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Wikimedia Polska/Plans for 2013

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Plans of Wikimedia Polska for 2013



Following plans are written as a starting point for talks with Wikimedia Foundation about allowing us, Stowarzyszenie Wikimedia Polska, to use central and site notice banners on Polish Wikimedia projects for our 1%-tax deductible donations collecting campaign or to be able to link our fundraising page from the main fundrising page of Wikimedia Foundation between January 1st - April 30th, 2013.

As it is shown in our [Wikimedia chapters/Reports/Wikimedia Polska/November 2011-November-2012|2012 report]], the main source (98,2%) of income for Wikimedia Polska are 1% tax deductible donations. According to the Polish tax law, Polish taxpaying individuals can choose one and only one NGO with tax deductible status to donate it with 1% of their income tax. This is conducted via an income tax form, which taxpayers have to fill each year from January 15 till April 30 and does not bring any additional costs nor difficulties for donors. See our chapter report 2011 for more details regarding this system.
Be reminded that this system can be used by a Polish entity only - potential Polish donors can only support WMF by their non-tax deducible donations. Moreover, the tax-deductible status needs to be recognized by Polish state and Wikimedia Polska meets this obligation.

In 2011 and 2012 Wikimedia Polska and Wikimedia Foundation had an agreement – similar to the general fundraising agreement for chapters but slightly adjusted to unique situation in Poland. The 2013 agreement has been signed on January 14 2013. See: [1]

Our plans


Content creation projects

Wikiexpedition - 50 000 PLN
Wikiexpedition is an expedition around one of the regions of Poland in order to gather documentation (especially photographic) concerning the chosen region. The first Wikiexpedition took place in 2008 and since then it has been subsequently repeated, producing around 3000-5000 pictures a year. In 2013 we plan to make an expedition in Carpatian Mountains, possibly together with our friends from Ukraine, Czech Republic and Slovakia. The main cost of the Wikiexpeditions is travel and accommodation. See: [2]
Wiki Loves Monuments III - 30 000 PLN
Wiki Loves Monuments contest was organised in Poland in 2011 and 2012. In 2012 we were the most successful country out of 35 in terms of number of uploaded pictures (51 000 and over 690 participants). We would like to continue Wiki Loves Monuments contest in 2013 with increased budget for prizes and advertising.
Vilamovian project continuation - 10 000 PLN
Wilamowice is a small town in Silesia, southern Poland. It is famous of its own unique culture and language, which is currently spoken by less than 100 elderly people, so it is under danger of being extinct. The Wilamowice project started in the middle of 2012. It is devoted to preserving and documenting the language by a creation of Vilamowian-Polish-English vocabulary with recorded pronunciation of the words done by a native speaker. The project is progressing well, therefore we want it to continue it in 2013. The money are needed mainly for travels to Wilamowice in order to meet and record speech of people who still speak this language. See: [3]
Wikireporters project - 10 000 PLN
Wikireporters project funds would be used to provide for travel and (sometimes) accomodation costs for wikireporters working for Polish Wikinews to take pictures and write original news from political and cultural events. The cost may also include buing SLR camera with a flash light and semi-profesional lenses. See more: [4]
Wikigrants - 10 000 PLN
Wikigrants is our local micro-grant system which started in 2006 and proved to be effective. The typical submitions are for 100-500 PLN, mainly to buy books needed for writing articles or reinburse costs of travel to the museums and archives. VIII eddition of the wikigrants is about to be finished by the end of 2013. We want to continue the project as a IX eddition. See [5].
Szkoła pod Żaglami II (School under sails II) - 10 000 PLN
Last year cooperation with Foundation "Szkoła Pod Żaglami Krzysztofa Baranowskiego" led to obtaining over 300 unique pictures taken during cruises of Pogoria and STS Fryderyk Chopin and a series of news published in Polish Wikinews. We want to coninue this project next year. The cost of the cooperation is providing internet access on ships during the cruises in order to have instant access to the crue and pupils of the school. The side effect of the project is improvement of articles regarding Polish sailmen and history of sailing. See [6].
GLAM coordinator budget - 10 000 PLN
We have made some contacts with several museums and archives but the cooperation with them is quite often frozen due to lack of regular contacts and a person responsible fo coordination of them. Therefore we want to establish a separate GLAM budget in order to either support substantialy the volunteer coordinator (travel and contact costs reimbursments, money for visting GLAM conferences etc.) or tu hire the GLAM coordinator, who also could be a Wiki Loves Monuments coordinator.
Reserve for new ideas - 30 000 PLN
Every year the Polish wikipedians present their new ideas for content creation projects. For example in 2011 the idea of preserving Villamovian language have appeared suddenly in the midle of the year. As already in 2012 some new proposals on a very early stage have been presented and we keep motivating the community to present their ideas, more to come should be expected. Therefore we need to provide some funds to be ready to finance such novel initiatives.
Sum: 160 000 PLN


POTY/WLM exhibition continuation - 20 000 PLN
POTY movable exhibition was intruduced in 2011. The printed reproductions of winning pictures from the years 2006-2012 are presented in publicly accessible places across Poland in order to promote Wikimedia Commons, Wikimedia/Wikipedia, Free Culture and Licenses. In 2012 it was presented in 12 Polish cities, including Warsaw, Bytom, Częstochowa, Lublin, Łódź, Gdynia and Piotrków Trybunalski and proved to be a good promotion and outreacc event also "wakeing up" small local communities in cities and towns across Poland. We want to continue the exhibition - probably mixed with the winners of Polish Wiki Loves Monuments. The cost are: shipment of the pictures, printing new ones (if they are scratched), sometimes hiring a space for the exhibition.
Open'Er and "Przystanek Woodstock" booths - 20 000 PLN
Open'Er and "Przystanek Woodstock" are two largest mega-concertos in Poland, which gather thousands of young people - potential editors of Wikimedia projects. Therefore we want to hold booths in their NGO-s zones, providing on-site workshops and basic information for interested people. The cost is arragement of the booths (roll-ups, etc.) and travel/accomodation/food for volunteers during events.
Wikiworkshops/Wikijams - 10 000 PLN
Wikimedia Polska provides a wikiworkshops for target groups of potential edditors. In 2012 9 Wikiworkshops were organized. We are about to continues this work in 2013. Wikijams are a bit similar approach although less formal - provided rather in pubs and coffe-shops instead of lecture rooms, In 2012 we tried this approach ones and it was proved to be effective. The cost of Wikiworkshops/Wikijams is travel reimbursement for trainers and sometimes cost of hiring the place.
External conferences/meetings - 5 000 PLN
We regularly receive invitation for various external conferences and meetings, therefore we want to reserve some money for this purpouse although less than in 2011, as we have not enough people ready to travel and provide good quality lectures.
1 milion article in Polish Wikipedia contest/celebration/press conference - 20 000 PLN
Polish Wikipedia will soon achive 1 milion articles. Therefore we want to organise a contest with atractive prizes around that number and celebration/press conference.
Production of leaflets/brochures/gadgets - 50 000 PLN
We regularly produce various brochures, leaflests and gadgets such as pens, T-shirts, bags etc. which are used as a promotional material during conferences, meetings, workshops, POTY exhibition etc.
Reserve for new ideas - 10 000 PLN
Every year the Polish wikipedians have new ideas for outreach/promotion. Thefore we need some funds to be ready to finance such a unexpected projects.
Sum: 135 000 PLN


Polish Wikimedia Annual Conference - 40 000 PLN
Polish Wikimedia Annual Conference is about to be organized for the 8th time. This is the main meeting of Polish Wikimedians as well as invited guests from other open content organisations and Wikimedians from neighbouring countries. Usually 150-200 people attend the conference. In 2013 the conference is planned to be organized in Lublin.
GDJ - 20 000 PLN
GDJ is a meeting for core editors of Polish Wikipedia - it is a mix of editathon/conference/workshop aimed on coordination of works in Polish Wikipedia - such as improvement of meta/help pages, review of policies, cleaning up templates etc. First GDJ was organized in 2007. In 2012 the GDJ was in Chorzów. We plan to organize GDJ 2013 as well, although the place of the conference is not decided yet.
Public Domain Day - 5000 PLN
Public Domain Day is a meeting organized by Coalition for Open Education of which Wikimedia Polska is an active member. The meeting is about celebrating end of term o copyright protection of works of people who died 70 years ago and it is a part of World Public Domain Day celebration. It is attended by many people from GLAM organizations, journalist etc. Wikimedia Polska donates traditionally part of the costs of the meeting.
Other wikimedian workshops (photo, sisters projects etc.) - 20 000 PLN
We want to organise the smaller dedicated to one subject workshops for editors. Among others we plan to run several photo workshops, workshop for sister projects (Wikinews, Wikisources) and workshop for copyright law related issues and workshop for GLAM cooperation.
Local meetings - 10 000 PLN
Every year there are several local Wikipedian meetings organized spontaneously. Wikimedia Polska is traditionally supporting such meetings by covering costs of space and catering.
Sum: 95 000 PLN

International support

Wikimania scholarships - 50 000 PLN
As in previous years we want to donate several scholarships for Wikimania - both for Polish as well as foreign wikimedians. The number of the scholarships will depend of the cost of the conference and travel.
CEE meeting - 50 000 PLN
CEE meeting in Belgrade in 2012 was quite successfull and we believe it should be repeated. We want to organise this again in 2013 in Poland, probably in Poznań in the autumn of 2013.
Scholarships for Chapter's/WCA meetings - 20 000 PLN
We traditionally suppor general chapters meetings (Wikimedia Conference) by donating several scholarships for neighbouring countries. We want to continue this in 2013 + help financially to organise WCA meetings.
Scholarships for foreign guests for meetings in Poland - 10 000 PLN
Every year we invite 3-5 guests from neighbouring countries to our Annual Conference and other meetings. We want to continue this tradition in 2013 as well.
Sum: 130 000 PLN


  • Office/wages (renting office space, equipment, internet access, phone bills, legal advice etc) - 100 000 PLN
  • Other (domains, server, travels of employes and board members etc.) - 20 000 PLN
Sum: 120 000 PLN

Overal planned budget

Name Amount (PLN) Amount (USD) %
Projects 160 000 51,200 25
Promotion/outreach 135,000 43,200 21.1
International support 130,000 41,600 20.3
Operational 120,000 38,400 18.8
Conferences/meetings 95,000 30,400 14.8
Sum 640,000 204,800 100.0

Transfered from Wikimedia Polska wiki. See authors: [7]