Wikimedia France/Programs 2013/en
This page describes the projects of Wikimedia France from July 2012 to December 2013. It also list for each projects the resources (financial, staff and volunteers) needed.
You can also see the timeline on this Google doc
Territorial development
[edit]Project description
[edit]To facilitate and sustain the Wikimédia France's volunteers' involvement, to develop the chapter actions on throughout France and create new partnerships, Wikimédia France wants to experiment deployment of 5 local relays in big cities, coordinated by a manager for territorial development. These local relays will be under volontariat de service civique contracts for 9 months with a beginning in August 2013.
- Volontariat de service civique is a fixed term contract of volunteer, please see [1]
This project should be seen as an experiment in order to determine if such project can be sustained on the long term.
Goals and deliverables
[edit]- Increase the amount of volunteers (+10 new volunteers per city with a local liaison)
- Increase the amount of active volunteers (+5 per city with a local liaison)
- Setting-up of 2 local actions by each liaison (contributors/chapter volunteers meet-ups, Contribution workshops, etc.)
- Local media coverage
- co-financing of at least one action by the liaison (or local “cabal”)
- Listing of the possible partnership in the region
The goals and deliverables can be slightly modified depending on the existence of a local group of volunteer in the city chosen.
Provisional schedule
[edit]- May: Hiring of the Territorial development manager
- from May to July:
- Put together the dossier for the volontariat approval
- List the expectations of each group of local volunteers
- Start the recruitment process for the liaisons
- August: Hiring of the 5 liaisons
- from September to October:
- Training of the liaisons
- Meeting with local volunteers
- Listing of potential partnerships
- Setting-up of tools for coordination of the liaisons
[edit]- November 2013 to March 2014 : Organization of a meet-up between local contributors and chapters volunteers, setting up of an external action, draft of grant proposals, listing of potential partnerships, liaison training, assessments and decision on hiring the civic volunteers with a permanent work contract.
- April 2014 : Experiment assessment, decision on hiring the civic volunteers with a permanent work contract, and if the assessment is positive hiring of 2 new liaisons (in 2 other cities).
[edit]This project should help the volunteers of Wikimedia France and the contributors of the Wikimedia projects.
[edit]- Spendings on 18 months: € 17,250
[edit]- Groups of local volunteers
- Support to local actions
- Welcoming new volunteers / contributors
- Editor engagement
- Knowledge of the local community's social fabric
[edit]- Territorial development manager (a permanent staff member as of May 2013): coordination and support for local liaison
- local liaisons (5 civic volunteers for 9 month starting in August 2013): support/increase the local actions.
The Territorial development manager will manage the 5 civic volunteers and will be managed by the Executive Director. The actions of the liaisons related to the programs will be supervised by the Programs director and by other staff members if needed.
[edit]Project description
[edit]In line with the actions developed in the 2011-2012 school year and following the balance sheet and actions carried out in July 2012, Wikimedia France continues the projects for the secondary and higher education with an emphasis on the provision of resources to education professionals, the establishment of training for teachers, support and deployment of educational projects. The main actions are:
- Rencontres Wikimédia 2012 Éducation [2]. A 2 days meetings with education stakeholders around the online collaborative practices promoting free access to knowledge.
- Wikicontest in high schools (Toulouse)
- Training for teachers in their academic formation
- "Education kit" with a dedicated website
- A test year for educating seniors
- Training for PhD students and professors
Goals and deliverables
[edit]- >300 participants for the Rencontres
- support to 5 pedagogical projects
- training of 350 educational professionals (empowerment) and PhD
- for educational professionals : 5% involved in a project with their students in the months following the training
- for Phd students : 10% of new regular contributors 6 months after training ; > 1 article created by each student ; 80% of contents not reverted
- massive diffusion of the pedagogical kit (downloads > 200 ; > 2000 visitors / month on the website)
- communication : > 10 blogposts and press
- 1 training program in a Third Age University
- official support for Vikidia (an online encyclopedia wiki for children) : financial support and active support by the educational project manager
- more visibility on the wiki projects : educational WikiProjects on Wikipédia, Wikiversity, inventory of the contributors who are teachers.
[edit]- educational professionals
- seniors
- pupils, students and PhD
Provisionnal Schedule
[edit]- July to December : starting Wikicontest, Rencontre Wikimédia Éducation, project with the primary school of Damville, WMFr exhibition stand in the Salon international de l'Éducation de Paris (Professional education fair), training for PhD students in Lille
[edit]- January to June : URFIST (Regional unit for training scientific and technical information), training for UMPC (university), support to the project of the University of Paris X-Nanterre on Wikiversity, "Week of the press" in schools (end of the Damville project and the Wikicontest), prospecting for training with seniors.
- June to December : overview of the projects, discussions to continue, Salon de l'éducation 2013, starting projects with seniors, dedicated website to the "Education kit"
[edit]- Spendings on 18 months : 27,750€
[edit]- Working group "education"
- support training, welcome the new contributors in the Wikimedia projects
- help to prepare the pedagogical kit
- stands and communication
- dissemination and relay on Wikimedia projects
[edit]- educational project manager : coordination of the working group, organization of trainings
- communication project manager : support and valuation of the educational projects in internal / external communication
[edit]Project description
[edit]In the sustainability of our actions with the research community, Wikimedia France develops and continues its activities, notably on :
- Wikimedia France Research Award
- Launching of a contest to improve Wikipedia articles related to the theme of ecology with the researchers network of Societé Française d'Écologie
- participation in an exhibition focused on botany and science participative
Goals and deliverables
[edit]- increase the number of contributors (>100 user account created, 5% of regular contributors after the contest (3-4 months),> 1 article by participant created, 80% of the content added by members unrevoked; > 5 articles labeled
- >1 training with researchers network of SFE
- Research Award : >100 votes from selected articles by the jury ; dedicated website traffic (>5000 unique visitors by month from the annoucement of the winner, >1 blog post (Wikimédia France and Wikimédia Foundation blogs)
[edit]- Wikimedians
- Academics
Provisional schedule
[edit]- July to December : launching of Wikimédia France Research Award
[edit]- December 2012 to July 2013 : announcement of the Wikimédia France Research Award winner (March), launching on SFE project (first 2013 semester), Science exhibition (spring)
- July 2013 to December 2013 : end of the contest SFE + renewal
[edit]Spendings on 18 months : 6 000€
[edit]- working group "research"
- project support, communication
- welcoming new contributors
- training support
[edit]- research project manager : coordination of the working group, organization of trainings, project monitoring
- communication project manager : communication support of research projects (internal and external)
[edit]Project description
[edit]Involved since several years in projects and partnerships with cultural institutions, Wikimédia France wants to continue these projects and make the GLAM more and more autonomous and qualified in their projects to liberate content. We also encourage the contribution of the GLAM staffs in the Wikimedia projects to ensure the quality of them.
[edit]- Increase the number of GLAM institutions involved in contribution or liberation of content, on Wikipédia, Wikimedia Commons and the other Wikimedia projects.
- Get with success operations of "mass upload" and write documentation of process
- Train the GLAM staff to prepare content uploads
- Organize the documentation for institutions and systems to evaluate their actions and the impact of putting their content on Wikimedia projects
[edit]- Winter 2012-2013 : workshops open to all GLAM institutions in Paris ; 3d workshop with the Musée de Cluny
- Winter 2012-2013 : upload contents from Library of Toulouse and Archives of Toulouse (fonds Trutat) ; upload contents from the Musées de la Haute-Saône
- Spring 2013 : start the "GLAM toolbox" ; workshops for GLAM institutions in 2 cities (except Paris) ; 4th workshop with the Musée de Cluny
- Summer 2013 : documentation in french for the GLAM Toolbox, official announce
- Autumn 2013 : 2 mass upload from GLAM institutions ; workshops for GLAM staff in 2 cities + 1 in Paris
- These projects are not exhaustive, but are part of projects to be undertaken as a priority in the coming months. All interesting and feasible project can enrich this topic
[edit]- Wikimedia projects : more free and cultural content
- GLAM institutions : our goal is to give autonomy to be independant and active to liberate content
- Contributors : training is to facilitate the relationships between active contributors and GLAM staff and reduce the work of contributors during the upload projects and contributions projects.
[edit]- Financial
- for 18 months : 8,000€
- Volunteers
- Working group "GLAM" (with discussion list)
- Train / "Evangelism" for GLAM institutions
- Help to prepare uploads
- Work on documentation
- Staff
- Programs director : coordination of projects, support active volunteers, negociate with institutions, watch over the opportunities and proposals
- Engineering staff : training for institutions, develop tech tools in coordination with volunteers involved in GLAM projects
Engagement salarié
Francophonie and local languages
[edit]Project description
[edit]In 2012, Wikimédia France started an important work about Francophonie and local languages. This strategic focus is mainly based on three projects:
- Develop a francophone group into the Wikimedia movement with the existing chapters (CH, Canada) and the French-speaking community (Belgium, Tunisia, Maroc, etc.) to develop and coordinate some common projects, to support the communities and to develop the strategic goals of the Wikimedia Movement into the French-speaking projects.
- Afripedia project : diffusion of Wikipedia offline in universities and schools in Francophone Africa, in partnership with the Institut français, the Agence Universitaire de la Francophonie and Kiwix
- Working group "Languages" for a watch on the issue of multilingualism and local languages in the Wikimedia projects, with the aim to support the creation of linguistic communities able to launch Wikipedia in the languages of France and to support communities and existing projects
[edit]- Help to create (or support the creation) of 2 new Francophone chapters
- Organize a francophone meeting into the Wikimedia movement
- Create at least one project together in the francophone group
- Do at least 3 missions to deploy Afripédia with user training
- Help to create at least 2 new wikimedia projects in local languages
- Organize a meeting or a project for the contributors in regional languages in France
[edit]- People with poor or no access to internet : most of the universities in Francophone Africa, schools
- Wikimedia projects with :
- better coordination between french-speaking communities to enrich and promote the projects and to build the Wikimedia movement by supporting communities, chapters etc
- highest diversity of contributors : more new editors from Africa and overseas territories
- more diversity of languages
[edit]- november 2012 : 1st deployment Afripédia in Abidjan (Côte d'Ivoire) ; participation in the International Symposium on Multilingualism in Cyberspace (Paris)
- winter 2012-2013 : identification of local language community ready to create a Wikipedia
- february 2013 : first overview for Afripedia project, prepare recruitment of the project manager "Francophonie and languages"
- spring 2013 : recruitment of the project manager "Francophonie and languages", 2d deployment of Afripédia, preparation of the francophone meeting
- summer 2013 : meeting Regional languages in mainland France ; Francophone meeting
- autumn 2013 : 3d deployment of Afripédia ; creation of 2 new linguistic versions of Wikipedia, with training and support to the communities
[edit]- Financial
- for 18 months : 73,000€
- Volunteers
- working group "Languages"
- discussion list Francophones
- support local communities
- help new contributors, in new projects or in French-speaking projects
- Staff
- Programs director : manage the project before recruitment of the project manager ; coordination and sustainability and expanding of the projects ; relationships with partners
- Project manager "Francophonie and languages" : project coordination and support volunteers involved, training and facilitation of new communities of contributors; Involvement in coordination of francophone movement
[edit]Project description
[edit]Wikimédia France is involved since 2011 in a partnership with the Ministry of Culture and INRIA (National Institute for Research in Computer Science and Control) to build a semantic extractor for Wikipedia (this project is the francophone chapter of DBpedia). The objective is to build a working platform for semantic extraction of the Wikimedia contents (Wikipedia, Wiktionary, etc) to help reusing in external websites and projects : In 2012-2013, we continue to be involved in this project, this will be operational at the end of 2013, with the aim to sustain and develop it.
[edit]- stable version of the semantic extraction of Wikipedia (;
- Stabilization of the technical infrastructure
- start the semantic extraction of Wiktionary
- animation of a community of institutional and industrial reusers, and the community of wikimedians involved in semantic issues
[edit]- number of institutionnal reusers : > 5
- server load
- organize a conference before the end of 2013 about semantic extraction of wikimedia contents
[edit]- Financial
- for 18 months : € 7,000 + a grant from the DGLFLF (General Delegation for the French language and the languages of France, Ministry of Culture) : € 25,000
- Volunteers
- working group : semantic (with a discussion-list)
- Staff
- Programs director : coordination of the project with the partners and community ; valuation ; sustainability and development of the project
- Engineering staff : follow the technical issues, coordination with the volunteers
[edit]Project description
[edit]This project is a two-days convention.
[edit]- Creating bounding links between Wikimédia France and
- other French-speaking chapters such as Wikimedia CH and Wikimedia Canada
- fr-wikipedia, fr-wikisource, fr-wikinews and French speaking Wikimedia Commons editors
- French speaking scholars working on Wikimedia
- Institutions of France, such as GLAM
- Sharing best practices
- Volunteers formation in diverse areas (contribution workshops ; photo rally)
[edit]Project description
[edit]- Management of educational and communication materials
- general booklets and tutorials for trainings
- educational materials (flyers, posters, etc.)
- communication materials (goodies, stand equipment)
- wikimediashop
- Coordinating of internal and external communication of the association: internally coordinate the newsletter and the various reports of the working groups of volunteers, coordinating communication with the Wikimedia community and the reports for the Wikimedia Foundation.
Goals and deliverables
[edit]- Once a month, publish : an internal newsletter and a summary of our activities (Wikimedia France blog and Meta)
- For each flagship actions, propose a post on the Wikimedia Foundation blog
- Reporting for the Wikimedia Foundation
- Publishing tutorial materials on Wikimedia Commons, Wikisource, Wiktionary
- Publishing a booklet partnerships
[edit]- Spendings on 18 months : 37 500€
[edit]- support for drafting the educational materials, various reports and blog posts.
[edit]- communication project manager
[edit]Project description
[edit]Wikimédia France, with Wikimedia UK and Wikimedia NL, is paying for an important uploading tool for cultural institutions developped by the European numeric library Europeana.
Goals and deliverables
[edit]- Beta phase done
- Currently in phase 2 of the developement
- Project management by the "steering group"
[edit]- 18 months base : 60 900 € (30 000€ in late 2012, 30 000€ in 2013, 900€ of coordination costs)
- 12 months base : 60 900 €
[edit]- Steering group (User:Jean-Frédéric)
- Supporting beta-testing museums
[edit]- Program director : project management and coordination ; enhancement ; integration in GLAM projects
- Engineering staff : following beta-testing institutions ; documentation
[edit]Project description
[edit]Managing and maintaining technical projects of the chapter :
- maintaining and uploading main and secondary websites
- Technical help to the projects
- partners and volunteers formation
Goals and deliverables
[edit]- CiviCRM in final version
- Functional GLAM Toolbox
- Sharing expertise learned throw Afripédia
- New version of the website (18 months plan)
- Formation of GLAM employees
Provisional schedule
[edit]- November 2012 : CRM done
- Winter 2012-2013 : Sharing Afripédia expertise ; specification of the new version of the website ; specification of the GLAM toolbox
- Spring 2013 : GLAM toolbox development and documentation in French
- Summer 2013 : New version of the website
- Fall 2013 : GLAM technical formation
[edit]- 18 months base : 18 000€
- 12 months base : 12 000€
[edit]- technical list
- websites specification
- GLAM formation
[edit]- Technological employee : volunteer empowerment of the tech@ list, doing particular projects and helping others.