Wikimedia Language Diversity/Sustainability/Wikipedias/Calendar
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Wikimedia Language Diversity
A project to support indigenous, minority, marginalized, less-resourced and other underrepresented |
Key resources
Main Page is a principle portal to showcase the accumulated information richness of every Wikipedia. Smaller language Wikipedias often don't have manpower to keep updating «On this day» project templates, so «Calendar for the month» is a simpler approach to begin with within the same project. Such project-templates start getting populated by selected anniversaries of famous personalities from within the local language community, as well as others mentioned on their wiki.
Calendar for every WP
[edit]Created within the project
[edit]- mdf:Википедие:Ковгярькссь
- tyv:Википедия:Календарь
- udm:Википедия:Таяз нуналэ
- lez:Википедия:Календарь
- myv:Википедиясь:Ковкерькс
- bxr:Википеэди:Литэ
- crh:Vikipediya:Taqvim
- kbd:Уикипедиэ:Махуэ Гъэпс
- mhr:Википедий:Кечышот
- av:Википедия:Календарь
- vep:Vikipedii:Kalendar'
- mrj:Википеди:Календарь
- olo:Wikipedii:Kalenduaru
- kv:Википедия:Лунпас
- koi:Википедия:Кадлыддян
In the process
[edit]To be created
[edit]- ady:Википедие:Календарь
- ce:Википеди:Рузма
- lbe:Википедия:Календарь
- os:Википеди:Къæлиндар
- xal:Википедия:Лит
[edit]Each WLR language Wikipedia community could:
- Create and/or update the existing Person (ru:Шаблон:Персона) template so as to support referencing Wikidata elements
- Create/update a set of necessary modules and templates
- Translate basic categorization elements therein into the local language
- Person (ru:Шаблон:Персона) template to be added into all articles about individuals:
- Wherever possible, respective articles should be linked to Wikidata elements, otherwise
- bday & ddays should be filled in format manually
- have a categories tree as below:
- ru:Категория:Родившиеся 2 марта (born on 2 March) and ru:Категория:Умершие 2 марта (died on March 2),
- [[Категория:Родившиеся в марте]] and [[Категория:Умершие в марте]] - similars to mdf:Категорие:Шачсь мартста (born in March) and tyv:Аңгылал:Мартта мөчээн (died in March)
- ru:Категория:Родившиеся (born) and ru:Категория:Умершие (died), ru:Категория:Март (March)
- have a local project page and specific month templates
- have "This month" template (or alternative renewal mechanism) added to the Main Page
- think about moving to "On this day" template rotation format once they accumulate enough entries to break them into separate days like ru:Шаблон:События_дня:03-10 or en:Wikipedia:Selected anniversaries/September 5.
[edit]- Minimally necessary set of modules
- Minimally necessary templates
[edit]- In some cases biography articles can be found & aggregated in one category (like ru:Категория:Персоналии по алфавиту) by adding <includeonly>[[ru:Категория:Персоналии по алфавиту]]</includeonly> into local similars of ru:Шаблон:ДатаРождения and ru:Шаблон:ДатаСмерти
- In languages where dates are reflected in a sequence differing from <DAY> <MONTH> <YEAR> (for example 2025 year February 12), one might need to modify ru:Module:Infocards and ru:Module:Dates code (compare with myv:Модуль:Infocards / lez:Модуль:Infocards & myv:Модуль:Dates / kbd:Module:Dates)):
- to reflect it properly within «Person» template - related to string.format operator,
- for categorization – related to categoryNamePrefix operator.
- [[Module:]] namespace is not yet localized in all Wikipedias. In such rare cases only modules created right away as kbd:Module:Wikidata would become operational. If one makes a mistake, like it happened with kbd:Модуль:Infocards, moving it later to kbd:Module:Infocards doesn't automatically resolve the case — the template will have to be deleted by an admin & recreated in an acceptable namespace all over again.
See also
[edit]- Picture of the day
- Multimedia of the day
- Do you know?
- In the news
- How to get in touch with specific language onwiki-community