Hoogtepunten Wikimedia januari 2014
hoogtepunten van het Wikimedia Foundation Report en de Wikimedia engineering report voor januari 2014, met een selectie van andere belangrijke evenementen van de wikimedia beweging
Hoogtepunten van de Wikimedia Foundation
New community-centered trademark policy
After a seven-month long community consultation, the Foundation's legal team concluded work on the new trademark policy. The community discussion, which had more words than The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, resulted in a policy that is unconventional in how it provides liberal use of the Wikimedia marks, while maintaining legal protection. The final policy was approved by the Board of Trustees on February 1, effective immediately.
After one year, Individual Engagement Grants demonstrate potential for impact

One year after Individual Engagement Grants program was launched in January 2013, the Foundation's Learning & Evaluation team completed an impact assessment of the projects funded in the first round. One of the projects, The Wikipedia Library, generated $279,000 worth in donations from commercial research database providers, enabling Wikipedia editors to use high quality sources for free. At a grant cost of only $7,500, this represents a 37x return on investment. Another project, on generating publicity in China for Wikipedia, gained 10,000 followers for a new Wikipedia account on social networking site Weibo (25% of whom are women). Applications for the first round of 2014 start in March.
Multimediavisie voor 2016 en een verzoek om commentaar op MP4-video
Het Multimediateam dat recentelijk door de Wikimedia Foundation werd gevormd, presenteerde een voor 2016. Het is een scenario dat mogelijke nieuwe hulpmiddelen beschrijft voor het samenwerken aan multimedia op Commons, Wikipedia en andere projecten. Het team nodigde de gemeenschap uit feedback te geven over deze ideeën.
Separately, the multimedia team started a request for comment (RfC) on whether to support video files in the MP4 format on Wikimedia sites, in addition to the existing software support for the free formats Ogg Theora and WebM. Currently, only about 0.2% of the around 20 million files on Commons are videos, and it is assumed that MP4 support would make uploading and viewing videos much easier for many users, especially on some mobile devices that cannot play videos in the existing free formats. However, MP4 is a proprietary format covered by patents. Most users in the RfC preferred not to support MP4, maintaining the current practice of only using free formats.
Nieuwe zoekmachine
A new search infrastructure is being rolled out out to all Wikimedia wikis. It is based on the existing open-source software "Elasticsearch", instead of the "Lucene-search" software that was written especially for MediaWiki. "Lucene-search" has worked well on Wikimedia sites for around 8 years, but developed some technical problems in 2013. The new search system for MediaWiki is called "CirrusSearch". Its search results will reflect page updates much quicker than the old system. The text of templates in an article will now be found too, and some new search options were added. CirrusSearch is first becoming available as an optional Beta feature (see the timeline).
Gegevens en trends

Wereldwijde unieke bezoekers in december:
- 490 miljoen (-7,98% ten opzichte van november; +3,73% ten opzichte van vorig jaar)
- (comScore-gegevens voor alle projecten van de Wikimedia Foundation; comScore zal later in februari de gegevens voor januari bekendmaken)
Opgevraagde pagina's in januari:
- 20.678 miljard (+13,2 in vergelijking met december; -7,0% in vergelijking met vorig jaar)
- (Logboekgegevens server, alle inhoud van projecten van de Wikimedia Foundation inclusief mobiele toegang, maar zonder Wikidata en de portaalpagina van Wikipedia.)
Actieve geregistreerde bewerkers in december 2013 (>= 5 bewerkingen in de artikelnaamruimte per maand, exclusief bots):
- 75.441 (+0,99% in vergelijking met november / -2,72% ten opzichte van het voorgaande jaar)
- (Database-gegevens, alle Wikimedia Foundation projecten)
Rapportkaart (waaronder diverse statistische gegevens en tendensen over WMF-projecten):
(Financiële gegevens zijn op het moment van schrijven alleen beschikbaar voor december 2013.)
Al deze financiële gegevens gaan over de periodes van het begin van de maand tot en met de laatste dag en vanaf het begin van het jaar tot op heden.
Inkomsten | 34.750.758 |
Uitgaven: | |
Technologie (Engineering Group) | 7.818.380 |
Fondsenwerving (Fundraising Group) | 2.267.144 |
Beurzen (Grantmaking Group) | 838.068 |
Programmagroep (Programs Group) | 866.479 |
Toekenningen | 1.289.803 |
Bestuur (Governance Group) | 377.413 |
Juridisch, gemeenschap, communicatie (Legal/Community Advocacy/Communications Group) | 1.752.003 |
Financiën, personeelszaken, administratie (Finance/HR/Admin Group) | 3.566.318 |
Totale uitgaven | 18.775.608 |
Totaal overschot | (15.975.150) |
in VS dollars |
- De inkomsten in de maand december zijn $20,14 miljoen, terwijl $19,61 miljoen begroot was, dus ongeveer $535.000 of 3% hoger dan gepland.
- De inkomsten in het boekjaar liggen met $34,75 miljoen werkelijk ten opzichte van $36,32 gepland, ongeveer $1,57 miljoen of 4% lager dan gepland.
- De uitgaven in de maand december zijn $3,65 miljoen, terwijl $4,43 miljoen was begroot, dus ongeveer $778.000 of 18% minder dan gepland, voornamelijk vanwege lagere uitgaven aan personeel, kapitaalkosten, internethosting, juridische kosten, subsidies en de reiskosten deels gecompenseerd door externe contractdiensten.
- Year-to-date expenses is $18.78MM versus plan of $22.86MM, approximately $4.08MM or 18% under plan, primarily due to lower personnel expenses, capital expenses, internet hosting, legal fees, payment processing fees, staff development expenses, and travel expenses partially offset by higher outside contract services and recruiting fees.
- De liquide middelen zijn $55,34 miljoen d.d. 31 december 2013.
Andere hoogtepunten uit de Wikimediabeweging
Project om stemmen Wikipedia-onderwerp op te nemen krijgt steun van Stephen Fry en de BBC
The Wikipedia voice intro project (WikiVIP) invites people who are the subject of a Wikipedia article to record a short sample of their voice, which is then uploaded to Commons. The recording allows a Wikipedia reader to hear who the person sounds like, and how the person's name is pronounced. Founded by UK Wikipedian Andy Mabbett (User:Pigsonthewing), the project gained the support of celebrity Stephen Fry in January. Andy Mabbett is also collaborating with the BBC to provide extracts from its audio archives for WikiVIP. Volunteers identified over 300 such clips at an event in January, which the BBC will upload to Commons - the first time that the organization releases content from its broadcast archive under a free license.

Oekraïense Wikimedia-vereniging en Wikipediagemeenschap protesteren tegen wetten die door de Oekraïense regering voorgesteld zijn
In January, Wikimedia Ukraine protested against several laws proposed by the country's government (under the since ousted president Viktor Yanukovych). The chapter was concerned that the bill would make it obligatory for hosting providers and/or domain name registrators to block access to websites without a court order under certain conditions, such as claims of copyright infringement. After the law was passed, the Ukrainian Wikipedia decided to protest by blacking out the site for 30 minutes each day. Also in late January, the Georgian Wikipedia temporarily changed its logo to a version involving the colors of the Ukrainian flag, in support of the Ukrainian Euromaidan protests. (Later in February, Wikimedians worldwide would mourn the death of 22-year old Ukrainian Wikipedian Ihor Kostenko - User:Ig2000 -, who was shot by a sniper at a demonstration during the last days of the protests before the fall of the Yanukovych government.)