and use the basic encyclopedia of the basic ability of the general user.

我想這樣努力的話,了解核心精神、也想透過知識開放來幫助世界的人,會知道有維基百科這個管道,而能有更多編輯志工加入。 The story of my thoughts, the spirit of understanding, the understanding of the knowledge of the world, the world-famous people with knowledge-free knowledge, the encyclopedia of the Kachimichi Arimoto Encyclopedia, and the participation of the Metaphysics Department.

另外小小建議,這次看見每個在基金會工作的成員,都很有個人特色及說話魅力的!如果要透過知識改變世界,我想「代言人」扮演很重要的角色。如果台灣的協會,也能讓人感到這裡很酷,而不是這裡很獨特,如果可以希望從打扮、說話的態度能進行些改革會有助於維基的推廣。 Extra-small and small-sized congresses, 看 次 看 per individual fund 會 working members, Tokyo-owned personal features and fascinating charm! The world of falsified knowledge modification, “Speaker” and “Speaker” are important.如 如 如 灣 會 會 感 可以 可以 可以 可以 可以 可以 可以 可以 可以 可以 可以 可以 可以 可以 可以 可以 可以 可以 可以 可以 可以 可以 可以 可以 可以 可以-果

References and Notes

  1. This is a report for WMTW scholarship that granted a Taiwan Wikimedian to go to Montral and join Wikimedia 2017. The report is written by the grantee Jessie except references. The original text released on Wikimedia Commons under CC-BY-SA.
  2. Organizer of "A Room of WikiWomen's Own"(WikiWomen Community in Taiwan)
  3. A Room of WikiWomen's Own
  4. The chapter's title in Chinese version is fixed by Reke, for getting a similar sentence pattern to the same level title before this one.
  5. A corresponding page to 2017 Movement strategy by WMF