Wikidata Taiwan community (also called Wikidata Taiwan) is a local wiki community in 中華民国 (Q865) which mainly promoting the Wikidata project and holding monthly community meeting and dealing with other Wiki-related issues such as holding an edit-a-thon. Currently, its activities are located mainly in the 北台湾 (Q6851564) region (including 台北市 (Q1867), 新北市 (Q244898), 桃園市 (Q115256), and 基隆市 (Q249996)).

Wikidata Taiwan was founded on 18 February 2019. On the same day, it cohosted the first OSM x Wikidata meeting with the OpenStreetMap Taiwan. Since then, this meeting has become a monthly meeting of the community. The meeting is mainly focus on discussing issues from both community and holding tutorial workshop for helping anyone who wish to enter this family or showcasing some advance technique for those who are more experience and wishing to improve. Sometimes the topic will change according to news and events happening around the world. Such as the fourth monthly meeting the topic was focusing on the edit and record of the information of Notre-Dame de Paris. Currently, the main venue of the monthly meeting is at the Mozilla コミュニティスペース台北 (Q61752245).
To date, most of the events are co-held with OSM Taiwan because of the mutualism relationship between both community: OSM can, while enlarging their data base, can also enriching the Wikidata project; and Wikidata can provide related information for OSM to access in their system. Because of this relationship, OSM Taiwan and Wikidata Taiwan are now working together maintaining the open-source data and promoting the open-source movement.
Currently, Wikidata Taiwan is now responsible for the maintaining of the Wikidata Taiwan Project, writing Chinese manual for editor and discussing the property issues related to the special needs of Taiwan.
The preparation of founding Wikidata Taiwan was started back in the fourth quarter of 2018. It all started from a Wikiproject:2018 Taiwan GLAM using Wikidata to record all the painting and art work, after that some members found great interest in the further application and wish to conduct further research. However, at that time there was no community responsible to provide such resource to people in Taiwan, also the Taiwan related data in the Wikidata was lack in great amount. Therefore, the discussion and evaluation of founding a community start.
In February, 2019, after discussion with multiple members and having the support of OSM Taiwan, Wikidata Taiwan was officially founded and held the first meeting with the OSM. Currently the active members including members who has take part in the previous Wiki project and part of the OSM Taiwan members and members from other open-source communities.
主催者はAllenwang6212a と Supaplexです。
参照:Privacy Notice(中国語(台湾))
Code of Conduct
See: Code of Conduct Wikidata Taiwan(中国語(台湾))