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Wikimedia France/Programs 2012

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Wikimedia France 2012 : presentation


Wikimédia France, founded October 2004, is a non-profit association run upon the French law of July 1901.

The association has over 230 members and 4 full-time employees (programs manager, executive in charge of education/research, community manager/tech and executif in charge of the fundraising).

An external accounting company is in charge of the processing of our accounts. An experienced freelance secretary handles secretary work (expenses and fundraising). As required by law, we have an external auditor (commissaire aux comptes) to certify, not only accounts and Financial Statements but also our operations. The auditor is appointed by our General Assembly, and to ensure his independence, he is hired for a minimum of 6 years.

Last year, we processed 13,000 donations eligible for 66% tax deduction. Our 2009 and 2010 accounts and operations have both been certified by our external auditor.

The 2012 programs of Wikimedia France will focus on five major topics:

Each project developed is attached to one of the strategic priorities Wikimedia strategic plan.

Our 2012 budget is based on the hypothesis that at least 800,000€ ($ 1,150,00) will be raised during the 2011 fundraiser in France. We have included in our budget a significant direct support to WMF (€ 200,000 - $ 290,000) and we’ll increase this amount with a significant part of the collected money above the 800,000€ planned either as direct transfer to WMF or as grants for other chapters. The chart below shows most of our projects arranged according to the strategic priorities of Wikimedia.

Below the chart projects are classified according to the five priorities we have defined. We also develop some important points about those projects : quick explanation of the most important projects, goals, process, deliverable, KPIs


Figures are in Euros

Employees budget
Budget external service
Total expenses
External revenues
Make technology investments to guarantee the permanence of projects and support ongoing growth
Funding WMF servers (Support Wikimedia movement) 0 0 200,000 200,000 0 200,000
Support for technical development for the community Support for tools like tools for mass upload on Commons, data tools, statistics, ... (Support Wikimedia movement) 1,620 0 30,000 31,620 0 31,620
DumpHTML extension (Outreach) 1,485 4,000 0 5,485 0 5,485
Expand public awareness and support for the Wikimedia movement / Build internal capacity to better support the movement and achieve its strategic goals.
Chapter operation costs
(Premises, Accountant, Commissaires aux Comptes and lawyers fees, WMFr servers, development of external resources, etc.) (Chapter operations costs)
32,130 17,500 45,000 94,630 0 94,630
Build internal capacity to better support the movement and achieve its strategic goals.
Fundraising management and development of external ressources (Fundraising) 48,600 14,000 25,700 88,300 24,600 63,700
TOTAL STABILIZE INFRASTRUCTURE 88,835 35,500 300,700 420,035 24,600 394,435
Encourage the health and growth of Wikimedia communities and the projects they sustain
Awareness and training of secondary school teachers to contribute to Wikipedia with their students (Education) 6,804 0 13,000 19,804 7,000 12,804
Training in higher education (PhD) (Education) 15,390 0 2,000 17,390 11,000 6,390
Various projects in education and prospecting opportunities (Education) 7,560 0 1,000 8,560 0 8,560
GLAM workshops (GLAM) 2,322 0 3,700 6,022 0 6,022
GLAM various projects to provide content and qualified contributors : partnerships with GLAMs, worshops in GLAMs, ie. Musée de Cluny, Archives of Toulouse, Archives of the Cantal, Museum of fine arts of Lyon, Museum of modern art of Lyon, ...) (GLAM) 16,956 0 2,450 19,406 0 19,406
Training for contribution by senior population (Outreach) 2,079 0 300 2,379 0 2,379
Development of contributors communities on Wikipedias in regional languages (Outreach) 2,808 0 5,200 8,008 4,000 4,008
Workshops with professionnals and semi-professionnals photographers (Outreach) 1,863 0 4,200 6,063 0 6,063
Workshops with professionnals of aeronautic and aerospatial industry (Outreach) 3,402 0 1,500 4,902 0 4,902
Production and distribution of brochures and other products to discover Wikipedia and the other projects (eg Bookshelf) (Outreach) 1,296 0 7,000 8,296 0 8,296
Create products and services that support affiliation and excellence among Wikimedians.
Support to the community wiki-contest (Outreach) 270 0 2,000 2,270 0 2,270
Support offline and social events to increase community cohesion and commitment to the projects.
Development of wikimedian local groups in France (Outreach) 3,780 0 5,000 8,780 0 8,780
Expand Wikimedia’s global footprint through catalytic investments and chapter support.
Support Wikimania 2012 (cash or scholarships) (Support Wikimedia movement) 405 0 20,000 20,405 0 20,405
Support projects of young/small chapters (Support Wikimedia movement) 1,755 0 10,000 11,755 0 11,755
Microfinancing Commission : grants for small French-speaking Wikimedians' projects (Support Wikimedia movement) 5,940 0 20,000 25,940 0 25,940
2012 Chapters meeting organization (in France) (Support Wikimedia movement) 3,510 0 50,000 53,510 0 53,510
TOTAL INCREASE PARTICIPATION 76,140 0 147,350 223,490 22,000 201,490
Provide support to the Wikimedia movement in the development of institutional partnerships and alliances.
GLAM Toolbox (GLAM) 8,370 0 30,000 38,370 0 38,370
Education meeeting (Education) 5,400 0 40,000 45,400 20,000 25,400
Funding for research work in science education about Wikipedia (Education) 3,375 0 4,000 7,375 0 7,375
Summer school "Education and Wikipedia" (Education) 4,455 0 8,000 12,455 0 12,455
TOTAL IMPROVE QUALITY 21,600 0 82,000 103,600 20,000 83,600
Invest in offline products to broaden the movement’s reach to populations who will remain disconnected from the Internet.
Development and deployment of "plugs" for offline versions of Wikipedia in Francophone African Universities + video tutorials (Francophonie) 38,340 17,624 27,576 83,540 25,000 58,540
TOTAL INCREASE REACH 38,340 17,624 27,576 83,540 25,000 58,540
Increase access to information that drives community, decision-making and action.
Scientific commitee who will award a "Wikimedia France award for research" (international research about Wikimedia's projects) (Outreach) 3861 0 5,300 9,161 0 9,161
Accessibility audit for blind and visibility impaired people + schedule of actions (Outreach) 2430 15,000 0 17,430 0 17,430
Increase access to information that drives community, decision-making and action / Support the infrastructure of networked innovation and research / Promote the adoption of great ideas.
Supporting the development of DBpedia.fr and extensions with INRIA (National Institute for Research in Computer Science and Control) and the French Ministry of Culture (Outreach) 4,320 0 20,000 24,320 0 24,320
TOTAL ENCOURAGE INNOVATION 10,611 15,000 25,300 50,911 0 50,911
230,526 68,124 582,926 881,576 91,600 789,976

Detail of projects

Strategic focus Investment (€) time employee (in FTE / year) External grants total (include employee costs) part of the budget
Education 68,000 0.77 38,000 72,984 9,24%
Francophonie 27,576 0.77 25,000 58,540 7,41%
Outreach 50,500 0,64 4,000 93,094 11,78%
GLAM 36,150 0,56 0 63,798 8,08%
Support Wikimedia movement 330,000 0.25 0 343,230 43,45%
Chapter functionning 45,000 0,65 0 94,630 11,98%
Fundraising and prospect to new donors and subventions 25,700 1 24,600 63,700 8,06%
TOTAL 582,926 4,64 91,600 789,976 100%

General provision (security) = 60000€

1 - Education and research


Global budget : 72,984€ (9,24% of the total)

Investment : 68,000€

Staff :

  • Program development : 0.17 FTE
  • Monitoring projects : 0.29 FTE
  • Animation of workshops : 0.16 FTE
  • Communication : 0.13 FTE
  • Technique : 0.02 FTE

Total : 0.77 FTE

Volunteers time expected : 0.29 FTE

Key Projects :

  • Program to “educate the educators” : train teachers and librarians in secondary schools on how to use and contribute in Wikipedia and other projects with their students.
  • Train students and researcher to contribute to Wikipedia (project focuses on PhD students)
  • Organize an “Education Meeting” with the same goal than for the “GLAM meeting” in 2010 (Rencontres Wikimédia) : bring together wikimedians and professionnals from the education and research worlds, to discover the actions done, think about the opportunities and develop new collaborations.

Long-term projects :

  • Exploration and analysis about opportunities in the education / research community
  • Funding for research work in science of education “Digital education and Wikimedia projects”

Goals :

Initiate a substantial collaboration with the education community (secondary education and university). The objective is to push forward a better understanding of the use of Wikipedia and recruit new contributors to the projects.
The education community doesn’t know Wikipedia well, but is much less hostile toward its concept than ever before. The time is right to make our two worlds meet.

Organizing face-to-face and distance workshops is our main mode of operation, we aim at developing with this mode of operation in order to measure and improve our effectiveness with it.

Reporting :

  • Quaterly reports on user account creation and the growth of edits made by this community and how they edited
  • X Workshops to best measure and boost participation
  • 1 conference to publicize the results of our actions and push forward our agenda

2 - Francophonie


Global Budget : 58,540€ (7,41% of the total)

Investment : 27,576€

Staff :

  • Program development : 0.08 FTE
  • Monitoring projects : 0.59 FTE
  • Communication : 0.05 FTE
  • Technique : 0.05 FTE

Total : 0.77 FTE

Volunteers time expected : 0.11 FTE

Key projects :

  • Installation of offline versions of Wikipedia and Wiktionary in the West Africa universities (French speaking Africa). This program will be made in partnership with the Agence Universitaire de la Francophonie (Francophonie academic agency) which is affiliated to the Organisation Internationale de la Francophonie (Francophonie international organization)... Offline versions will be set on "plugs computers" and locally broadcoasted by wifi providing for easy update and opening the option for pageview analytics.

The project will be first tested in Bamako, Mali, in early 2012. Once the project feasability is assured, we plan to recruit one person. This person should implement the project in approx. 15 targeted universities and develop other small projects to foster contribution to Wikipedia.

Goals :

The goals are to :

  • Better understanding of the use of Wikipedia in Francophone Africa
  • Provide regularly updated offline versions of Wikipedia and Wiktionary (that’s the reason why we prefer the "Plug computer " rather than USB)
  • Analyze the behavior of readers and draw conclusions on why they do not contribute
  • Develop solutions to transform the students into active editors


  • We plan to implement metrics to collect information about what article are most useful to readers This will allow us to analyze what they read (anonymously) and their use of Wikipedia.
  • In the second part of the project (define programs to make them become contributors), we will work the same way as for the "Education" : measure integration into the community of contributors and contributions to articles.

3 - Outreach


Global Budget : 93,094€ (11.78% of total)

Investment : 50,500€

Staff :

  • Program development : 0.15 FTE
  • Monitoring projects : 0.22 FTE
  • Communication : 0.11 FTE
  • Technique : 0.03 FTE

Total : 0.64 FTE

Volunteers time expected : 0.35 FTE

Key Projects :

  • Audit and development for Wikimedia projects in regional languages and their communities
  • Participation in the development of dbpedia.fr with INRIA (National Institute for Research in Computer Science and Control): create a database semantics and application to develop a better understanding of the content of Wikipedia and to improve the content.
  • Conduct a general audit of accessibility of Wikipedia (read and contribution) for the blind or the visually impaired people. Produce a roadmap to improve the interface. Produce this audit and roadmap so that anyone can make this work in charge.
  • Organize a scientific committee. His work will be awarded a "Wikimedia France award of research". This award will reward an international research project about the Wikimedia projects.

Long-term projects :

  • Outreach and writing workshops on Wikipedia for seniors
  • Outreach and writing workshops on Wikipedia in companies (particularly in the aerospace and aeronautic industry)
  • Support and develop local groups of wikimedians.

Goals :

  • We want to participate in the effort to find new contributors and contributors to provide quality content. We want to develop the contribution by reducing the gap of the "geek man of 25".
  • All our programs are oriented toward people who are not yet very active on Wikipedia (senior, visually impaired people, corporations, etc).
  • We also give special attention to already active Wikimedians. Our goal is to support the IRL contacts and actions beyond Wikipedia, that reinforce community cohesion.
  • We also want to better understand the content of WP and have tools for reuse in partnership with research institutions and culture that are starting to use Wikipedia as a essential semantic database .

Reporting :

As with all projects that are directed to new contributors, our reporting will include data about the number of new contributors, their profile, their contributions.

4 - GLAM


Global Budget : 63 798€ ( 8.08% of total)

Investment : 36150€

Staff :

  • Program development : 0.12 FTE
  • Monitoring projects : 0.08 FTE
  • Animation of workshops : 0.13 FTE
  • Communication : 0.06 FTE
  • Technique : 0.17 FTE

Total : 0.56 FTE

Volunteers time expected : 0.2 FTE

Key Projects :

  • Setting up a workshop every two weeks at the Centre Pompidou (the largest museum of modern Art in France) with 1) Wikimedians 2) museum curators 3) public to learn to contribute to Wikipedia by working on the articles of contemporary art. The articles are then integrated into a phone application for enrichment of visits (click on Artwork to go to the Wikipedia article).
  • Implementation of a "toolbox" for GLAM: on a mini-site or on wikimedia.fr, provide a clear set of tools to import and export content to/by GLAM. Also give the necessary documentation in French. Allow GLAM to be independent to import / export content of Wikimedia projects. Establish a specific system of question / answer for GLAM.

Long-term projects :

  • Continue several projects about upload of content by national and local museums on Wikimedia projects. Several projects are now in progress, we need to continue our good relations with GLAM in doing several little projects, each is tailored to the institution and goes both in our goals of recruiting contributors and release content.
  • Develop the direct contribution of GLAM professionals in the Wikimedia projects: acquire the autonomy

Objectives :

We now have experience in our relationships with the GLAM. Since the GLAM Meeting (December 2010 in Paris), relationships with GLAM are numerous and good. We wish to develop relations by continuing content partnerships, but also by developing the contribution of GLAM professionals. We want them to be autonomous in their relationship with the Wikimedia projects. We want to provide help when it must be specific, or for training, and make GLAM professionals like independent Wikimedians. We work to ensure that make the content available to the public under an open license / public domain becomes a standard, a reflex.

Reporting :

As for the other projects, we will work to have some data about contributions. We will give some data about the “toolbox” when it’ll be available.

5 - Support Wikimedia movement


Global Budget : 343 230€ (43.45% of total)

Investment : 330 000€

Staff :

  • Program development : 0.04 FTE
  • Monitoring projects : 0.13 FTE
  • Animation of workshops : 0.05 FTE
  • Communication : 0.02 FTE
  • Technique : 0.01 FTE

Total : 0.25 FTE

Volunteers time expected : 0.13 FTE

Key Projects :

  • Direct support to WMF : pay for servers
  • Support for projects of chapters: award grants for chapters that organize projects related to France or the French language (e.g. organizing a translation contest, a contest of articles on French or francophone topics)
  • Organize the chapters meeting in 2012: important moment in the life of the chapters and therefore for the Wikimedia movement

Long-term projects :

  • Grant committee : provide an opportunity for each volunteer, member or non-member of the chapter, to be able to set up a project in support of Wikimedia projects. The committee is composed by members and board members. The goal is to motivate and empower volunteers and to provide their imagination. Inspiration "Be bold!"
  • Support technical developments for community (toolserver, tools for mass upload on Commons, data tools, ...)
  • Scholarships for Wikimania

Goals :

The goal is to support the Wikimedia movement and to give everyone the means to solidify their actions. Wikimedia Foundation, chapters and volunteers.

Reporting :

We produce in our reports the results of projects implemented with these funds.

6 - Chapter operations costs


Global budget : 94,630€ (11.98% of total)

  • Office in Paris
  • Currents events of chapter (general assembly, etc.)
  • Board administration and meetings (4 WE seminars per year)
  • Accounting (ie. bank reconciliation, certification of accounts and procedures, ...)

7 - Fundraising


Global budget : 63,700€ (8.06% of total)

  • One person to monitor the fundraising (September 2011 - February 2012): donor relations, relations with the WMF, reporting etc.
  • Donation management (ie. tax exemption receipt, bank charges, ...)
  • One position to develop the retention of donors and prospect for new donors or government grants (March 2012 - August 2012)