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Sommet Wikimédia 2024/Documentation

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This page is a translated version of the page Wikimedia Summit 2024/Documentation and the translation is 35% complete.
Outdated translations are marked like this.
What happened at the Summit?
Day 1
Opening · Gallery Walk · Understand the Charter · Discuss initial feedback
Day 2
Draft initial outputs · Improved Outputs · Future of Affiliates gatherings I
Day 3
Finalize & agree on outputs · Future of Affiliate gatherings II · Open space

C'est le rapport du Sommet Wikimédia 2024 qui ses tenues à Berlin du 19 au 21 avril.


Photo de groupe des participants au Sommet Wikimédia.
Photo de groupe des participants au Sommet Wikimédia.

Jour 1 : Accueil des participants, discours d'ouverture et premiers commentaires sur la Charte du Mouvement

La première journée était entièrement consacrée à la gouvernance du mouvement. Cela a commencé par l'accueil et l'intégration des participants dans le flux de travail du Sommet, suivi d'une plongée approfondie dans la version actuelle de la Charte du Mouvement.

Cérémonie d'ouverture

Le Sommet s'est ouvert avec des déclarations de bienvenue de :

  • Franziska Heine (directrice exécutive), au nom de Wikimédia Allemagne
  • Dr. Tobias Lindner (ministre d'État) au nom du ministère fédéral allemand des Affaires étrangères
  • Amitabh Behar, directeur exécutif d'Oxfam International, s'est adressé aux participants du Sommet avec un discours sur la conduite du changement dans les organisations internationales.

La dernière version de la Charte et leurs attentes par rapport à l'événement.

Les participants sur place et en ligne ont donné leurs commentaires sur des sujets de discussion sélectionnés liés à la Charte du Mouvement et à la dernière version de la Charte du Mouvement elle-même. Les commentaires ont été classés en « célébrations », « suggestions d'amélioration », « résolutions potentielles » et « idées au-delà de la charte ».

Liste des groupes thématiques :

Séance de travail 1 : Comprendre la Charte

Les participants ont été divisés en groupes thématiques présélectionnés pour commencer à imaginer les implications de la Charte du Mouvement à travers une activité de jeu de rôle conçue par le MCDC. Vous pouvez lire les jeux de rôle ici (1 & 2).

Séance de travail 2 : Discussion des retours en plénière sur la Charte

Les participants ont regroupé les commentaires recueillis lors de la Gallery Walk I en sous-thèmes thématiques. Ceux-ci ont été utilisés pour former des groupes de travail plus petits qui ont discuté en profondeur du contenu du sujet. Vous pouvez retrouver les clusters thématiques ici.

Jour 2 : Produire les premiers résultats du Sommet et envisager les futurs rassemblements des affiliés

The second day was dedicated to improving and refining the outputs of the Summit, and started a parallel activity track dedicated to Future Affiliate Gatherings.

Session 3: Drafting Initial Outputs

Small thematic working groups (within each topic group) shared and consolidated their proposals into the first set of recommendations to improve the Movement Charter and beyond.

In the plenary and online, the Summit attendants gave feedback on the initial outputs produced by each of the topic groups.

Session 4: Two Parallel Tracks

(A) Movement Governance: Discussing Feedback on the Initial Outputs

Topic posters with sticky notes were brought back to their respective groups for analysis and refinement. During this session, two measures were introduced to support coherence within and across topics. Two volunteer roles: one looking for connections between content and another making sure there was coherence across topic discussions. For this session only, participants were allowed to join other topic groups of their choice to cross-pollinate the discussions.

(B) Future Affiliate Gatherings: Prioritising Purposes & Learning

Nicole Ebber (WMDE) explained why the 2024 Summit was the “last of its kind” and emphasized the importance of finding another format. Nikki Zeuner (WMDE) shared the results from the Affiliate Survey on Future Gatherings, providing insights on what drives and hinders attendance, and what participants would like to experience in terms of content and format. Organisers of three different formats of affiliate gatherings shared their experience as case studies: Wikimedia Summit, Wiki-Indaba Conference, and Wikimedia Central Eastern European Meeting. The key considerations raised by participants about hosting an affiliate gatherings were:

  1. Logistic and Support
  2. Location
  3. Organisers
  4. Knowledge Transfer / Capacity Building
  5. Purpose & Programme
  6. Inclusion & Representation

Session 5: Two Parallel Tracks

(A) Movement Governance: Integrating Feedback to improve Outputs

Topic Groups consolidated all the proposals made by the smaller working groups and prepared their posters with improved outputs to share in the next plenary for a Gallery Walk.

(B) Future of Affiliate Gatherings: Develop Vision & Define Characteristics

The session started with an exercise of envisioning a future gathering, and followed by an activity in which attendants could share arguments for opposing choices concerning location, frequency and hybridity. The group then voted on their preference. Below are the results:

  • Location: Same location: 5 / Rotating location: 24 / 1 non-response
  • Frequency: Every year: 19 / Every 2 years: 10 / Every 3 years: 1
  • Hybridity: Hybrid: 5 / With livestream: 15 / No hybrid, only onsite: 10

In the last Gallery Walk, online and in-person participants gave feedback on the improved outputs produced by the topic groups.

Day 3: Appraisal of the Summit’s Outputs, taking ownership of Affiliate Gatherings, and open space

On the last day, the Movement Governance track worked on creating coherence across all Summit outputs to share them for appraisal. The Future of Affiliate Gatherings track took ownership of the next steps, while an open space session facilitated emerging conversations.

Work Session 6: Three Parallel Tracks

(A) Movement Governance

A “coherence team”, with two volunteers from each of the Topic groups, worked on streamlining all the outputs into a coherent set that can be shared in plenary for appraisal.

(B) Future of Affiliate Gatherings: Describe Governance & Create Task Force

In its last session, participants discussed the priority purposes of affiliate gatherings. They identified the following:

  • Governance
  • Share best practices
  • Learning, Connecting, Networking, Training

The session ended with a group of volunteers signing up to form a committee dedicated to working on a concept for future affiliate gatherings after the Wikimedia Summit.

(C) Open Space

Participants led self-organised conversations on the topics of their choice. Below are the titles of the sessions:

Plenary: Assessing Agreement on the Final Summit Outputs

46 outputs of the Summit were submitted for appraisal to the summit attendants, who could choose between “support”, “oppose” or “no response”. Members of the Movement Charter Drafting Committee, as well as Wikimedia Foundation staff and Board of Trustees present at the Summit, did not participate in the poll.

Closing Ceremony

The results from the on-site participants' appraisal of the final outputs of the Summit were revealed, showing that the percentage of support was above 50% on all recommendations. The percentage was calculated as a total of those who responded either “Support” or “Oppose”; respondents who selected 'No Response' were excluded. Different survey links were provided for on-site and online participants. The Wikimedia Summit concluded with statements from:

  • The Movement Charter Drafting Committee emphasized the importance of the Movement Charter to the movement and announced the timeline for ratifying the Charter.
  • The recently formed committee, tasked with working on Affiliate Gatherings, talked about the next steps.
  • Maryana Iskander, on behalf of the Wikimedia Foundation, emphasizing the urgency of global issues and the need for change.
  • Nicole Ebber, recalling Wikimedia events since 2010, praising the collaborative efforts of the Summit and expressing enthusiasm for future gatherings.