Wikimedia Heilichts, Dizember 2013
Heilichts fae the Wikimedia Foundation Report n the Wikimedia engineerin report fer Dizember 2013, wi ae selection o ither important events fae the Wikimedia muivmant
Wikimedia Foundation heilichts
New brochure explains hou tae eedit Wikipædia
The Education Program team compleatit wairk oan aen entirelie new version o the Welcome to Wikipedia brochure (now titled "Editing Wikipedia"(Eeditin Wikipædia)). It is available fer owerset intil ither leids ava.
"Drafts" featur gies ae gentler stairt fer Wikipædia airticles
In Dizember, the new Draft namespace wis launched oan the Ingils Wikipædia, aes requested bi the local communitie. It gies aw uisers (registered or anonimis) the optie tae stairt new airticles aes ae draft, in steid o publeeshin thaim immeedeeatelie (This can cairrie the risk that the new airticle is nominated fer delytion afore it can be impruived). Drafts ar maurkit bi ae "Draft:" in the page title, n arna veesible til the rake engines.
Receepeeants o Annual Plan Grants (FDC) n Individual Engagements Grants (IEG) annoonced
In Dizember, 11 Wikimedia organisations were awarded annual plan grants totalin $4.4M, follaein the recommendations o the volunteer-run Funds Dissemination Committee (FDC) in the first roond o requests fer 2013/2014. The appruived amoont wis lower than the oweraw requested amoont o US$5.94M, affirmin the FDC's guidance til the organisations tae be thoochtfu aneat grawth.
Foreby in Dizember, the selection o seven waurks fer the seicont roond o Individual Engagements grants (IEG) was |annoonced. Thay focus oan acteevities fae ootreach til tuil-biggin, aw aimed at connectin n supportin the communitie.
Successfu year-end oanline fundraisin campaign
The WMF fundraisin team ran the year-end oanline fundraisin campaign in the US, UK, Canada, Australia, n New Zealand. Rouchlie $18.7 million USD wis raised fae mair than ae million donors in Dizember. Durin the twa weeks whan the campaign ran at ful capaceetie, the team cræftit n testit approximatelie 250 differant banners. Banners will be rin in ither kintras n leids throochoot 2014.
Data n Trends
Global unique veesiters fer November:
- 533 million (+9.95% compared wi October; +0.42% compared wi the afore-gaun year)
- (comScore data fer aw Wikimedia Foundation waurks; comScore will release Dizember data later in Januair)
Page requests fer Dizember:
- 18.270 billion (-4.0% compared wi November; -9.4% compared wi the afore-gaun year)
- (Server log data, aw Wikimedia Foundation waurks incluidin mobile access)
Acteeve Registered Eediters fer November 2013 (>= 5 mainspace edits/month, na incluidin bots):
- 74,803 (-1.33% compared wi October / -4.88% compared wi the afore-gaun year)
- (Database data, aw Wikimedia Foundation waurks.)
Report Card (integratin vareeis stateestical data n trends aneat WMF waurks):
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(Financial information is yinlie available throoch November 2013 at the time o this report.)
Aw financial information presented is fer the Month-Til-Date n Year-Til-Date 30 November, 2013.
Revenue | 14,609,876 |
Expenses: | |
Engineerin Groop | 6,589,458 |
Fundraisin Groop | 1,439,053 |
Grauntmakin Groop | 720,055 |
Programs Groop | 723,516 |
Graunts | 950,624 |
Goernance Groop | 302,012 |
Legal/Communitie Advocacy/Communications Groop | 1,367,697 |
Finance/HR/Admeen Groop | 3,029,513 |
Total Expenses | 15,121,928 |
Total defeeceet | (512,052) |
in US dollars |
- Revenue fer the month o November is $2.96MM versus plan o $8.83MM, approximatelie $5.87MM or 66% unner plan.
- Year-til-date revenue is $14.61MM versus plan o $16.71MM, approximatelie $2.1MM or 13% unner plan.
- Expenses fer the month o November is $2.89MM versus plan o $3.73MM, approximatelie $844K or 23% unner plan, primarilie cause o lower personnel expenses, capeetal expenses, internet hostin, peymant processin fees, n travel expenses pairtiallie affset bi heier ootside contract serveeces n recruitin expenses.
- Year-til-date expenses is $15.12MM versus plan o $18.43MM, approximatelie $3.31MM or 18% unner plan, primarilie cause o lower personnel expenses, capeetal expenses, internet hostin, legal fees, peymant processin fees, staff deveelipmant expenses, n traivel expenses pairtiallie affset bi heier ootside contract serveeces n recruitin fees.
- Cash poseetion is $38.8MM aes o November 30, 2013.
Ither heilichts fae the Wikimedia muivmant
Wiki Loves Monuments 2013 winners annoonced
The 2013 edeetion o Wiki Loves Monuments, the contest tae uplaid freelie licensed photæs o national monuments til Wikimedia Commons, concluidit wi the annooncemant o the global winners in Dizember. This time, thaur were 51 national or regional competeetions in 52 kintras. Wi mai than 365,000 haun-ins, the record o 2012 wis broken. The global winnin photæ, bi Commons uiser Kabelleger (David Gubler), shaws ae brig in the Swiss moontains bein crossit bi ae train.
New tuil fer GLAM mass uplaids til Wikimedia Commons
The GLAMwiki Tuilset wis acteevatit oan Wikimedia Commons oan Dizember 17. It permits GLAM organisations (galleries, libries, airchives n museums) tae uplaid monie eemages (or ither media files) at yince, while autæmateecallie importin metadata in XML form. The wairk oan this new MediaWiki extension wis funded bi Europeana n the Dutch, British, French n Swiss Wikimedia chaipters.