Wikimedia Highlights, Oktober 2011
Highlights från Wikimedia Foundation Report och Wikimedia engineering report för Oktober 2011 med ett urval av andra viktiga Wikimedia-relaterade händelser.
Wikimedia Foundation Highlights
Arabiska Wikipedias möten i Mellanöstern

Barry Newstead, Frank Schulenburg, Moushira Elamrawy och Sara Yap på avdelningen för etablering globalt reste till Mellanöstern för att träffa Wikipedianer i arabvärlden och påbörja spridningen av Wikipedias utbildningsprogram. Adel Iskandar, en proffesor vid Georgetown universitetet som hade undervisat i allmänhetens politiska initiativ, anslöt till gruppen för att träffa andra proffesorer och Wikipedianer i Qatar, Egypten och Jordanien. Dessa möten kommer informera planerna för den arabiska utbildningsprogrammet som kommer starta 2012. Under den 14 dagar långa resan möte de lokala experter, universitetspersonal, studenter, och deltagare i en Arabisk Wikipedia konferens i Doha som medargganerades med WMF och Qatar Computing Research Institute. Konferensen fokuserade på olika vägar till att katalysera hög tillväxt på Arabiska Wikipedia i Mellanöstern och Nordafrika.
MediaWiki 1.18 och HTTPS support lanserat
MediaWiki 1.18 was deployed to all Wikimedia wikis in October. Major features of the new version include:
- Support for gender-specific user pages: In languages that have different words for "User" depending on whether the user is male or female, user pages are denoted by the male or the female version, if the user has specified their gender in their preferences.
- Better directionality support: MediaWiki 1.18 makes it easier for left-to-right and right-to-left text to coexist on the same page. (Languages affected by this include Hebrew, Arabic, and Persian.)
October also saw the rollout of native HTTPS support to all wikis, so that URLs like work to access the secure version of our sites.
A/B testing to improve editor retention
To improve retention of new Wikipedians, Steven Walling and Maryana Pinchuk from the Community Department collaborated with community members on the English and Portuguese Wikipedia in testing variations in the wording of warning messages. These ready-made messages are used in automated editing tools to alert new users about problems with their edits. A/B testing is used to find out whether more personal, less directives-oriented messages, or a friendlier wording, have an effect on the user's subsequent actions: How often they edit afterwards, whether their subsequent edits are vandalism, whether they contact the more experienced user who issued the warning, and whether that contact is constructive or not.
The tests involved the anti-vandalism tools Huggle and Twinkle, and SDPatrolBot, a bot which warns users when they remove a speedy deletion tag from an article they are working on. Steven and Maryana also started to collaborate with community members to test improvements in the archiving of shared IP talk pages, where many such warning messages to anonymous editors are being left.
Statistik och trender

Antal unika besökare globalt i september månad:
- 455 miljoner (+7,5 % jämfört med i augisti; +14.2 % i jämförelse med motsvarande period förra året)
- (comScore data för alla av Wikimedia Foundation; comScore kommer att offentliggöra data för oktober senare i november)
Sidförfågningar i oktober:
- 16.8 miljarder (+6.1% jämfört med september; +15.6% i jömförelse med samma period förra året)
- (Server data, alla av Wikimeda Foundations projekt inklusive förfrågningar från mobiltelefoner)
Antal aktiva registrerade användare i september 2011 (>= 5 redigeringar/månad)
- 83,164 (-2.8% jämfört med augusti; +1.6% i jämförelse med samma period förra året)
- (Data från databas, alla Wikimedia Foundations projekt utom Wikimedia Commons)
Report Card for September 2011:
- The report card is currently undergoing a redesign as a more fully-featured dashboard (integrating various statistical data and trends about WMF projects).
(Ekonomisk information för september 2011 som var tillgänglig vid offentliggörandet av denna rapport)
Intäkter: 3,580,474 USD
- Technology Group: $ 2,169,824
- Community/Fundraiser Group: $ 754,685
- Global Development Group: $ 775,647
- Governance Group: $ 263,091
- Finance/Legal/HR/Admin. Group: $ 1,416,181
Totala utgifter: 5,379,428 USD
Total vinst/(förlust): ($ 1,798,954)
Revenue was ahead of plan due to Stanton grant of $ 2.8 million and additional donations ahead of plan of $ 427,751.
Expenses were below plan at $ 5.4 million actual vs. $ 6.7 million plan. Expenses were below plan due to lower than plan expenditures in capital expenditures, chapter grants, recruitment cost and other activities due to being only three months into the fiscal year.
Cash of $ 16 million, which is six months of cash reserves at current spending levels.
Andra relaterade händelser

- "Wiki Loves Monuments" highly successful: Numerous European countries announced their finalists in the "Wiki Loves Monuments" (WLM) contest. During September, participants had been invited to upload photos of their country's cultural heritage to Wikimedia Commons. The event was mostly organized by Wikimedia chapters in the 18 participating countries, and supported by the Foundation's technical work on special features for the upload wizard. The number of new users on Commons more than doubled during September, and almost 170000 files have been uploaded in the contest. The Europe-wide winner is going to be announced in December.
- German chapter launches "Wikidata" project: Wikimedia Germany has begun hiring for "Wikidata", an ambitious project to develop a central data repository for Wikimedia projects, similar to the role of Wikimedia Commons as a central repository for multimedia files. The first two phases will address Interwiki links, and infoboxes.
- Italienska Wikipedia tillfälligt avstängd i protest mot föreslagen lagstiftning: Den 4 oktober beslutade den Italienska Wikipedia communityn att tillfälligt ersätta allt innehåll med ett medelande i protest mot en proposition som debbaterades i det Italienska parlamentet, som förklarade hur det hotade möjligheten att sprida kunskap fritt. Wikimedia Foundation delade deras åsikt och den 6 oktober återöppnades projektet efter att föränfdringar gjorts i prepositionen.
- GLAM collaborations on the rise in Israel: A member of Wikimedia Israel reported that the country has joined the numerous Wikimedia collaborations worldwide with institutions from the cultural sector (GLAMs - galleries, libraries, archives and museums). A cooperation has started with the country's national museum, and there are plans for a Wikipedian-in-Residence at The National Library of Israel.