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Wikimedia Sudan User Group 2020 Projects

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Wikimedia Sudan user Group

1.1 Wiki Gap 2.0 March 2020 For the second time in Sudan the Swedish embassy organized event of Wiki Gap events online and offline aiming of bridging the gender gap in the Wikipedia , the WikiGap 2.0 event is held in Sudan for the second time after the 2018 WikiGap 1.0 that was held for the first time in Khartoum. This year the event was organized in to states Khartoum and South Darfur (Nyala).

New Uesrs Training Khartoum and Nyala

Three-days’ workshop 17th to 19th February was held in Gesr Development Center; total of 10 participants (3 Male, 7 Female) were trained to become Wikipedia users.

In South Darfur the Wikimedia Team Trained another New Users for three days, the training was held in In Nyala. Wiki Gap workshop also was held in Nyala University in the period from 9th to 11th February 2020. The total participants were 15 participants (8 Females, 7 Males).

Lunching of the Wiki Gap 2.0 With the support of the Swedish embassy invitations were sent the activist and women empowerment and gender actor’s representatives of embassies, Civil Society and individuals plus participants of Wiki Gap2.0 Training, photographers of Wiki Loves Africa 2020 team. Opening notes for the Swedish ambassador highlighting the role the embassy is playing in reaching democracy and gender equality in Sudan and he support of the new Sudan after December revolution 2019.

Edit thorn Khartoum and Nyala As part of the month long editing sessions for WikiGap 2.0 the community organized a 4 hours edit thorn session in coordination with Impact Hup Khartoum on 9th March 2020. The total participants of the event were 20 person (17 Females, 3 Males) The session had two types of participants; the first type was new users who support gender issues and which to learn the technical skills to be able to contribute to bridging the gender gap on Wikipedia. The second part was the trained new user. The session helped in providing supporting space to group of users to work together in developing and improving content about Sudanese Women, in both Arabic and English Wikipedia. The registration for the edit thorn session was through the community facebook page using online registration form. The same session took place in Nyala on 8th March which included total of 10 trained user of WikiGap 2.0 (7 Females,3 Males).

In the two sessions the facilitator helped the participants developed a list of articles to work on and the session included also work on the lists related to Sudan of pioneer women and structural list of different institutes related to women.

Sudan Team Wiki Gap 2.0

The WikiGap 2.0 results The month long competition was a tool to open the discussion on the gender gap. The participants were welling to continue working with the community beyond the one month campaign. Groups for discussion and support were created on Facebook, Telegram and WhatsApp. The campaign made 2.19 k edits with total of 100 articles edited, this was done with the contribution of 32 participants, 13.8 K of words added to the Wikipedia articles, 217 pictures uploaded to wiki commons.

The campaign used the online hashtag #WikiGap2020 and #WikiGapSudan

1.3 Wiki Loves Africa

For the first Time in Sudan Wikimedia Community with the support of the Swedish Embassy in Khartoum is Organizing the 6th Wiki Loves Africa 2020 under the theme Transportation Africa on the Move. The organizing included Two basic training for photographer Lancing event in two location Date: 15 February - 15th April

Most of the offline and face to face events were canceled due to the COVID -19 global pandemic which for Sudan was a challenge to the new community of Wikimedia.

WLA 2020 Lunching Event

Wiki Loves Africe Jury and Winners The local Jury of the photography cometion were selected and contacted the intiatil were 4 members but with the communication problem during the COVID -9 the committee was reduced to three members (2 Females, 1 Male). The members of the jury are the local committee consesting of photogrpher, artistice and photographer, cinematography and director.

The committee had orientation online meetings with the competition organizers to orient them on the contest rules, time frame and agree on the selection process for short list and the three final winners at the local level for Sudan. The jury members then had three meeting to filter a total of around 420 photos from around Sudan, the selection was then done through 3 round of short listing and rating using Montage tool provided by the foundation to end up with top 5 entry photos among them the three top were announced to be the Sudan winners of WikiLoves Africa 2020. On the international level the jury was consisting of 9 members. One of the three winning photos of Sudan was among the highly commended photos. More details on the international report could be found in this link: https://indd.adobe.com/view/73d6dc83-a3b2-42f7-a1af-8e979a841ca9/

Jury Team Included two Females and Males Mrs. Ola Alsheik Mrs. Soleyema Osman Mr. Ahmed Almustafa

File:Https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Soleyma Osman.jpg
Ms. Sloeyma Osama Sudan Jury Member for WLA 2020
Other Implemented activities 

New users Training


the Community completed number of online and offline training for new user on Wikipedia

Sudan Wiki project


With the support of the Arabic speaking community the Sudan Community lunched Wiki Sudan project on Arabic Wikipedia list of requiered articles, categories updates and review of articles has been implemented .