in a nutshell: This year's assembly focussed on our new mid-term strategy until 2025. The strategy was designed in a collaborative and iterative process between board, staff and volunteers over the past few months. The general assembly approved of the new strategic direction, the next step will be the implementation and formulation of concrete goals and metrics. Unfortunately, this process is blocked by a lack of information regarding the requirements of the new WMF grantmaking procedures.
volunteer organizers: -
what we contributed to this activity: Preparation, communication, organisation, technical platform
in a nutshell: regular course at the University of Vienna about Europa-Forum Wachau, including a Wikipedia course and Wikipedia editing by the students, held online (start date: 2021-03-05, end date: 2021-06-25)
in a nutshell: OSSBIG is an Austrian charity which aims at fostering the use of open source solutions public administration and business. This year we were invited to their annual conference to talk about 20 years of Wikipedia and the role of free knowledge for digital self-determination in the European context.
what we contributed to this activity: Presentation about Wikmedia/Wikipedia from our ED
in a nutshell: Guest lecture about Wikimedia as an organization and the basics of contributing to Wikipedia and a workshop on writing articles as part of a course at the University of Vienna on Wikipedia Studies with special emphasis on Women in Red. The students also received Wikipedia goodies (branded bag and pen, a handbook about the VisualEditor etc.) at the end.
what we contributed to this activity: preparation and presentation of the lecture
in a nutshell: We co-hosted 6 netpolitical evenings as of June 2021 as online events, with an average of 30 participants, covering topics from EU advocacy to state of the art research around AI, open data or e-privacy. The event also has a loyal remote audience via live stream and broadcasting of various free radio stations across Austria. In addition, it became a valuable platform to find partners, participants, or multipliers for WMAT activities. The initiative is mainly volunteer run and cost neutral.
volunteer team:
Roland Alton
Meral Akin-Hecke
Alexander Baratsits
Konrad Becker
Tano Bojankin
Paolo Budroni
Wolfie Christl
Sandra Barth
Andreas Czák
Andreas Demmelbauer
Leonhard Dobusch
Helge Fahrenberger
Sonja Fischbauer
Claudia Garád
Herbert Gnauer
Ingrid Gogl
Werner Illsinger
Stefan Kasberger
Sylvia Kuba
Christoph Lampert
Nicole Lieger
Thomas Lohninger
Joachim Losehand
Astrid Mager
Katja Mayer
Stefan Pawel
Sylvia Petrovic-Majer
Magdalena Reiter
Us(c)hi Reiter
Sarah Spiekermann
Felix Stalder
Paul Stepan
Brigitte Theissl
Barbara Wimmer
Michela Vignoli
what we contributed to this activity: video documentation, coordination, PR/social media
in a nutshell: a wiki with CC BY-SA 3.0 licensed German-language content about Austria, serves as free knowledge hub for encyclopedic articles not relevant or suitable for Wikipedia
in a nutshell: project for the improvement of Austria-related Wikidata items in preparation for the WikiDaheim photo competition starting in July, from 2021-01-01 to 2021-06-30
what we contributed to this activity: coordination
in a nutshell: a second online visit to the Museum of Art History (Kunsthistorisches Museum Wien) where the head of the department of art education presented and explained a medieval board game in its historical context.
what we contributed to this activity: organization
what we contributed to this activity: equipment from our tech pool, accreditations for events, travel grants, post-processing software, skill transfer activities and/or support related to other activities