Wikimedia Hospitality

Wikimedia Hospitality is an initiative to make it easier for Wikimedians to travel around the world. The basic idea is that we are already spread out around the world, and perhaps some of us have an extra bed or sofa that a traveling Wikimedian could use. It's a bit similar to CouchSurfing (Q4585) and Hospitality Club (Q744312) but for Wikimedians. Similar services already emerged in other diasporic communities in the past, such as Pasporta Servo (Q840192) among Esperanto speakers.
How does it work?
[edit]If you would like to offer a place to stay, sign up on the subpage Wikimedia Hospitality/Hosts. It is divided by continent for now (if we get many hosts, we might need to go to the country level). Add your name, country and city to the table for your continent. Make sure that your mail is activated in your preferences so that a traveler can contact you. When you get contacted, it is up to you both to agree on how arrangements can be made. It's totally voluntary to host anyone, it's not obligatory to host people just because you are on the list. We are all aware that people's ability to host might be intermittent or change with short notice.
[edit]If you are looking for a host check the page with hosts. If you find someone and would like to ask to be hosted contact them through wikimail. Please add information about yourself, when you would need to be hosted and any other details that could be relevant for your stay so that the host actually can answer you if the can host you without having to ask for more details.