Wikimedia chapters/Reports/Wikimédia Magyarország/May 2011
This is an update on Wikimédia Magyarország's activities covering May 2011. For more recent updates, you can like us on Facebook:
Strategy consultation
Wikimedia Hungary is participating in the Chapter Development Pilot Programme, a joint initiative between four chapters, facilitated by Sebastian Moleski.
As part of the programme we held a meeting for our members to discuss the self-assesment portion of the strategy process. A workshop with our facilitator was scheduled for May as well, but has been postponed.
Wikimedia Hungary is a partner in the 2010/2011 fundraiser, the amount of donations raised in Hungary in May was as follows:
- Wikimedia Hungary: 13 000 HUF ($65)
- Wikimedia Foundation: $43.11
As an organization of public benefit with two years of operations and no public debts, Wikimedia Hungary was eligible as a target for 1% income tax allocation, where taxpayers could direct one percent of their income tax to a charitable organization or church of their choice. To facilitate choice, we ran a short banner campaign advising donors of the possibility.
Wikipedia Libray

Wikimedia Hungary had donated a number of books on Wikipedia and free knowledge to the library of the Budapest University of Technology and Economics, to make them accessible in Hungary in general, and in particular to to our members (who are eligible for a free library membership as part of the partnership).
In May, our shelf in the library was expanded with three new books and a number of Wikimedia publications (e.g. annual reports, Bookshelf material). For a list of the books on the shelf, see:
Project news
The Hungarian Wikinews project was closed on 15 May.