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Wikimedia LGBT+/Kegiatan

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This page is a translated version of the page Wikimedia LGBT+/Activities and the translation is 60% complete.
Outdated translations are marked like this.
Wikimedia LGBT+

Laman ini menggariskan kegiatan semasa dan cadangan untuk Wikimedia LGBT+.



Rencana utama: Wikimedia LGBT+/Kerjasama

Projek LGBT dapat dilakukan dengan kumpulan pengguna, pertubuhan tematik, rakan kerjasama gerakan, atau pertubuhan LGBT.

Wikimedia LGBT mendorong kerjasama antara pelbagai usaha berkaitan LGBT dalam semua projek Wikimedia. Projek yang mapan disenaraikan pada setiap wiki.


"It Gets Better"

Semasa Wikimania 2013 ia telah dicadangkan bahawa Wikimedia LGBT+ menerbitkan siri penyerahan "It Gets Better" oleh Wikipediawan dan Wikimediawan dalam pelbagai bahasa.

Acara LGBT

Queering Wikipedia

Pertubuhan LGBT

Sebarang pertubuhan LGBT yang menyediakan pelanggan yang memperoleh maklumat dari Internet mempunyai suatu taruh dalam kualiti maklumat pada Wikipedia dan projek Wikimedia berkaitan. Bagi banyak demografi dan banyak topik, Wikipedia ialah sumber paling dirunding untuk maklumat LGBT.

Pertubuhan LGBT yang mahu mengambil bahagian dalam projek Wikipedia dalam jangkauan pendidikan perlu mempunyai sasaran khusus. Kalangan mereka memerlukan berikut:

  1. Pembentangan Wikipedia dan statistik bagaimana manusia menggunakan Wikipedia diterangkan dengan cara yang disasarkan pertubuhan LGBT
  2. Bahan-bahan latihan untuk golongan profesional yang mana boleh memperkenalkan mereka kepada aspek Wikipedia yang paling manrik kepada mereka. Dalam banyak kes, masa profesional adalah terhad dan mereka menghargai pembelajaran pertama maklumat paling relevan yang mereka perlukan untuk menyumbang dalambidang mereka.
  3. Suatu himpunan sastera ilmiah yang disenggara dan dikelola yang menghuraikan sifat, skop dan kualiti kandungan Wikipedia terhadap kepentingan kumpulan LGBT
  4. Satu titik hubung bagi memohon perbincangan daripada anggota komuniti LGBT di Wikipedia tentang bagaimana pertubuhan mereka boleh berhubung dengan komuniti Wikipedia dan belajar untuk menyumbang kandungan
  5. Satu ruang jaringan komuniti
  6. Satu repositori sejarah untuk mengumpul kajian kes mengenai pengalaman komuniti dalam membangunkan kandungan LGBT di Wikipedia

Wiki Loves Pride

Rencana utama: Wiki Loves Pride

"Wiki Loves Pride" ialah sebuah kempen sejagat untuk mengembangkan dan menambah baik kandungan berkaitan LGBT merentasi beberapa projek Wikimedia. Kegiatan Wiki Loves Pride tertumpu pada Jun dan Oktober. Ribuan acara kebudayaan dan sambutan LGBT diadakan di seluruh dunia semasa bulan Jun. Oktober pula diperingati di beberapa negara sebagai Bulan Sejarah LGBT (ada juga memperingatinya pada Februari - yang mana boleh ditambah pada tahun-tahun mendatang) dan juga bila "pendedahan" diraikan.


Kegiatan jangkauan LGBT yang boleh dilakukan pada atau untuk Wikimania dan acara Wikimedia lain.

Kegiatan cadangan

Kandungan LGBT Wikimedia

Wikimedia LGBT berusaha untuk menggalakkan dan menyelaras pembangunan kandungan LGBT merentasi semua projek Wikimedia berkaitan. Lihat juga: Wikipedia:Wiki Loves Pride/Tugasan.

Budaya LGBT

LGBT groups worldwide are making decisions about how to engage their local communities with online cultural resources. Every city which has an LGBT organization has a story about local LGBT activism including people assessing the legal rights of people to assemble, the history of community organization, and how the advent of globalization with the international LGBT community is changing the lives of everyone. Some major news items about which reliable sources often publish are legal cases relating to LGBT issues, the hosting of any LGBT pride events, and the founding of any LGBT organizations.

Wikimedia LGBT+ seeks to support regional LGBT organizations as they make decisions about how to document the published reliable sources reporting their community’s history by informing them of their options to use Wikimedia projects as a repository of their history to share amongst themselves and to show to the world through the Internet.

WikiProjek Pengajian LGBT

This organization will promote participation in and advocate for Wikipedia:WikiProject LGBT studies and equivalent projects in all languages and projects.

Hubungan penyelidikan

The organization remains a point of contact for researchers who want to study the LGBT information on Wikipedia. Many organizations need advice on how they can being doing surveys on the extent to which the public uses LGBT content on Wikipedia. This organization will work with the existing Research Committee to assist researchers in getting the data and community support they need to be able to manage their own Wikipedia research at their own institution.

Perpustakaan Wikipedia Loves (LGBT+)

Wikipedia Loves Libraries is the name of an outreach program which helps librarians and the Wikipedia community work together to serve the needs of communities who use library and Wikipedia resources. This organization participates in the Wikipedia Loves Libraries program by promoting events at LGBT, gender studies, and sexuality-oriented libraries.

Direktori arkib

Wikimedia LGBT+ hosts an international media directory of significant archives and media collections of LGBT materials by promoting the development of Wikipedia articles which describe those collections and directing persons who conduct gender and sexuality studies to these collections. Its members also informally describe these collections in the project space when the collections are not sufficiently documented by reliable sources, as frequently library and archive special collections are not.

  • New York Public Library
    • holds and has cataloged the archives of Gay Men’s Health Crisis and ACT-UP, which probably constitute the earliest community organization records on the response to the advent of HIV

Permintaan media

If any volunteer would like to make a request to any LGBT organization that they apply a Wikimedia compatible license to the media for which they hold copyright, then Wikimedia LGBT+ will review that request and may endorse it with community backing when the intent is to share that content on Wikimedia Commons or Wikisource.

Organizations are much more likely to respond favorably to requests for media donations from an established archiving entity which has a broad public need and established capability to properly host, manage, advertise, and redistribute that media content, and Wikimedia LGBT is in an excellent position to serve these functions. Anyone who has a proposal to make a media request may post their idea to the talk page.

Menjadikan semua projek Wikimedia sebuah ruang selamat

LGBT populations face discrimination as a minority group and are sometimes the target of harassment only because of their membership in the LGBT community. This can happen anywhere, including on Wikimedia projects.

Dasar gangguan

Wikimedia LGBT+ participates in policymaking related to harassment on Wikimedia projects with the goal of making all Wikimedia projects a safe space where anyone can participate in the development of educational materials. Besides ending harassment related to LGBT status, this organization also seeks to end discrimination on the basis of gender, religious, ethic, cultural, and other characteristics. Wikimedia projects should be fun, safe, and accessible to everyone!

Sokongan mangsa

It is simply impossible to police anonymous web forums and prevent all rude comments, and it is also not the place of any group to provide counseling on Wikipedia. But Wikimedia LGBT+ can confidentially collect and record any complaints anyone has about harassment or discrimination of any kind. Although this organization usually cannot directly act upon such complaints, at the discretion of organization members and with respect for the wishes and rights of the people who issue complaints it can use such complaints as a basis for doing research on potential problems on Wikimedia projects and for thinking about making Wikimedia projects a safe space.

The kind of support which this organization can give is a venue to make sure that people who complain about discrimination find a place to share their concern among people who understand the nature of discrimination and want Wikimedia projects to be safe.

Pendidikan dalam talian bagi isu kesihatan LGBT

Some health and safety issues disproportionately affect LGBT populations, notably HIV infection and AIDS. This project supports the use of Wikipedia as a tool for disseminating general health information to LGBT populations and advocates that public health organizations develop Wikipedia articles which relate to any part of their mission to education LGBT populations.

Pendidikan seks asas

Wikimedia LGBT+ recognizes that international recognition of LGBT issues begins when all people have access to fundamental information about human sexuality and gender in their own language. Of special concern are articles relating to sexual health, including pregnancy, birth control, contraception, and family planning. Communities without any opportunity to discuss heterosexuality are not likely to be friendly to discuss minority sexuality. Communities which can frankly discuss girls' health and basic sexuality are communities which have the potential to receive LGBT education. Promoting basic sex education also has the advantage of advancing women's rights, which is another factor which correlates with the advancement of LGBT rights in many places.

Pendidikan HIV

HIV/AIDS is a disease which disproportionately affects the LGBT community. There are many factors which increase the incidence of HIV infection in a population, and one of them is lack of access to educational resources about how people can protect themselves from contracting HIV.

Wikimedia LGBT+ seeks to develop articles related to HIV in all languages. Part of the strategy for doing this is working with the Translation Task Force of WikiProject Medicine, which already has social infrastructure for improving health-related articles in English then translating those articles into other languages. HIV/AIDS is a disease associated with many health conditions, and all related health conditions are within the scope of Wikimedia LGBT+.

Something which Wikimedia LGBT+ can do which is unique is coordinating partnership with HIV organizations in various countries and working in various languages to facilitate the translation and localization of this content, especially as it applies to local LGBT culture. Many countries already have dedicated government support for providing HIV prevention resources to LGBT populations, and these organizations need Wikimedia LGBT+ to help them engage Wikimedia projects to supply them with online educational resources.

Garis masa

[not up to date]


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