Wikimedia LGBT/2019-09-09
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This online meetup is open to all members of the LGBT+ User Group, and is intended as an opportunity to discuss shared opportunities, challenges, and issues.
- Date: Monday, September 9, at 12:00pm EDT / 5:00pm BST (see timezone calendar here).
- Live Online Location: Zoom (link is here). Download and install the Zoom player before the meeting for best results. Contact FULBERT if you prefer to be emailed an actual calendar invite.
Please help us take rolling notes - Wikimedia LGBT etherpad (that will be transferred to wiki (below) after every meeting)
The Wikimedia Friendly Space Policy will be followed for this meeting.
[edit]>> Please add your agenda item and who will lead the discussion (if possible) <<
- Welcome, Introductions, and Agenda Review (Jeffrey)
- Minutes will be taken here - Wikimedia LGBT etherpad
- Wikimedia LGBT+ Conference (Thomas)
- Wikimania 2019 updates (Jeffrey)
- Meeting with AffCom on Saturday, August 17 (Jeffrey, Thomas)
- Update on Accomplishments
- Plans for Next Steps
- Bylaws
- User Group Membership
- User Group Election
- Social media team for Wikimedia LGBT+ update (RachelWex)
- Wiki LGBT+ Social Media Policy (draft)
- Wiki Loves Pride 2019 update (Pharos)
- New logo for Wikimedia LGBT+ (Amir)
- LGBT+ Wikimedian at large - available here (Josie)
- WikiJournal proposal to be a sister project (TBD)
- anyone can endorse or comment probably through September 2019
- visit to see what this is about - big news!
- This proposal seeks endorsements from organizations. Wiki LGBT+ could offer a unique and historic endorsement on the basis of diversity and inclusion in academic research
- if we drafted an endorsement it probably needs to be 5 sentences and get voted on.
- Redesign of WikiProject LGBT on Wikidata (Lane)
- Wikipedia for Peace in Austria 2020: Looking for European/Middle Eastern/North African partner orgnisations (Thomas)
- WikiConvention francophone/2019 (John Samuel)
- Talks on LGBT+ related topics
- Role of GLAM + historical documents: towards documenting historical facts on queer topics
Planning to attend
[edit]- FULBERT (talk) 01:12, 23 August 2019 (UTC)
- Wikilover90 (talk) 21:50, 23 August 2019 (UTC)
- Opsylac (talk) 09:22, 24 August 2019 (UTC)
- WikiLester (talk) 13:05, 24 August 2019 (UTC)
- Blue Rasberry (talk) 19:42, 27 August 2019 (UTC)
- Fæ (talk) (Likely to be on a borrowed machine)
- Kaizenify (talk) 16:01, 6 September 2019 (UTC)
- last minute and spontaneous - sorry ZBlace username on
- Meeting 2019/09/09 is now or in next full hour?
- I am very spontaneously joining if possible (pardon my mess)
- I only heard of your work now from Sanra Fauconnier (Wikimedia NL)
- since I was asking about Queer issues and normativity of Wikipedia
- citing my traumatic history of dealing with right-wing admins in Croatian
- Wikipedia and English one that is just plain old patronizing with some
- potential for homophobic reading
- --Shikeishu (talk) 16:08, 9 September 2019 (UTC)
- John Samuel 16:31, 9 September 2019 (UTC)
- Jeremyb (talk) 17:07, 9 September 2019 (UTC)
Actually attended
[edit]- Mat (Matej)
- from Slovakia, primary note taker
- Lane
- secondary taking notes, will post to meta, anyone can edit
- Jeffrey
- in NYC - chairing this meetup
- Fae
- in UK, known for Commons contributions
- Zeljko Blace
- queer researcher working in arts and culture in sports, referred by Wikimedian in the Netherlands. interested in promoting LGBT+/Queer culture beyond just content, including structural organization, protocols and registering non-normative experiences, including people who speak various languages. coming from a background of a web designer, queer activist and media researcher following leftist / open content / community based values. in Croatia, where the wiki community is in conflict with right wing activists
- Richard / Pharos
- NYC - part of Wiki Loves Pride campaign, did pride event yesterday at Met Museum
- Thomas
- from Austria, living in Berlin
- Diane
- attended Wikimania LGBT meetup, from France, joining this online meetup for first time
- John / Jsamwrites
- Jeremyb
[edit]- Welcome, Introductions, and Agenda Review (Jeffrey)
- Minutes will be taken here - Wikimedia LGBT etherpad
- Lane is getting thanked for working out the agenda, Lane points to Matej as notetaker
- Wikimedia LGBT+ Conference (Thomas)
- Grants:Conference/Kawayashu/Queering Wikipedia
- Thomas presents
- plans: 21-24 May 2020 plan is to present "Queering Wikipedia", an event in Linz
- Thomas + ??? are logistical coordinators in Austria
- other people elsewhere do various other things, including scholarship review
- It will be a way to have a bigger meeting around the LGBT issues that is not stacked around other meeetings. to get to know each other iin real life , to make ... to oincrease diversity in our movement. THere will be discussions how to do that, safety, community health, recruitment, content increase.
- The ilnk to the grant is in the notes. The proposal is now live for public review and comment. There will be 20 scholarships, then chapter scholarships, we hope. If you have not done yet, please endorse the grant proposal. The more people do the more validity. Mark it in your calendars to make sure you can attend it. It is due today, please do reach out to Thomas. We still need endorsments. ##Please reach out to other wikimedians to endorse the idea. Even a chapter could endorse it. WMDE has already done so in the mailing list. The Foundation was very posi tive about this.
- Richard: its great we are ticking all the boxes and that we are submitting it.
- Thomas:
- When weould we find out?
- Thomas: there will be a deadline until 20 Sept when WMF staff will review, we can revise until then and then the committee meets ifrst half of Oct and second half of Oct we should know if it is a go, booking flights then etc.
- Questions?
- John: Is Wikimedia Austria supporting this event?
- Thomas: Yes, they are supportive.
- We made a public call and nobody stepped up and WMAT is happy to do it.
- The venue is already reserved. The hotels ?
- Fae: in terms of support: could you, maybe Richard send a note to the Affiliates mailing list?
- Richard: good idea.
- Fae: we could get 3-4 affiliates in.
- Might be good for the affiliates telegram group too.
- Thanks to Thomas for submitting, this is a great accomplishment.
- Grants:Conference/Kawayashu/Queering Wikipedia
- Wikimania 2019 updates (Jeffrey)
- Just to give an overiew, the 33-1 link: there was a gathering of a session
- Number two there was a UG meet up on Friday evening, thanks to Lane, it was just amazing, doing the minutes for that. If you have been to Wikimania, there are many competing meetups and events. ##Having a singular one is a good thing, we were able to get a third event in the agenda a s scheduled ssession was on Sunday evening, we had almost hte same number there. The two groups were so different. Speaks to interest and speaks to the scheduling. Friday was who are we, what we doing, trying to do larger framing.
- Wikimania 2019 LGBT+ sessions
- Meetup on Friday, August 16
- Diversity / LGBT+ Session on Sunday, August 18
- The scheduled meeting we actually had a wonderful silent exercize that Thomas put together.
- Thomas: normally at meetups few people talk so he wanted to create space, so created space on the walls to talk such as what projects did you create, what kind sessions, what question was about strategy. People went around writing.
- Did we share these?
- Thomas: Yes, we should do that.
- [Zeljko introducing himself and his projects in Zagreb]
- Meeting with AffCom on Saturday, August 17 (Jeffrey, Thomas) at Wikimania)
- This is the organization which provides official recognition to community groups as Wikimedia affiliates
- Wanted to get advice and guidance. In Berlin was able to meet with AffCom to know what the expectations are. Thomas was able to join.
- Two members of AffCom and a Foundation staffer.
- Now we reported about monthly meetings, that there is a social media team, our communications is increasing, in Telegram, in Twitter talked about the plans for the upcoming future. The Wikimedian at large projects. Then we gave an update about some other things we have been thinking about doing, about how we had the same reps for some time, we have talked about having an election or a change. We did not have any framework or guidance in it. So the recommendation is: if there is a UG election. "election" in a broad way, it could be a change in reps, more structure, whatever it may look like. AffCom suggeted. we need to clarify who the members are, to be able to vote. And so there is a need for ByLaws to define this. A one page is ok, this is what we do, what we are, who is a member. As we try to formalize and standardize our work. They were oging to send a copy of a framework for us, have not received it yet. But will be followed up on by Jeffrey.
- Thomas: i think you gave them everything. Yeah...
- Update on Accomplishments
- Plans for Next Steps
- Bylaws
- John: Do we have any idea what kind of by-laws we need? Do we have any?
- Jeffery: we might need a change in AffCom reps. Even when we get to social media group, as it is starting to form.
- UGs are less complicated than chapters and thematic orgs.
- Richard suggested that A similar group is the library group, which is not incorporated but which has by-laws and organizes elections.
- Richard: it could be Shani, who was active in that group. They have election stuff online.
- Fae: has been an advocate for not formal membership, even AffCom was okay with that there was no need to be publicly part of the group. Having elections is a challenge though. But we do not need to have a defined list of members. There might be ways of getting around it. A minority of members do not want to be associated with this UG and we need a way to encourage them to be active and satisfy AffCom and its bureaucratic needs. We should try to avoid a list to publish, we need a smarter way to do this.
- Zeljko: there might an issue of covering all the letters of the plus. Is it all male people now on chat?T
- Diane: I think i am the only female here.
- Fae: we have always had trans people but they have not always been so ready to be visible. We need to be diverse in this direction too.
- Zeljko: it needs to be clear who does the group speak for.
- Diane: we should be careful about being diverse in our group to be truly diverse of people. We need women and transpeoele for the conference. ABout Privacy issue: had the same question about the conference how some people might not want to be associated with the conference.
- Thomas. we have to think about alternative registration because for some countries it is dangerouns to be publicaly in a conference so we need some safety measures. Thomas is in favour in becomming bigger, now decisons are taken kind of randomly. We decided to make this conferences, created this, ideally we would have a decision making process where we would decide this. It is possible to make a queer and safe space.
- Jeffrey: if we have elections we need to be able to determine who is able to vote. Thus far, we have not had that. We found out from AffCom that we have not been up to date with reporting. There are ways other chapters and structures are handling membership and elections. Nevertheless, we are growing, structure are growing, just having monthly meeteing means we are growing so structure is part of all of this. We other possibility is that there is a list serve admin now. We talked about this at the Wikimania gather, we have a listserve but we dont know how has access but now there is a contact for it. Idea: maybe if we say: to be a member you would be a listserve member. Rejoin if you want to be a member.
- Thomas: maybe this could be temporary, but there should maybe be consensus at the Conference about this.
- Jeffrey: pressing need is to change the affcom liasons. The membership issues is not as pressing.
- Richard: perhaps there could be a steering committee by consensus rather then a full election.
- Jeffrey will raise the issue on the portal page snce it is most public, Lane wilil put it down as his task. Everyone can bring up ideas there.
- Diane: (asking where)
- User Group Membership
- User Group Election
- Social media team for Wikimedia LGBT+ update (RachelWex)
- Chaired by RachelWex this informal group. RachelWex had a scheduling conflict though.
- Wiki LGBT+ Social Media Policy (draft)
- Jeffrey: invites us to have a look at the social media policy, take a look, comment. There is a Twitter account and inactive Fb group, Telegram group. In trying to talk about increasing diversity, to have a more diverse and more constant posting. Now it is adhoc, we should get it more standardised for more and on-going contributions. If you want to be involved, please do so.
- Diane asking about Wikimedia Space, it would be a good place to go, we can crate groups there, membership may not have to be public.
- Jeffrey: has anyone else used it.
- John: has not.
- Jeffrey: tried too early maybe, it is something to take a look at.
- Wiki Loves Pride 2019 update (Pharos)
- Pharos: now we are in a bit of holding phase, working with Rupika (wikilover90, best known for "Wiki loves Love") to do some pre-sorting of images. This is leading to a judgement of the best image contributions in this year's wiki loves pride campaign
- seeking anyone to document the campaign and write a blog post about it
- You are welcome to join the jury. It would be good to write a blog post about it and to plan something maybe even better for next year.
- Write to Pharos, Rupika or Rachel.
- Diane is interested to be part of the jury.
- New logo for Wikimedia LGBT+ (Amir)
- Jeffrey: Amir is not here to report, so we will follow up on this for the next meeting.
- LGBT+ Wikimedian at large - available here (Josie)
- Jeffrey: Josie where are we.
- Lane: can say something about this. We met at Wikimania about this. To globally support anyone in the world. WMUK could host the hiring but Josie suggested that WMUK does not need another staff person, so if anyone else could, however that might look. WMAT stepped up to host Conference, WMUK was talking about this, it could be a two year full time position but there are still questions. Josie would like international participation in this. The UK might hire someone in another country, or another UG could finish the grant, these are stiill open areas of consideration. The intent is to internationalize. Maybe it could be UK, maybe it could be another country.
- Thomas: at the moment we are debating whether maybe it will be two half positions, interested chapters could create metrics and different criteria. This would be a more systematic approach.
- Redesign of WikiProject LGBT on Wikidata (Lane)
- Lane: Not much to say here but check it out. The LGBT project is becoming more big. We talked at Wikimania about sex/gender identifier on Wikidata. On Wikipedias it has been standard but on Wikidata it has been problematic for various reasons. Like is it okay for progrms to start tagging for gender? How can we do this in a more respective way. Revising the what? page on meta, if anyone has comments, post them on the discussion page.
- John: it is very well organized.
- Comments welcome at d:Wikidata_talk:WikiProject_LGBT#Page_redesign_September_2019
- project page in August 2019
- proposed revision in September 2019
- Thomas: Wikpedia for Peace 2020 in WMAT: poeople from different countries edit. This time we got a grant from the European Commission. This year, 2020 it would be a queer focus on this. WMAT would support this but needs partner organizations in Europe, Midddle East or Africa, could be afflites or could be LGBT orgs, please contact Thomas.
- Diane: will look this up and (...)
- Last point:
- WikiCon 2019
- John: Wikimedia France two day conference in Brussels, John took part, it was good to see a lot of topics but because of privacy cannot mention names. There were talks on LGBT+topics, three topics. ##Someone talked about blaming the GLAMs institutions (...)
- Zeljko is interested in the conference and does not know how to sign up.
- Jeffrey: has been posting these monthly meetings. So recommendation: sign up for the maling list and follow the meta page.
- Zeljko: was there incentive in this group or other to identify homophobic or sexist behaviour in known admins (?) for Zeljko it is hard to report homophobic behaviour if mainstream admins tend to be ##heteronormative and lgbt uninformed and maybe even anti lgbt
- Fae: there is no blacklist. the only process is foudnation Trust and Safety team but the evidence has to be overwhelming. We might talk about this at the Conference.
- Lane: Here is the experimental reporting system in development - There is this system that might be working.
- Richard: if there is a more explicit, if it document it and bring it to foundation.
- Lane left.
- Jeffrey: there was issue with WikiLovesPride, there were off the record soc k puppets and so on. THere was little pushback at the time, so having a good communication to support each other would be good in these circumstances.
- Jeremyb: you can log in to Meta
- Mat: asking about process for the Wikimedia in general.
- Jeffrey: Lane and Thomas is not here. Funding is still not there. The process is getting built. Would recommend reaching out to both and or to Josie. Josie in London is the one who pullet it together.
- Jeffrey: wraps up at 13"14 EDT19:14